Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday, we put Mady in her pumpkin onesie, her pumpkin hat and her pumpkin socks. It was her "pre" halloween costume. She looked so cute! Even though everything was a bit big on her (and it was all newborn sized), it was still so adorable. I think she enjoyed being a pumpkin for the day.

Smile for the camera!

Kickin on the couch
Doing her Thriller inpersonation

I have yet to upload pics of her in her Halloween costume from today, so be sure to check back...she looks so cute!

And from our family to yours, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A pretty dress...

Frank, Mady and I went to the mall last night. It was Mady's first mall trip. We went to look for a christening dress for her to wear this Sunday. We found the cutest, nicest dress in Boscov's...i can't wait for her to wear it! I will post pics of her in it probably on Monday.

We also took her out to eat for the first time. We had to rush out the door when Frank got home so we could make it home in time to stay on our schedule (so she would sleep at night), so we did'nt get a chance to eat. So after we got her dress and got our rings cleaned and inspected, we decided to go to Applebee's. She was really good! She was asleep at first, and then about half-way through dinner she woke up, but she just sat there with her binky and looked around. She didn't really cry at all until we were leaving, then she fell asleep on the way home. All in all, it was a really good trip! It's much different going to the mall with a baby.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mady's first big girl bath...

Since her umbilical cord fell off on Monday, we decided it was time for Madylinn to have her first big girl bath. We didn't actually put her OUR tub, we put her in her own little tub. She wasn't very happy about it at first, but she eventually relaxed. I think there still might be too much cool air hitting her and making her chilly.

We also didn't get out for our daily walk yesterday, what with all the rain and wind. I was hoping it would stop long enough for us to get a short one in, but it didn't. I think that didn't help her crankyness...walking puts her to sleep, and that's pretty much her late afternoon nap.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If Jesus were a woman...

Sunday night into Monday was a rough night for us. Mady was a bit, well make that a lot, fussy. She didn't want to go to bed until around midnight, and then she was up at 430am to eat, and then she was up at 815am for the day. And all day long, i'd say she slept about 2 hours total, she was just wide awake! Well, i took her for a walk, since she likes walking and being out and moving so much. We stopped over at the church so i could confirm our godparent choices, and i came upon a pleasant surprise. A bit odd, but exciting non-the-less. In December, our church is putting on a play...a passion play type thing, called "Through the eyes of the Innkeeper". It's basically the story of the birth of Jesus. Well, they like to use ALL real people, no dolls or anything. Well, guess who they want to play baby Jesus?!?! Thats right, our very own Madylinn Regina Grindstaff will be making her acting debut, and as baby Jesus! I know what you're thinking, she's a girl and Jesus is a boy...well, what if Jesus was a woman?! LOL. Frank said the same thing when i told him i already said yes. He said "People that don't know her are going to think she's a boy!" Oh well, i said. I think it's very neat that she will get to do this, and i (of course) will be THAT mom, the one who takes a million pictures. How many people can say their baby is Jesus?! :)

In other news, Mady's bellybutton cord thing finally fell off. I didn't think it would ever fall off, and then when i was changing her clothes yesterday morning, i noticed it was hanging on by a little thread..and then when we changed her diaper last night, it was off! Now we can finally give her a big girl bath...hopefully she'll like that more than the sponge baths she was getting.

Monday, October 27, 2008

What a weekend...

