Welcome to our life. This is where is i will be able to vent my frustrations, share our joys, and post pictures of our little princesses Madylinn and Emmerson. Be warned, this blog is not for the squeemish or the faint of heart. So please keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times, and enjoy!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
It's all mine...
Today is my birthday.
To some, it's just another day...to me, it means another year older.
Not that that is all that bad of a thing.
I'm not really all THAT old just yet.
But the days go by faster the older you get.
Oh well...here's to me!!
To some, it's just another day...to me, it means another year older.
Not that that is all that bad of a thing.
I'm not really all THAT old just yet.
But the days go by faster the older you get.
Oh well...here's to me!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A step in the wrong direction??
So this morning i was painting my toe nails, and Mady was watching eagerly. Of course, i told her one day while she was napping i would paint her toe nails so she could match me. Frank, being the over-protective dad that he apparently is, jumps right in. "You can't do that!", to which i obviously asked what's wrong with it, i mean really, it's just nail polish. This is the comparison he makes so i can understand his point of view better. "It's like an older kid saying, It's only marijuana mom, i wont do anything worse!". Seriously?! He is comparing toenail polish with smoking marijuana!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
One heck of a workout...
So this week I started the "max" part of the insanity workouts. All I can say is wow! The first 4 weeks weren't that that bad. They had their tough moments, but I could handle them and still manage to get a good run in. Then week 5 came up, and it was the rest week. It was a pretty good week, which consisted of lots of stretching and balance moves. And then...dum dum dum...week 6 happens. I'm only on day 2 and I am so sore! The workouts are twice as hard and twice as long. I am actually achy in my arms and legs. So much so that I haven't even run yet this week! I even took a nap with Mady today! I'm hoping that tomorrow will get better and I'll be able to get a run in.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Just call me the stain whisperer...
Yesterday was quite a day. Not only did we have a baby shower to go to, but i got to practice my new found stain fighting powers.
For breakfast, i made pancakes. Frank, of course, has to have chocolate chip pancakes...but for Mady and I, i make blueberry pancakes. Of course, Frank is a huge slacker when it comes to watching his daughter eat (he's too worried about stuffing his own face), so she ends up with blueberries all over, and of course, on her pants. But not to worry, i actually got it out!
Then, while we were at the baby shower, it was beautiful outside, so we spent some time out in the front yard. Well, Mady being Mady, she has to run as fast as she can. Well, needless to say, she takes a tumble onto the grass on her knees and gets a grass stain on her capris. Now that's 2 pairs of pants today that she's gotten dirty! Oy! Well, at least i got the grass stain out!
I feel a new sense of power. Stains beware, dirt steer clear...never fear, because the Stain Master is here!
For breakfast, i made pancakes. Frank, of course, has to have chocolate chip pancakes...but for Mady and I, i make blueberry pancakes. Of course, Frank is a huge slacker when it comes to watching his daughter eat (he's too worried about stuffing his own face), so she ends up with blueberries all over, and of course, on her pants. But not to worry, i actually got it out!
Then, while we were at the baby shower, it was beautiful outside, so we spent some time out in the front yard. Well, Mady being Mady, she has to run as fast as she can. Well, needless to say, she takes a tumble onto the grass on her knees and gets a grass stain on her capris. Now that's 2 pairs of pants today that she's gotten dirty! Oy! Well, at least i got the grass stain out!
I feel a new sense of power. Stains beware, dirt steer clear...never fear, because the Stain Master is here!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sara's shower cake...
Here it is people, you get the first look. This is the cake i made for my best friends babyshower. This is the first time i'm trying something like this, and it's the first time i ever used fondant, so it doesn't look EXACTLY like the picture in my head. But for a first time, it's not half bad!
First i made the fondant from scratch...
Then i baked the layers of the cake, and in between i put a thick layer or Cookies and Cream buttercream...
Then i colored some of the fondant and used it to cover the legs and feet, and to make some toes...
The i put the butt and legs onto the layer cake. I also colored some more fondant and made a blanket that i put on top of the baby...And after some finishing up and some touching up, here is the finished product!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday thirteen...
