Saturday, June 27, 2009

Goin to the chapel...

We're goin to the chapel today, but it's not for our's for our friends Shelly and Carl. They are getting married today! Yay! We are going to get our drink and dance on, lol. Pictures to follow hopefully tomorrow.

This morning, Mady decided she wanted to wake up early. How early, you ask?! 615AM!! Boy were we tired. So we did what i swore was the unthinkable. We brought her into our room and put her in between us and we all fell asleep for another hour. I know it wasn't my best moment, but it was another hour of sleep for all of us, and we ALL felt better when we got up then. This waking up early stuff seems to only be on Saturday mornings, so i'm hoping it doesn't continue for very much longer. I know we're not going to make this whole "get in the bed with mommy and daddy" stuff a habit.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My new hair...

Here is my new haircut, when i wear it straight...which is easier now that it's short, it doesn't take forever, lol
Here is my new haircut, as i usually wear it...curlier than heck, lol

Another new show to obsess over...

Yup, that's right folks, i'm now obsessed with a new show since House is on summer vacation. It's called Mental. I don't know if you've all seen it or not, but you totally should. It's about a Pyschiatrist and his weird patients. Basically, it's the same thing as House but it's with crazy people and not injured people. So if you love House like i do, you will love Mental.

Did i mention on here yet that i got my hair cut? Last thursday. And i don't just mean cut, like trim...i mean cut like 6+ inches cut off, just enough to barely fit into a pony tail. I love it. I knew i wanted to get rid of it for the summer, to help me cool off and to give Mady less to pull on...but i wasn't completely sure i would fall in love with it. But good thing i did, since there is no turning back from something like that, lol.

Today we're going to get Mady's passport done with, for our trip to Alaska. I thought about just taking the picture myself and filling out the form and all, but it's pretty darn hard to get an 8 month old to sit still and look at the camera for a good "Good luck, lady at the passport place". We should get it back in no more than 6 weeks, which is plenty of time before we leave. We also are in the process of figuring out our excursions. I know what i want to do, but you all know Frank and how he is. He wants to do this, and this, and that, and the other thing, but he can't make up his mind on which one he wants the most. And on top of that, we have to figure out things that are baby-friendly. I think that bothers Frank more than it bothers me, as he wants to do the zip-line things, and the suspension bridge things and all. Ya can't do those things with an 8 month old in tow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

After a hiatus...

Yes, it has been a while since i've posted on here. I wish i could say it's because i've been super busy, but somehow i don't think that's the case. I mean, i know we've been busy, but i honestly can't remember what we've been doing?! We spent some time at the mall, we've spent some time with friends, we've been talking to the house builder, and we've been shopping. Here are some pictures to help catch everyone (including me) up.
Mady in her babylegs
Mady eating celery
Mady, asleep in the stroller at the mall
Too much jumping makes ANYONE tired
With Aunt Marian after church

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Look what i can do!

This is what Mady learned to do this morning. She's been army crawling (well, it's a crawl and a slide combination, but she's been moving) for about a week or so now, but this is her first real crawl ever! Oh my goodness, my little baby is mobile!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's that time of the year again...

Yup, that's right, it's that time of the year again. Spring, or should i say summer, cleaning! So it may take me a little while to keep up on my blogging. It's going better than i thought it would though. I am re-organizing my furniture, cleaning the walls and ceilings...i even washed the front porch off! And now that Frank is off for a few days, i can get the bigger rooms done faster and more efficiently. Today, we did the living room. It was so much easier moving the furniture with the help of my big, brawny husband...oh, and not 5 months pregnant! Hopefully i'll get a few more rooms done before he has to go back to work.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's time to tell the tooth...

Oh you know it, you can tell from the's finally here!! Mady's first little tooth has finally showed up! You can't see it like you can see your teeth and my teeth, just yet at least, but believe me when i say that it's there! That mean little white thing has been pinching and poking and hurting my little girl for weeks now, and it finally decided to rip and tear and shred it's way through her tender, delicate little gums. You can feel it when she chews on your finger (which, by the way, she absolutely loves to do). I'm very happy and very sad at the same time. It's another milestone to put in the baby book, but when i think about it, i would like that book to stay empty for a little while longer.


On another note, i made my first attempts at baby food last night. I didn't do very much, as i'm just starting out with this and it's very very new to me. I wanted to start with pretty easy things, things i couldn't screw up or stain my floors with if it exploded or something. So i made peaches, carrots and peas. I got quite a few containers of each too! I figured out my savings, and it comes to about 80%. That's a better deal than the "Dollar General going out of buisness sale", and i didn't have to stand in line for 7 hours to get it! And it was pretty easy. It couldn't get much better. I'm recycling plastic containers from food we already bought, and i'm making 100% natural, good for you fruits and veggies for my growing little baby to eat. I feel more green already!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I've created a monster...