Well, it was quite a weekend, that's for sure. Friday night we stayed home and listened to the Mt. Carmel/Southern game on the radio. I told Frank to go to the game, but he didn't want to go alone, and it was too cold to take Mady, so there was no way i was going. It wasn't that bad listening to it on the radio though...we were warm, dry, and comfortable!
Then on Saturday, i had Line Mountain's football game. We were playing a team from Baltimore. They were supposed to drive up the night before and stay over and then leave after the game, so we changed the time from 7pm to 2pm. Well, i got there early to get everything ready and tape the guys, and it was pouring rain all day long...and i mean pouring! I was soaked going from my car to the school! But we were there and ready to go, and we find out that they didn't come up the night before, they decided to drive up that day because the weather was bad Friday night and they thought it would get better by Saturday. Well, we also find out that they are lost in Harrisburg...and this was at around 1:15pm...and they were a good hour away and didn't warm up or anything! So needless to say, we didn't start at 2pm, but 3pm instead. This wouldn't have been too bad, except that it was raining harder as the day went on. It was a complete mud bath, literally. The mud was ankle deep on most of the field, the sidelines were flooded out, and we were all soaked. And then the wind kicked in. We were wet and cold, not a good combo. And the game seemed to go forever because it was so wet and muddy everyone kept fumbling and stopping the clock! So the game didn't end until around 6pm! Standing in the rain from 2pm to 6pm is no fun at all! At least i got home in time to watch the Penn State game AND the Notre Dame games on tv.
Yesterday we took a HUGE step. We left the baby with his dad and step mom to go to the movies. I know, it sounds bad, but it wasn't for a long time, and we really wanted to see this movie. We went to see Saw 5...not exactly a kid friendly movie, lol. It was a good movie. It took all i had to not call every 5 minutes to see how she was. I enjoyed the movie, and i followed it, but i thought about Mady the whole time. At least i proved to myself that i CAN let her go for a few hours. I'm gonna need that in about 4 weeks when i have to leave her at a daycare for 2-3 hours a day.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Falling off...

So i'm still waiting for her umbilical cord to fall off. I know they say it could take anywhere from 1-4 weeks, but it doesn't even look like it's starting to fall off! At the hospital they told us to use a cotton ball and alcohol and to dab it a few times a day, but our pediatrician told us to NOT use the alcohol and to just keep it dry and it will fall off on it's own. I have read that it doesn't make a difference either way, but i'm wondering if i should start the alcohol, since it hasn't seemed to make any progress just yet.
We gave Mady a bath last night. This is another reason i can't wait for that stump to fall off...i can't wait to put her in the tub! She really doesn't like sponge baths at all. She likes the touch at first, but then the water cools on her skin and she cries, and i can't blame her. I think she will like it when she can sit in the warm water the whole time.
We are still doing really good here at home alone. We are really bonding. I'd like to think that she knows my voice and my touch, but i think she's too young yet...but in my mind she knows me. I can't believe she's 2 weeks old already! I have no idea where this 2 weeks went, it seemed to fly by so fast! She is growing up so quickly, lol.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More today than yesterday...

It still amazes me. I know it shouldn't, but it does. Everytime i look at Madylinn's face, i love her more and more. I didn't even think it was possible to love someone so much! Don't get me wrong, i love my family and friends, i love my dogs, and i love Frank with all my heart, but there is something about this little girl that just tops everyone (don't tell Frank). The way she looks at me when she's awake, i could sweat she knows who i am. I talk to her whenever she's awake, and i sing to her too (even though its bad, she doesn't know that yet, lol). I don't know if it's still the post-pregnancy hormones or what, but i still cry everyday because i feel so lucky, what with everything i have. I have the best husband, who would do anything for me and for Mady. I have the best family and friends. I have the 2 best dogs. And now i'm blessed with the best daughter ever. I guess that makes me a sap, but i can't help it. I hope all these extra hormones go away soon, before Mady is old enough to think i'm nuts.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Still learning...

Well, we made it 2 days alone, and we're both still alive and happy! It was a bit chillier yesterday, so we had to bundle up extra good to take our walk. She was also thrown off her schedule a bit yesterday. She didn't want to eat a full 2 1/2 ounces like usual at each feeding, she was at about 1 1/2 - 2 ounces, and a bit more frequently. It wasn't bad once i realized what was going on and how to soothe her. So the day ended up flying by pretty quickly until Frank came home. He still has a bit to learn about taking care of the baby. Not that i'm an expert or anything now, but i think being home with her all day and having nobody to pass her off to, i think i'm starting to figure things out pretty quickly. Frank, on the other hand, is taking a bit longer. He tends to get frustrated quicker, and he doesn't know what to do to soothe her. I said to him last night, "You need to calm down, she can pick up on your frustration and that makes her fuss more. If you are calm, she will calm down too" He doesn't seem to believe me, but when i take her from him and she calms down, how can he not?! He will learn, it'll just take him time i guess.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We made it...

