I know it's been a while since i've updated my blog, but i've been so busy trying to adjust to having a new little one around the house. It's hard, but not that hard. It's different. And i feel like i could spend all day just staring at her! Everything is a new experience, and everything is an adventure now.
Sunday night was our first night home, and she was wonderful all day long, and then at about 10-10:30pm she started to fuss...really fuss. She didn't want to sleep to save her life. But at around 2am she finally went to sleep and slept for a long time!
Monday night was pretty much the same way, just worse. We hit about 10pm and she just started to fuss and didnt want to sleep to save her life. We tried everything, and finally we gave her the baby gas medicine at 2am and she went right to sleep. This made me think she was having bad gas, and i had to think of how to stop that from happening.
So yesterday i changed her bottle. We were using some starter bottles, and we changed to the Playtex drop ins with the liners that you can squeeze the air out of so they only get formula. We also changed to a slow flow nipple, as opposed to the medium flow nipple. This helped her keep more formula in her mouth, instead of us having to pull it out every few sucks because she was drooling on her chubby little cheeks. She was in her normal routine all day long...eat, diaper change, sleep, repeat. Then, at her "dinner time" feeding, we tried to keep her up. This, i've found the hard, is very very very not easy! We managed to keep her up for a bit, then we let her nap for about a half hour and we gave her a bath. That woke her up...she hates baths! We used the lavender wash and the lavender lotion that is supposed to soothe and put baby to sleep. After her bath, she was very hungry, so we fed her...and about 15-30min later she was asleep..and it was 10pm!! We quickly decided that we should take advantage of this opportunity, as it may not last long, and go to sleep ourselves. Well, she slept until this morning. I don't know if it was the staying awake part, the lavender lotion part, or the new bottle part, but needless to say we were ecstatic to get a full nights sleep at a normal time! We are going to stick with this new routine as long as it works...which hopefully will be forever, lol.
I'm also doing what i said i wouldn't do...i'm having Mady sleep in our room. Not in our bed, as i'm totally against that, but in her pack-n-play in our room. As i'm typing this, she is napping in her crib, yes, her crib. I'm hoping that maybe one more night in our room will make me more comfortable to have her in her own room. I'm just so nervous that something will happen and i won't know it! I know i need to just trust that everything will be fine, and that all babies sleep in cribs eventually with no problems, and i'm just worrying over nothing...but i can't help it right now.
She really is daddy's little girl :)