I have a really good excuse this time, i swear! Our computer didn't get back to normal until this morning, so i COULDN'T post this yesterday! I had it all ready to go too. But i guess if it wasn't late, it wouldn't be me.
13 of Madylinn's favorite things to say:
(One word of warning, this list grows by the hour, so these are only accurate for 59 minutes from now...thank you)
13. "Ho Ho", otherwise known as Santa Claus. She's not too sure what to think about him just yet.
12. "Golf". I blame her father for this one, but what can i do?!
11. "Baby". She picks up her doll and puts it on her shoulder, pats its back and says awwwww baby. It's too cute!
10. "Mammy". That's what she calls herself. I guess the letter D is hard for her to put in there.
9. "Poooo". I gladly taught her this one. We say it when her diaper is dirty, or when daddy's diaper is dirty, or when the dog farts. She even holds her nose and swings her other hand like she's trying to wave the smell away.
8. "Uh Oh". She says this everytime she drops something, and everytime someone else drops something, just in case they forget to say it.
7. "Bye". She loves to say bye to people. If you're going upstairs, if your going downstairs, even if your just going to get the mail.
6. "Duck". This one was more fun for her when i had the ducky toilet seat cover and floor mats in the bathroom.
5. "Daddy". She loves her daddy, and she loves to yell his name. She also loves to call ME daddy, and then laugh her evil little laugh. Not funny little girl!
4."Bawl", otherwise known as ball. She has a high inflection when she says it, it's too cute.
3. "Down". She has this one pretty much down pat, and she won't hesitate to whip it out at the dogs.
2. "Goggie", otherwise known as doggie. She can point them out in books, heck, even cats/squirrels/deer/birds are doggies now!
1. "Dan goo", otherwise known as Thank you. It's her new favorite thing to say. Waitresses thought she was cute before, now she is irresistable!
13 of Madylinn's favorite things to say:
(One word of warning, this list grows by the hour, so these are only accurate for 59 minutes from now...thank you)
13. "Ho Ho", otherwise known as Santa Claus. She's not too sure what to think about him just yet.
12. "Golf". I blame her father for this one, but what can i do?!
11. "Baby". She picks up her doll and puts it on her shoulder, pats its back and says awwwww baby. It's too cute!
10. "Mammy". That's what she calls herself. I guess the letter D is hard for her to put in there.
9. "Poooo". I gladly taught her this one. We say it when her diaper is dirty, or when daddy's diaper is dirty, or when the dog farts. She even holds her nose and swings her other hand like she's trying to wave the smell away.
8. "Uh Oh". She says this everytime she drops something, and everytime someone else drops something, just in case they forget to say it.
7. "Bye". She loves to say bye to people. If you're going upstairs, if your going downstairs, even if your just going to get the mail.
6. "Duck". This one was more fun for her when i had the ducky toilet seat cover and floor mats in the bathroom.
5. "Daddy". She loves her daddy, and she loves to yell his name. She also loves to call ME daddy, and then laugh her evil little laugh. Not funny little girl!
4."Bawl", otherwise known as ball. She has a high inflection when she says it, it's too cute.
3. "Down". She has this one pretty much down pat, and she won't hesitate to whip it out at the dogs.
2. "Goggie", otherwise known as doggie. She can point them out in books, heck, even cats/squirrels/deer/birds are doggies now!
1. "Dan goo", otherwise known as Thank you. It's her new favorite thing to say. Waitresses thought she was cute before, now she is irresistable!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So we might have fixed our computer. And by we, in this case, i mean Frank. Well, actually i mean Joe, who walked him through every step over the phone. Either way, i'm hoping that we can be on the internet from home again soon.
Today i had my CPR class in Lewisburg. I always dread getting up early and having to go sit through any type of class. I'm an adult, my attention span has reverted back to that of my daughter. But i know that this is really important stuff, so i pay attention. And i must say, not to toot my own horn or anything but, toot toot! I was definately the smartest person in class today. And the people i was in there with were nurses and aides and people from the hospital. All i can say is wow. But it's done and over with for another 2 years now.
We went to Red Robin for lunch. Neither of us had ever been there before, so it was a nice new experience. It was really good too! But after the appetizer and the yummy flavored tea, we weren't as hungry for the giganto burgers as we thought we were. Then we went and walked around Kohl's for a while, and Frank (of course) bought some clothes. I swear, that boy is like a woman!