Yesterday was my first day alone with Madylinn. I'll admit it, i was scared at first. I wasn't sure how the day would go...would she cry, would she sleep, would i get anything done?! Well, she was awake at about 730am, which wasn't that bad, i at least got some sleep. We went through our typical morning, change diaper, stare at each other for a while, back to sleep. Well, the only problem with that routine was that she didn't want to nap in her pack-n-play, she wanted to nap on me! Well, like the books say, she's too young to be spoiled right now, she's just looking for comfort and love and security, so i let her nap on me. Everytime i tried to put her down, she would lay there for about 2min and then start to cry until i picked her up. So she slept on my chest until about noon, then i had to eat something. So i put her down and ran, literally, for the kitchen. Frank called to see how everything was going, so i was talking to him and trying to make myself something to eat really quick while i had a few minutes. I decided to make myself a beef hot dog in the microwave..i know, yummy lunch! LOL. Well, Frank's phone was dying, so we only talked for 3min, and as soon as i hung up with him the microwave beeped that my dog was done and Mady started to cry, all at the same time. Well, i quick made my dog, and i learned how to eat with one arm...LOL. After i ate, we sat for a bit and then it was time for Mady to eat again. After she ate, i took her upstairs with me so i could get dressed and then we went for a walk. I had to go to the bank and to the dry cleaners to drop off Frank's suit (so he has it clean for the baptism), then we just went walking around town. We walked about 2miles, then Frank was home. So overall, it was a pretty good day. We're both alive, and we still have all of our body parts, so i'm going to say that yesterday was pretty darn sucessful.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our first weekend at home...

This was our first weekend at home with Mady, and it went pretty well! Friday we went out to Line Mtn so i could tape the guys for the football game, then we left before the game started (since i would want to be on the field with them). So we came home and ended up going down to the MCA game. We bundled the baby up and off we went. She was awake for the first quarter, then she fell asleep. I left just after half time with Mady, and Frank stayed till the end.

Saturday, we were supposed to go to Berwick and Mifflinville to see his family, but plans all changed. His dad and step mom had a wedding to go to, and we couldn't get a hold of our friend to get a strap to tow the boat over to Buckhorn to get winterized, so Frank just suggested we stay home. So we made our first trip to WalMart. It's a whole new experience now. We have to take 2 carts, one for groceries and one for Mady. We were warned how unsafe it is to put the carseat on top of the cart, so we opted for the safe way to go. We bought her a new dress for church, and a cute little onesie, and we tried to buy her more mittens but they wouldn't scan (something about them being recalled...are you serious? It's 2 pieces of fabric sewed together, what could happen, it would fray at the seam and you would have to re-sew it?! Seriously). Then we went up to see my gram, Mady's great gram. She was very happy to see her. Unfortunately i forgot my camera...we want to get a pic of my gram, my dad, me and put in the paper as 4 time i guess.

Then sunday, Franks dad and step mom and mom came over to see Mady. She was pretty good. She slept for a decent amount of time. She isn't a big fan of sleeping during the day though. I guess that is a good thing, i'd rather have her awake during the day and asleep at night, but she fights naps during the day. She'll close her eyes and sleep for about 15min, and then basically scare awake and fight going back to sleep for as long as she can. But at least she's still sleeping good at night...knock on wood.

Today Frank went back to work, so it's our first day home alone together. Hopefully all will go well. Check back tomorrow to see if i'm still alive, lol.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A big day...

Yesterday was a MUCH better day for us than the previous few. We decided to try to start a routine for her, to help us all out a bit. We feed her, change her, and try to keep her up for about an hour, then we let her sleep for about 3 hours, then we do it all over again. It's a much better plan than the whole "let her sleep as long as she wants" least we get sleep with this one. Then at night we put her down and we only leave the nightlight on. When she wakes up during the night, we don't turn any lights on. We feed her and change her, and we don't talk to her or make any excessive noises, and then we swaddle her back up and put her right back down in the crib to sleep. Even if she lays there awake a bit, we do it. Hopefully this will help her start to distinguish night from day. It worked pretty well yesterday, and it's working so far today...knock on wood.