That's right, i've created a monster. Who or what may this be, you ask?! It's my husband. He's an HGTV-a-holic. Seriously. At first, i used to get him to watch one show and that was all, and it was usually a show like "House Hunters" or something, where he would get to see "big cool guy stuff". Now, i walk into the kitchen to get a drink and by the time i get back he has it on. I can hear the channel changing as i leave the room! It's too funny. He watches every show, from "My House is Worth What" to "House Hunters" to the girlie interior design shows. What am i going to do with him?! Unplug the tv, that's what.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Out and about...

This weekend was beautiful...finally! We've been waiting desperately for the nice weather to finally get here, and this weekend it did. Granted, it wasn't as nice as we would have liked (mid 90s so we could take the boat out and waterski without freezing our pa-tooties off in the river), but we're still happy. Saturday we went to Tuscarora State Park. It's so nice there. We walked the trails, we goofed around, we put Mady's feet into the water (which wasn't actually as cold as i thought it would be). We spent quite a few hours walking around, which is a HUGE feet for Frank. If you know him, you know he isn't much of a fan of walking anywhere.

Then we went out for dinner and ice cream on the way home. It was a really nice day out with my little family. It's so fun to have a family, lol.

We watched Valkyrie Saturday night after Mady went to bed. I didn't think i would like it at all, as i pretty much hate history and i didn't think i would understand the movie. Well, it turns out, i didn't hate it at all, i actually liked it! There were some parts that i didn't understand, but neither did Frank, and we figured them out together after the movie was over. Overall, i'd say to watch it, it was pretty good.

The yesterday, Frank suggested we go for ANOTHER walk around town this time. Seriously, what kind of pod person came down and stole my husband and replaced him with this active, family oriented individual? He only walks this much when we go on vacation and i down right refuse to sit around and do nothing, and i have to FORCE him to walk places. But hey, who was i to complain?! Off we went for a walk around town. And what a walk it was. We went for about an hour, and went 3.5 miles. Of course, Mady got a great nap in while we walked, so it was a good trip for all 3 of us.
Overall, i give my weekend 2 thumbs up.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Are you kidding me?!

The latest big lottery winner was from Winner, SD. Now that's a coincidence to begin with. But here's what really gets me. This 23 year old guy wins $232.1 million dollars...and only gets a lump sum of $88.5 million. The government took the rest in taxes. TAXES!! That's almost $150 million dollars in taxes. Talk about a rip off. I'm pissed, and it's not even my money!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A quickie...

Life has been a bit dull here at the Stiffie house since i'm off for the summer. It's been pretty dreary, and usually rainy, everyday. So needless to say, Mady and I haven't gotten to do any of the cool stuff i want to do. I'm sure there will be plenty of time, but i have so many things i want to do, i'm just over-anxious to get started already! I've also decided i want to take a road trip with Mady, but i still have to discuss that with Frank, as i'm sure he'll want to go, and i'm sure he'll think it's a horrible idea to take a child anywhere. He's much more cautious that i am...i never would have saw that one coming.

Yesterday i went with my mom to one of her friends houses. Why, you may ask?! Well, her friend has kids, and she has old baby clothes that she was looking to get rid of. She didn't want to throw them away, as they are all expensive name brand stuff, so my mom asked me if i'd like to buy any of them. Heck yea! So Mady, my mom, and I all went over there yesterday. I know that any of you that know me, already know that i got tons and tons and tons of good stuff. And surprisingly, when i got it all home and Frank saw it all, he wasn't mad! Normally he absolutely hates yard sale stuff, from clothes to toys to "junk" as he calls it. But he was 95% impressed with what i got. There were, of course, a few pieces he didn't like, but i think he was just saying that to save face. The clothes were very well taken care of, and mostly all name brand. The only problem was that most of the stuff was all 12-18 or 18-24, so Mady won't fit in it for quite a while i fear. But hey, i have it for then :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's our anniversary!!!!

A friends night out...

Yesterday we had a much needed "friends night out". It was a chance for us to feel like kids again ourselves, and have a good time with friends we don't get to see as much as we would like. We left Madylinn with my mom and Gary, and we were going to go to Knoebels to eat dinner and go mini golfing. Well, we got there and the place was practically dead, and it was only 5:45pm! After a short walk through the park, we realized that they were planning on closing because of the deadness, and that they were planning on closing at 6pm. Well, didn't that just suck. So we had to make other plans. Jared wanted to go to some pizza place he hadn't eated at in a long time, so instead of make waves by saying i didn't want pizza, we went there. After some pizza and a whole lot of laughs, we decided we still wanted to go mini golfing after-all. So we went to Tee to Green on the Bloom-Danville highway. It was a bit crowded when we got there, but most of the people were already in front of us, so we started on our merry way. Golfing was so much fun. We laughed and joked as much as we golfed, to which the group behind us wasn't too happy, since we were holding them up as well. When we got to the 9th hole, we let them pass us. And when all was said and done, Jared won mini didn't hurt that he had 2 hole in ones! Yes, i said 2! The downfall of the night was that Frank beat me by 1 stroke! Drat, i'll have to get him next time. After golfing, we went to get ice cream, and we sat there for longer than we should have, laughing and talking. Then we went our seperate ways back home. It was a great night that was definately needed by everyone, and we all had a great time.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...