And in cake news: Last night when i got home, i made the fondant. And it actually came out like fondant! I was so impressed with myself. I wrapped it up all nice and tight and put it in the refridgerator until i'm ready to use it tomorrow night. Tonight's steps include baking the cakes for the base, and making the Oreo cookie buttercream from scratch. If this cake turns out good, i'm going to open a buisness. Well, maybe not, but i'll definately be happy!
Today i had my CPR class in Lewisburg. I always dread getting up early and having to go sit through any type of class. I'm an adult, my attention span has reverted back to that of my daughter. But i know that this is really important stuff, so i pay attention. And i must say, not to toot my own horn or anything but, toot toot! I was definately the smartest person in class today. And the people i was in there with were nurses and aides and people from the hospital. All i can say is wow. But it's done and over with for another 2 years now.
We went to Red Robin for lunch. Neither of us had ever been there before, so it was a nice new experience. It was really good too! But after the appetizer and the yummy flavored tea, we weren't as hungry for the giganto burgers as we thought we were. Then we went and walked around Kohl's for a while, and Frank (of course) bought some clothes. I swear, that boy is like a woman!
And in cake news: Last night when i got home, i made the fondant. And it actually came out like fondant! I was so impressed with myself. I wrapped it up all nice and tight and put it in the refridgerator until i'm ready to use it tomorrow night. Tonight's steps include baking the cakes for the base, and making the Oreo cookie buttercream from scratch. If this cake turns out good, i'm going to open a buisness. Well, maybe not, but i'll definately be happy!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So let me start by saying that i've wanted to blog everyday since Sunday now, but our computer at home is going bonky, so i can't get on the internet there. I have to wait until i get to work and i have a few minutes to get on here and write. You would think with my "ever so busy" job, i wouldn't have a spare minute, yet here i am, lol.
Frank went golfing with his friends on Tuesday morning. This brings about his regular routine. Stop me if you think it's too girly, because i totally think it's girly and he doesn't believe me. He spends about 30 minutes (don't let him lie to you, he would try to deny this vehemently) in the bedroom picking out his golf clothes. Seriously, his golf clothes. He is going to spend 3-4 hours in the chilly morning air, chasing a little white ball around a soggy golf course, and he has to spend all this time making sure he "looks pretty". It's so ridiculous, i almost don't believe it. And then he has to come down the stairs and ask me if his outfit looks ok. I'm almost feel like he is my daughter, and she's getting dressed for her very first date. I'm cracking up laughing right now, just at the thought of it!
Now our computer is on the fritz. Apparently we have a ton of malware that is invading our computer. So much so, that our McAfee security isn't even working. He spent about 30 minutes on the phone with the McAfee people, trying to figure out what to do. His initial thought was to go buy a new McAfee...to which i immediately said no. We just renewed the one we have! He was going to get on that phone and tell them to fix it or give us our money back. Well, he won't do that, he's mister "let's give all our money away, it grows on tree's in the backyard", so now we have to find someone else who will fix it. We almost decided to get rid of the internet all together (yea right, that was just my ploy to get him to fix it right instead of being jerked around by someone trying to rip us off). I told him he needs to stop browsing random nonesense sights. He doesn't have to click on every link that comes up, just to see the pretty pictures. Of course, he gets mad right away and says "If i can't do that, then i don't need the internet at all!"..."Ok" i said. After some thought, he figured he better concede that he needs to limit his "random surfing". Men.
Tonight we're going out to dinner with Sara and Jared. Sara doesn't get out much anymore, being that she's 7 1/2 months pregnant now. We need to get her out of the house more, and we will definately need to get her out more once the baby is born, or she'll go batty! Then i have 2 1/2 days to start and finish her baby shower cake. I'm really excited about making this cake. I have such a great idea in my head, i just hope it turns out half as nice as it looks in my head. I'm starting it tomorrow night, so the cake doesn't get too dry and the icing doesnt' get too hard. Plus i have CPR class tomorrow morning (all morning), and a softball game tomorrow afternoon, and a softball game friday afternoon. So needless to say i will be one busy person the next few days. I hope it all works out!
