Monday, October 25, 2010

One busy day...

Yesterday was one busy day for us. After church, we had a 2nd birthday party to go to. Parties are always big events for Madylinn. She played with the other kids, and with some of the adults too! She ate a good amount of food, and cake of course. And then Elmo showed up. I knew before the party that he was going to show up, and i knew it was going to be a bad idea. All the kids were scared of him! None of them wanted to even go near him, until our friend Joe started picking kids up and putting them on Elmo's lap. That wasn't the best of idea's, as all but 1 of the kids started screaming and flailing to get away. I guess it's a bigger kid thing. Maybe next year it'll work. I hope it goes more smoothly when we go to see Santa!

Then we came home and carved pumpkins. Frank and I each carved a big pumpkin while Mady played with her little one.
Here is Frank's pumpkin creation
Here is my pumpkin creation
And here is Mady's pumpkin creation
Here are our pumpkins on display

I also made good use of the oven for the ENTIRE DAY. I made homemade fruit roll ups. They actually came out really really good, they just took a while. They have no sugar, and are pretty much all fruit, so i don't feel bad letting Mady have one or two a day. I can't wait to make more!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hope for the future...

Here is my proof. I'll be able to show Mady these pictures in 30 years when she is a successful doctor, and say to her "I knew it right from the beginning!"
Taking blood pressure
Checking daddy's ears (careful, you might see all the way through!)
Having her own blood pressure taken
Listening to her heartbeat

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mady's first haircut...

All ready to get her hair cut
Happy hair cut baby
Snip snip snip
Getting her bangs trimmed while daddy holds her head still
The after a pony tail of course

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birthday pictures...

Her birthday sign
Opening presents
Loving her SpongeBob doll
Riding her bike
Some of the kids, playing under the pool table
The birthday cake
Blowing out her candles
Our family

Friday, October 8, 2010

Busy bee...,

I know it's been forever since i've posted, but i've been really busy.
Not only was it Bloomsburg Fair week, one of my favorite weeks of the whole year, but we've had lots of places to go and people to see. Parties to attend, and work to do.
And then this week, i've been busy trying to finish things up for Mady's birthday party tomorrow. And let me tell you, that's no easy feat!
I'm buying decorations, filling treat bags, putting together presents, ordering and buying food, and of course baking the cakes!
Baking the cakes, i thought, was going to be the hardest part. But surprisingly, they are coming out really nicely. I can't wait to show them off. Mady already loves them, so that's a good sign.
Stay tuned for pictures of the party, in case you can't join us!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...