So i've come to notice a trend at work, and not a very good one. I can sit at any particular game, the entire time, and nothing good or noteworthy (ie injury) will happen, but the second i have to leave to tend to an injury at a practice field elsewhere, there is something serious going on at the game. It's really just good like that. It always happens! Never fails. Does anyone really know why this is?! Cuz it's getting very very VERY annoying. Not that i blame the injured student, or anyone else for that matter, but fate just has it's way of pushing me to my limits sometimes.This brings me to another point that really irks me. Non-real injuries. Now, having done sports throughout my life and still now, i understand that one gets tired sometimes...that's ok! But why drag me into it?! Often times (especially during camp weeks), i get called to a random field for an injury. On my cart ride there, if i don't notice someone laying on the ground in obviouis pain, i know that this is an "injury" injury. I get to the field and have to actually ASK the coach who is hurt. When i finally get to them, i say (as usual) "what happened?" to which this particular type of injured athlete will say "i don't know"...seriously!?!? How do you not know? When you get hurt, you know what you were doing when it happened unless you were knocked unconscious and have a concussion. So i proceed by saying "can you describe the pain" meaning is it achy, stabby, burny, which i get "i dont know". Ok, getting old now! Every question i ask them comes with the response "i don't know", so there really is NOTHING i can do for you if you don't know anything to tell me. Now i don't know if it's just the pregnancy talking or if it's me finally being wise, but after all the questions with the same response i say to them "then there is nothing i can do for you if you can't tell me anything". I honestly think they are just tired of running and want a break. Seriously, just say i'm tired and need a break, don't drag me all the way over here for your fake injury!! AHHHHH!
Which brings me to my other annoyance recently, the un-diagnosis. I have a few athletes that are actually injured pretty good. I do my best to diagnose them and try to make it all better again, but sometimes i really just can't. I don't have x-ray vision to see your bones (though that would be awesome), and my hydrocullator doesn't double as an MRI machine (which would also be very handy), so sometimes i have to send athletes to the doctors office. Now, i try to send them to see the doctor that HAS a clue what he's talking about, but that doesn't always work since they often switch schedules. So sometimes they end up seeing the other doctor, who i really think got his degree from a cereal box. He sends them to the hospital for no reason, he has them sitting out for ungodly amounts of time, and quite often i get the athletes back with a non-diagnosis..which means, he doesn't know what's wrong so he just hopes it will go wishing on candles on a birthday cake. How does this help at all. What am i supposed to tell this athlete when they try to participate and just end up hurting the same spot over and over again, i have no diagnosis for them. UGH!
Which brings me to my last point of the day (wow, this blog has become my personal vent today, it's actually quite nice). I was supposed to go to the football game this weekend in Erie. It's in my contract that i HAVE to be at all the football games. Well, there is a boy's soccer tourney on saturday at the same time as the football game, but it's at home. They were supposed to have an ambulance there for coverage, which is just as good if not better than having me there. Well, on tuesday morning, the boy's soccer coach caught wind that i would not be there for their round robin tourney, and threw a fit (he's really good at that). Unfortunately for me, there was a board meeting tuesday night, to which he had some parents attend. They bitched, and now i'm staying home. This really pissed me off when they told me. I have no desire to watch our boy's soccer team lose, i'd rather be watching football!! And the tourney is at 3pm and goes till 730pm, so i can't even watch football on tv! I feel very ripped off this week. Very.