Yesterday we made our first venture out to WalMart. We went to buy Mady a new church outfit and a few other things. We only managed to get a few things before she started to wake up hungry and we had to get going. We did, however, manage to get something to eat at Subway before we left there. Then we went out to work so i could tape the guys before the game. Frank went with me and we took Mady. Everyone out there was shocked to see me, and thrilled to see Mady. She was the most exciting thing there :) I left after i taped the guys...i didn't think it would be a good idea to be running out on the field just quite yet. We came home and fed and changed Mady, and then we ventured out to the MCA game. Everyone was excited to see her there too. I know what you're was cold out last night, what did you have the baby out for?! Well, she was bundled up so tight, you'd swear she was sweating..and she slept a good chunk of the time we were there. I left just after halftime with her, and Frank stayed till the end. When he got home, i wasn't sure if i should wake Mady up and try to keep her awake for a bit, hoping she would go back to sleep, or if i should let her sleep and see what happens. Well, we decided to just let her sleep and go lay down ourselves. She ended up waking up about 45min later, but luckily she was only we fed her and she went back to sleep until she was hungry again this morning. It was quite nice, if you ask me. I know it's only going to get harder, not easier, from here, but aside from a few days, i'm really loving it so far.

Friday, October 17, 2008

One heck of a day...

Well, yesterday was quite a challenge for us. Mady slept great, and then when she got up at around 10:30am, that was it for her. She was up, litterally, all day long. She took 3 short naps, all of which were about 30min long, and that was it all day. She was awake the whole day! And she was fussing and screaming about 75% of the time. I thought babies were supposed to sleep 16-18hours a day?! You think she would have been exhausted, but she kept fighting the urge to sleep. And we couldn't figure out what was bothering her either, that was a problem. Sometimes she was hungry, sometimes she needed a new diaper, sometimes she was chilly, sometimes she was hot, sometimes she just wanted to be in someones arms. Now don't get me wrong, i love her very very very much, but ALL DAY LONG!?!?!
Last night went better though, thank god. She fell asleep around 10pm, then woke up around 1030pm and was up until around 1130pm, then she was out for the night. She slept until about 530-545am and then she wanted a bottle. We changed her diaper, and about 15-20min later she was asleep again. She is still sleeping now, and it's about 9am. It's so hard to decide when to wake her and when to let her sleep, because i'm afraid she'll never go back to sleep once we wake her up. I was hoping to try to get her on a schedule, but to be honest i have no idea how to get a baby on a schedule...i thought we had one there for a while, at least a general guideline, but after yesterday i'm just lost again. Oh well, i guess that's part of being a new parent. It just breaks my heart when she cries and i don't know why..Frank is better at that "let her cry it out" part.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our first outing...

Yesterday was our first outing in the car as a family...besides coming home from the hospital. We went to the pediatrician for Mady's first appointment. Dr Audakaitis is a really nice guy, and he's really good with kids too, so i'm very glad we picked him. Mady only cried a little bit when she had to get weighed. She is still 20inches long, and she now weighs 7lbs 3.2ounces. The doctor said he expected her to be down more weight, so she is apparently doing very well. Little does he know that Frank and I are champion eaters, so she is bound to be one too. As long as she's still healthy, i'm happy.

Last night was Mady's first night in her own room, in her own crib. I was a little hesitant at first, because she wouldn't be where i could get to her quickly, but it ended up going better than i thought it would. It took her a little bit to fall asleep for the first time. I think it was because she was in a new place and she was a bit scared. I tried to use the mobile that we have, but it only stays on for about 10-15min and then it shuts off automatically, so by the time i had to go in to soothe her later, i decided to leave the table light on for her. She ate before bed, and then she slept for about 4 hours and woke up to eat again, then she slept for another 4 1/2 hours before getting up with a wet diaper. I guess this is what nights with a baby are SUPPOSED to be like, but it's going to take a bit of getting used to.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finally an update...

I know it's been a while since i've updated my blog, but i've been so busy trying to adjust to having a new little one around the house. It's hard, but not that hard. It's different. And i feel like i could spend all day just staring at her! Everything is a new experience, and everything is an adventure now.

