Monday, November 29, 2010

Thank you hunters...

Let me start by saying a big thank you to all the hunters out there. If it wasn't for you, i wouldn't have today off from work!

Today we went shopping again. Everytime i go Christmas shopping, i come home with tons and tons of bags, but i never seem to get closer to being done? How is that possible? And i've found that sometimes i can't find the perfect gift, let alone a good/special gift, for people when i'm looking for them. It's very frustrating!

Thank goodness for online shopping and sales sales sales!

The news is in...

Well, to start with, for those of you that don't already know...

It's a GIRL!!

I know, i know, i'm as shocked as you are! But it's true. God must have bigger and better plans for us than i thought. I always knew he was on my side for this whole "really big family" thing, hehehe.

But to be honest, i was a bit dissapointed at first. I was really wanting a boy. But now that i've had time to think about it, i'm very excited about having another baby girl.
It just means more pigtails...more prom dresses...another wedding...another daughter for daddy to walk down the isle...another 2 1/2 years of daddy sitting on the couch with a shotgun...matching outfits...Mady having a best friend for life...another best friend for mommy...the list goes on and on.

Now i just have to stop myself from buying all kinds of new cute clothes for the baby. She will already have Mady's clothes, which is enough to wear a new outfit everyday for her whole life practically. But she definately WILL need some new summer clothes, since she will be so small then and Mady was already 6+ months old by that time. And of course, i'm totally going to buy some matching outfits so they look so darn cute together!! They will hate it when they get older, but while they are young, i might as well have my fun while i can, hehehe.

Also, it's about that dreaded time where Frank and I have to start thinking about names. We have about 10-15 that we agree on already, but we can't agree on a favorite at all. Good thing we have 19 weeks to figure it out. We could always listen to Mady and name her SpongeBob.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

This will be the last post i create before the big day. No, not THAT big day. But the next biggest day to that. The day we find out what our little easter eggie is!
In just a little over 12 hours, we'll know if our house will be female dominated or evened out 2 on 2.
I still haven't had a dream as to what this baby is like i did with Mady. I still don't really have an feeling what-so-ever what this baby is!
I guess we'll have to wait and see though.
But for those of you who will be lucky enough to see me at the Run for the Diamonds, you will be amung the first people to find out what eggie is. For the rest of you that are lucky enough to see me that day, you'll just have to ask. And for everyone'll have to check back and see!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Take a guess, any guess...

Ok everyone, here it is...

Here is my Madylinn belly (first picture) compared to my Baby #2 belly (second picture)...

So what do you think? Boy or Girl?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My rant for the day...

It's all over the news lately, it's in the newspapers, it's on the can't seem to avoid it...and everyone has an opinion that they all voice freely. So let me jump on the bandwagon too.

Body scanners at the airports.

What is wrong with you people?! Seriously.
You want to be safe when you travel, right?
You don't want your plane highjacked at gunpoint, right?
You want to arrive at your destination safely, and not crash on the way, right?!
They dont see any private parts, they don't see your face, it's just an image of your body to see if you are hiding any weapons in any places that a regular pat down wouldn't catch.
What's the big deal?
If you want to scan my body, go right ahead. I know i sure don't want to be plane-jacked, and i have nothing to hide.
It's not an invasion of privacy by any means.
It's called a safety measure people. And if you don't like it, don't fly!
You let theml scan your luggage, and if they feel it necessary, they will go through it without your permission. I'm sure most people have a lot more personal things in their luggage than they do hidden in the "un-seen" areas.
I really just don't get what the big deal is, unless you have something to hide.
And the only time they go for the actual "pat-down" and groin/butt check is when you say "No" to a body scan. I think that's a little worse, don't you?
These people are just doing their job.
They are just trying to keep YOU safe while you fly.
And it's mostly the people that complain the most about a lack of security measures, a lack of safety, and the people who are running late for their flight.
Look, douche bag, if you don't get a body scan or pat down check like i do, i don't want you on my plane. I don't know what you are hiding. And crashing into the ocean doesn't sound like a good vacation to me.
So do me a favor, and stay the hell home if you don't like it!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well kiss my blarney stone...