Frank went golfing with his friends on Tuesday morning. This brings about his regular routine. Stop me if you think it's too girly, because i totally think it's girly and he doesn't believe me. He spends about 30 minutes (don't let him lie to you, he would try to deny this vehemently) in the bedroom picking out his golf clothes. Seriously, his golf clothes. He is going to spend 3-4 hours in the chilly morning air, chasing a little white ball around a soggy golf course, and he has to spend all this time making sure he "looks pretty". It's so ridiculous, i almost don't believe it. And then he has to come down the stairs and ask me if his outfit looks ok. I'm almost feel like he is my daughter, and she's getting dressed for her very first date. I'm cracking up laughing right now, just at the thought of it!
Now our computer is on the fritz. Apparently we have a ton of malware that is invading our computer. So much so, that our McAfee security isn't even working. He spent about 30 minutes on the phone with the McAfee people, trying to figure out what to do. His initial thought was to go buy a new McAfee...to which i immediately said no. We just renewed the one we have! He was going to get on that phone and tell them to fix it or give us our money back. Well, he won't do that, he's mister "let's give all our money away, it grows on tree's in the backyard", so now we have to find someone else who will fix it. We almost decided to get rid of the internet all together (yea right, that was just my ploy to get him to fix it right instead of being jerked around by someone trying to rip us off). I told him he needs to stop browsing random nonesense sights. He doesn't have to click on every link that comes up, just to see the pretty pictures. Of course, he gets mad right away and says "If i can't do that, then i don't need the internet at all!"..."Ok" i said. After some thought, he figured he better concede that he needs to limit his "random surfing". Men.
Tonight we're going out to dinner with Sara and Jared. Sara doesn't get out much anymore, being that she's 7 1/2 months pregnant now. We need to get her out of the house more, and we will definately need to get her out more once the baby is born, or she'll go batty! Then i have 2 1/2 days to start and finish her baby shower cake. I'm really excited about making this cake. I have such a great idea in my head, i just hope it turns out half as nice as it looks in my head. I'm starting it tomorrow night, so the cake doesn't get too dry and the icing doesnt' get too hard. Plus i have CPR class tomorrow morning (all morning), and a softball game tomorrow afternoon, and a softball game friday afternoon. So needless to say i will be one busy person the next few days. I hope it all works out!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mother's Day...
For my mom:
Without You
Mom, without you, there would be no me.
Your love, your attention, your guidance,
have made me who I am.
Without you, I would be lost,
wandering aimlessly,
without direction or purpose.
You showed me the way
to serve, to accomplish, to persevere.
Without you, there would be an empty space
I could never fill, no matter how I tried.
Instead, because of you,
I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.
Thank you, mom.
I have always loved you
and I always will.
~By Joanna Fuchs

Mom, without you, there would be no me.
Your love, your attention, your guidance,
have made me who I am.
Without you, I would be lost,
wandering aimlessly,
without direction or purpose.
You showed me the way
to serve, to accomplish, to persevere.
Without you, there would be an empty space
I could never fill, no matter how I tried.
Instead, because of you,
I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.
Thank you, mom.
I have always loved you
and I always will.
~By Joanna Fuchs
For my daughter:
As I watch you grow
Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart
it's there you'll always be though your own life will now start.
You're growing so fast it sends me awhirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where's my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well because I care.
The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know,
You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all you dreams and goals, sit before you very near.
With god's love in your heart and the world by its tail,
You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.
For you this poem was written, with help from above,
To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother's heartfelt Love!
As I watch you grow
Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart
it's there you'll always be though your own life will now start.
You're growing so fast it sends me awhirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where's my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well because I care.
The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know,
You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all you dreams and goals, sit before you very near.
With god's love in your heart and the world by its tail,
You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.
For you this poem was written, with help from above,
To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother's heartfelt Love!
Just call me "No, No, bad blogger"...
I know, i know, it's been a week already! But this is a busy time for me. The end of my work for this school year is coming up in a week and a half, so they are trying to jam everything in to this last week so they can get it all in and done with. So i've been working just about every night the past week. But i have big things going on this week and this coming weekend, so i should have some good stuff to blog about...if i can find the time, lol.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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