Sunday night was our first night home, and she was wonderful all day long, and then at about 10-10:30pm she started to fuss...really fuss. She didn't want to sleep to save her life. But at around 2am she finally went to sleep and slept for a long time!

Monday night was pretty much the same way, just worse. We hit about 10pm and she just started to fuss and didnt want to sleep to save her life. We tried everything, and finally we gave her the baby gas medicine at 2am and she went right to sleep. This made me think she was having bad gas, and i had to think of how to stop that from happening.

So yesterday i changed her bottle. We were using some starter bottles, and we changed to the Playtex drop ins with the liners that you can squeeze the air out of so they only get formula. We also changed to a slow flow nipple, as opposed to the medium flow nipple. This helped her keep more formula in her mouth, instead of us having to pull it out every few sucks because she was drooling on her chubby little cheeks. She was in her normal routine all day, diaper change, sleep, repeat. Then, at her "dinner time" feeding, we tried to keep her up. This, i've found the hard, is very very very not easy! We managed to keep her up for a bit, then we let her nap for about a half hour and we gave her a bath. That woke her up...she hates baths! We used the lavender wash and the lavender lotion that is supposed to soothe and put baby to sleep. After her bath, she was very hungry, so we fed her...and about 15-30min later she was asleep..and it was 10pm!! We quickly decided that we should take advantage of this opportunity, as it may not last long, and go to sleep ourselves. Well, she slept until this morning. I don't know if it was the staying awake part, the lavender lotion part, or the new bottle part, but needless to say we were ecstatic to get a full nights sleep at a normal time! We are going to stick with this new routine as long as it works...which hopefully will be forever, lol.

I'm also doing what i said i wouldn't do...i'm having Mady sleep in our room. Not in our bed, as i'm totally against that, but in her pack-n-play in our room. As i'm typing this, she is napping in her crib, yes, her crib. I'm hoping that maybe one more night in our room will make me more comfortable to have her in her own room. I'm just so nervous that something will happen and i won't know it! I know i need to just trust that everything will be fine, and that all babies sleep in cribs eventually with no problems, and i'm just worrying over nothing...but i can't help it right now.
She really is daddy's little girl :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mady's here!

We just got home today, so i don't have a lot of time right now to post, but i wanted to let everyone know the Madylinn Regina Grindstaff came into our lives on October 10, 2008 at 12:12pm. She was 7lbs 6oz and 20inches long. She is the most beautiful, most perfect baby ever, and i'm not just biased because she's I will post pics and a story hopefully soon. Thanks for all your well wishes, and Mady's can't wait to meet all of you!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's time...

And i'm not joking this time. It really is time! I'm going into the hospital today at 4:30pm and they are going to start a cervix-softening gel or something, and they are going to monitor me overnight, and then tomorrow morning (hopefully, fingers crossed) i will be ready to induce labor..and if all goes well, i will have a baby tomorrow! I guess Saturday at the latest, but let's not get that far ahead. I will post after the baby gets here! Wish me luck!

Stressful day...