So every week during football season, Frank and I play football tickets and polls. I know, i know, it's illegal to gamble on sporting events...sue me, it's fun!
We play the regular bookie tickets, which i never win on, but Frank sometimes wins on.
We also play the football poll that my dad gets from one of his friends. It's just a local "pick the winners" game, with a points tie breaker.
Well, last week i won on the football poll! It was great, since i never win...and i mean never. Well, wouldn't you know it, i won again this week!!
This is unprecidented!
Un-heard of!!
I think i need to buy a lottery ticket.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Hair is an ongoing debate in this house. Well, Mady's hair is at least.

Frank likes to wet it and comb it straight down, poker straight. Then when it dries, it gets all fly away on the ends and kinda resembles Farrah Fawcett's hair from the Charlie's Angel's movie.

I, on the other hand, like to put some mousse in her hair and scruntch it. It curls up very nicely, and it looks so cute! She is definately gonna have curly hair like her mommy. Frank says the mousse makes her hair look "dirty" and "messy". But he's a boy, what does he know!

Judge for yourself...messy or right?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family night out...

Yesterday we decided we needed a family night out. So after Mady woke up from her nap, we all got dressed and made our way to the mall. We were pretty hungry, so we decided to go to Longhorn Steak house for dinner. Well, it's good we stopped in when we did! It was 5:30 when we got there and put our names on the list, and they told me it was an 80-90 minute wait at that point. So we took the caller thingy and went to Target to browse around for a while (pre-black friday shopping if you will). By the time we were done, it was almost time to go back. When we got back, it was still about a 10 minute wait, so we stood inside the first set of doors with a crowd of people. There were so many people there!! It was absolutely hysterical listening to some of the people bitch! There was a lady flipping out on the hostess because now it was up to a 140 minute wait, and the lady thought that was ridiculous. She stormed out, yelling at all the people waiting that they should leave too because she was there for 2 hours before she was even waited on at the desk. Really lady, 2 hours?! What did you think was going to happen. A really popular new restaurant comes to town, it's open a week, and you think you can drive up and get right in?! We felt so bad for the poor hostesses, they were taking a lot of crap from people, and it wasn't their fault. By the time we sat down to eat, it was about 715. Our waitress was really nice, and we got drinks and bread and an appetizer right away, because we knew it would take a while for our dinners to come out because of the crowd. Boy were we right! After the appetizer, it was a bit till our salads got there, and then it was even longer until our dinners came out. I was totally full before my meal even got there! And we didn't even get out of there until 901, so needless to say, Longhorn Steak House took up our whole night. But it was such good food, we both decided it was worth it, and we were glad we didn't give up and go somewhere else.

On another note, on the way there, i felt the baby kick (FINALLY)! This baby is slacking compared to Mady. Mady was kicking about 1 1/2 weeks earlier.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Already wondering...

I know we still have 2 weeks and 1 day until we find out what we're having, but i've already started to wonder on a daily basis. My curiosity is getting the best of me. With Mady, i had a dream about a week before we found out. In that dream, everyone was telling me what a beautiful GIRL we had, so i knew then and there it was a girl. I had a dream about 2 weeks ago that we had a boy, but he was already a week old and we didn't have a name for him yet! So i'm still waiting for that definitive dream...hopefully next week?!
And guessing doesn't help me at all. Old wives tales were mostly wrong with Mady, so who knows what they're like with this one. And i guess you can't judge based on how the pregnancies have been to date, since i know people who've had totally different pregnancies and they had the same gender.
But these pregnancies have been nothing but totally different. With Mady, i gained weight from day 1, with this baby i haven't gained a pound yet (well, maybe .3). With Mady i was never sick or anything, with this baby i was sick for 14 weeks and even now still on and off. With Mady all i craved were soft pretzels and mozz sticks, with this baby i want chocolate and ice cream. They couldn't be more different.
I guess we'll have to wait 2 more weeks to see.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'd say it was a good day...

Yup, that's right. I'd say it was a good day today...a really good day.
I got up with Mady and got her dressed and eating breakfast.
I went to Farmer's market and got some yummy veggies.
I came home and got to go for a nice, long run ALL BY MYSELF!!!
I had a yummy lunch with my loves.
We dropped Mady off and went to a actual movie at a theater!
We went out to dinner ALONE.
We visited family.
We got some chocolate milkshakes on the way home.
Clocks get set back and i "hopefully" get an extra hour of sleep.
I'd say it was a good day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...