Yes, i'm finally back on the internet. My internet was out all morning for some reason, and i don't know why. But i'm back!
My wonderful husband has found a new obsession. Anyone who knows him, knows how he is. He gets interested in something, and he will literally obsess over it for months until he either gets it, i tell him no enough times, or he finds something else to entertain him. We've gone through quite a few phases...there were designer clothes, the new boat, jet skiis, a harley, our soon-to-be new house and the things inside it, and now we're on to golf. He is into golf big time now. He sold his motorcycle, and is using that money to buy new golf clubs. But not just ANY golf clubs, he has to be fitted for them, and buy top of the line. Thats great and all, except that he will golf a few times and then they will sit in the attic forever, collecting dust, until they are so outdated that he needs new ones. But now he thinks he's Tiger Woods in the making. Since he's off work and only doing side jobs, he will go golfing during the week (since it's cheaper, and his friends are off work too and they can go). He's been to the driving range once also. This is just another phase that will be, undoubtedly, a waste of money. But i'll let him spend his money on it now, and then when he doesn't golf forever and ever, i will remind him of this constantly. What is it with men and wasting money on nonesense?! How do you break them of this habit? Any tips would be appreciated.
Mady is becoming more of a daredevil lately. She wants to stand so badly, she will pull herself up onto anything and try to let go and just stand there. She really has no fear. I guess that's a good thing, but it really scares me at the same time. She is taking that new no fear attitude to the steps now. She is really good at climbing the stairs.
Stacey: "Frank, will you watch the baby while i go start supper?"
Frank: "Sure"
Stacey: walks into kitchen and starts supper. Turns around to see what is going on, only to see Frank at the door, staring out into the street.
Stacey: "Baby, where is the baby" stacey rushes to see where the baby is
Frank: "She's right here" as he turns around and doesn't see the baby
Stacey: "FRANK" i yell, as i grab the baby off the 5th step
Frank: "I only turned around for a minute. Man, she's fast"
This is what i deal with on a daily basis.