Yesterday was a very stressful day for me. I had to go for a quick walk in the morning. Why, you may ask? Well, we bought a new stove. I know, i know, what does a stove have to do with your walking. Well, we had originally set it up to be delivered on friday, but then when monday came around, and we realized that the baby was not going to cooperate and show up, we had to reschedule the stove delivery because friday was the day i was supposed to be induced. Well, Frank had set it up for an afternoon delivery, which to them was between 12 and 2. Well, they called us on tuesday and had told us it was a morning delivery, which to them was between 10 and 12. Well, i had a doctors appointment at 11, so that wasn't going to work. Needless to say, we couldn't get a hold of anyone in the delivery department, so i had to hope they didn't show up while i was at my appointment. So, i went for my walk early in case they showed up at 10 (yea right). Well, it was 10:45 and i was just going to walk out the door and wouldn't you know it, the delivery people showed up! Thank god it only took them 20min to get the new stove in, the old stove out and get the new one leveled and working. That was my first stress of the day. So then i went to my doctors appointment. This is where the most of my stress comes in. I was expecting to go in there, get checked, have them tell me what they normally tell me, and then schedule me for my induction time on friday. This is what they promised me from the very beginning, no more than 4 days more. And they promised it again last week, friday at the latest he says. Well, i get there and they check me and they tell me what i expect to hear, and then he drops the bomb..."I don't think you're ready to go on friday, i think you should wait until next tuesday, and maybe even next friday"...are you freaking kidding me?!?! I thought i was going to die right there, like the wind was knocked out of me totally. I didn't even have the words to argue, because i knew if i tried that i would just start crying, and that wouldn't look real good. So needless to say, i walked out of there with an appointment for tuesday. I texted Frank at work to let him know, and he wasn't happy at all. Thank goodness he feels the same way i do, that once you hit 40 weeks there's no reason to wait to have the baby. So he called and talked to the doctor on his lunch break, and the doctor said he would call us back later that night and see if "I" changed my mind, and that he could "squeeze us in" on friday if we wanted. Well, he never called back, so we're still waiting to get a hold of him now. Frank was telling the guy he works with, and even that guy was like "do it friday, they told you they would, and why not?!". Also, this guy's wife is a labor and delivery nurse at the Pottsville hospital, and he went home and told her and even she said to go for it, there's no need to wait. She also told us that there is another group of doctors that deliver at Pottsville and that my group of doctors often push off their patients inductions to a later date so this other group can get their deliveries in. That really pissed me off. I made it the full 40 weeks with minimal bitching and complaining, i think i deserve to have my baby 4 days after my due date dam it! There is no reason to wait. He said it might be a more difficult delivery because i'm not totally ready, but when i weight the choices and it's either a tougher delivery for, say, 10 hours or waiting 6 more days, i think the tougher delivery wins out for sure, at least in my mind it does, and that's all that matters. So now we're just waiting for the doctor to get out of the delivery room so we can schedule a time. Hopefully by dinner i'll be able to get on here and update everyone as to what time i'm going in. I have every intention of meeting my little princess tomorrow, it's past time.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So my ticker is officially taunting used to be cute to look at and see what was happening with the baby and all, but now i just want to scream when i see it! I know she should be here, thanks for the constant reminder! The huge belly and constant uncomfort would have NEVER given it away.

So now i have only 3 days or less until i'm promised a baby. It feels like i'm re-counting down all over again! I guess i can handle it, i guess i've come this far. Ugh! Today, i'm going to clean off my counters in preperation for the delivery of our new stove tomorrow. Something for me to look forward to, lol. I think i'm going to clean around the house some more too. We cleaned a bit over the weekend, but i could clean a bit more just to make sure. At least it will help me pass the time, and hopefully i won't be thinking about the baby too much...yea right.

Let's go baby, it's past time!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Still waiting...

Well, i'm still waiting for baby girl to make her appearance. I really think she is very very comfortable in there and not going to come out easily. She hasn't even made me think she's ready. And who could blame her i's warm, she can hear noises but nothing too too loud, it's not too bright, it's safe and it's comfortable...i wouldn't want to leave either! But listen up little one, it's time!
Today was my first day off of work. It's kinda hard to sit at home knowing that i have games going on at work and practices and all...especially when i don't have a baby to occupy my time. I did, however, manage to get a good amount of stuff done around the house, which will no doubt help me for whenever she finally decides to arrive. I went for a few walks, i decorated for Halloween, i paid some bills, i cashed some checks and i did some laundry. I think i am going to try to clean a bit more the rest of the week, along with lots and lots more walking. I'm hoping the more i walk the quicker she'll get here.
Think baby thoughts for me!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Yes, that's right, i'm officially certifiable. And to do what, you may ask?! To play with pee..that's right, pee. I am officially a wrestling weight loss assessor. Which basically means that i can assess wrestlers hydration and determine their weight classes and everything.
I wasn't going to go to the cert. class today, but i woke up and still was pregnant, so i thought i might as well get it over with so i don't have to worry about it later. The class was in Reading, so it was a bit of a drive, but Frank went with me to keep me company (and to make sure i didn't get lost). The class was supposed to be 2 hours long, but it lasted about 1 hour, and i ended up getting credits for it that i didn't think i would get, so that made me happy. I got all my paperwork and passwords, so now when i get back to work, i can play with pee! At least it's done and over with, and i don't have to worry anymore.
Now i just need this darn baby to get out of my belly already! I'm not going to work this week, since there's no telling when she'll decide to arrive. We all know what that means though, that she'll show up on Friday. But if i were to decide to go to work tomorrow or something, that would be it. I just can't take that chance though. So i am going to decorate my house for Halloween tomorrow, and i think i am going to clean a bit more...not that i want to, but i feel like i should. And i'm going to walk walk walk walk walk until i can't walk anymore. Hopefully the days won't drag...but the good news is that this is FOR SURE my last weekend without a baby. Exciting but scary.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yes, another day

Well, i'm still pregnant! That really shouldn't shock anyone at this point, as i honestly think i'm going to be pregnant forever! I'm still trying to figure out how to make my belly a less-appealing place for baby to be. I can't show her pics of her soon to be room, so she has no idea that it's so much better there than in my belly. But nothing is coaxing her out, not raspberry tea, not spicy food, nothing!
This morning i had some pretty good cramps though. They lasted about an hour, and i couldn't sleep they were that strong. They felt like a wave from the top of my stomach to about the middle. But now they're gone. It could have been her kicking the dog away (Ecko felt the need to press himself up against me very tightly this morning). I can always hope that labor starts soon. I know Frank isn't a big fan of that, as today is his birthday. He wants her to have her own day, which is sweet, but i think today would be perfect!
Today is my last day of work. I have a home football game, so i'm not worried about going to work since there will be 2 ambulances there and lots of parents that have offered to drive me wherever and whenever i need to go. I'm pretty sure i'll know when i think it's time to leave, and i'll just go! But i really doubt today is the day. I hope i don't have to wait much longer though, especially with being off work. I will go crazy sitting around the house just wondering when it's time, and if what i'm feeling is something or nothing. I already told Frank i'm going to walk till my legs fall off, then she has no choice but to kinda just fall out. I know she is totally worth the wait, and when she finally gets here i'll be wishing for a day off...but i've already waited 277 days, doesn't mother nature think that's enough?!?!?!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm still here...

Yes, that's right, i'm still here...still pregnant...still, still, still! Some days are easier to cope with than others. I guess i can say, at least it's cool outside and not as hot as it was a month or so ago. This whole pregnancy thing is a test of my patients, and i am failing miserably! I thought i was taking this whole pregnancy thing in stride, doing so i am an emotional mess, and i just want the baby out right now! I'm gonna keep walking, hopefully it helps. Frank said to me last night, "Maybe it's taking her longer to arrive because you are in such good shape". Great, i never thought about that. Who would think that something that should be good for you could basically screw you in the end..great!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I hate going to the doctor...

I used to look forward to my doctor's appointments. It was when i got to hear and see my baby, and know that i was progressing along nicely and that my day would be here soon. Now, i hate going to the doctor. It's like a dissapointment every time. I go there and they say to me "You're progressing nicely! Keep doing what you're doing" and i'm done. Seriously?! Today i had another appointment. The doctor, as usual, told me i'm progressing wonderfully for a first time mother. Funny, i don't feel like i am. I'm effacing at a wonderful speed (which means baby COULD be here at any time now), but i'm still only dilated 1-2cm. He did tell me that the dilation doesn't really mean anything, and that i could not dilate any more until i go into active labor. Ok, so that's good news i guess. Well, since i'm due in 5 days, i of course had to say "how much longer!!" He proceeded to give me the bad news. He said "You're progressing wonderfully! We don't like to help people like you along" which of course devastated me. He continued, "We would like you to go into active labor on your own, as it will be a more enjoyable experience"...are you serious?! Labor and enjoyable in the same sentence?! Then he says to me "We only induce on Tuesdays and Fridays because that's when we have the extra man power, so we'll let you go until next friday"...NEXT FRIDAY!! Can we seriously shoot me now! I don't want to be pregnant for another minute, let alone another week. I am soooo ready to be done, just get this kid out! Dam me for progressing wonderfully...dam me!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...