Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is it with these characters?!

So here's the scenario...

We're sitting, watching Sesame Street while we eat breakfast...

The characters are doing their usual stuff, and then he appears...

Baby bear.

Now i don't normally dislike cartoon characters, but i'm starting to make exceptions.

This bear has a speech impediment.

Now don't get me wrong, i know that there are kids out there that have this problem, and it's nice for them to have "someone to relate to" on tv.

But shouldn't we be trying to teach them how to speak the right way?

Not encouraging their problem.

And it's not just Sesame Street, it's on Wonder Pets too!

Mady has a book that talks to her and helps her learn to read...

and guess who the narrator of said book is...

Ming Ming Duck, the very character with the speech impediment!

Maybe this is bad of me to say, maybe it's politically incorrect, but i don't want my kid learning to talk and read with a speech impediment because that's how her books talk to her.

And what do i say when she says to me "Mommy, why does baby bear talk that way?"

Just a thought.

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's beginning to feel a lot like...spring!

So for the past week or so, it's been warmer more days than it's been cool out.
And i must say, i absolutely love it!
Not just me though, but the girls too.
It's nice to be able to get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and GO OUTSIDE!
We have definately been in the house too much.
We are all dying to get outside.
Even Em wants to get out and walk around.
I can't wait for it to be spring already, so we can be outside every day,
instead of waiting to see how the weather will be.
I'm also dying to get the kids back out in the jogger stroller.
Let me tell you, my treadmill is becoming my enemy more and more everyday!
I need the open road!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our latest project...

Names for the doors!
See how it matches the wall?!
Names for the doors!
See how it matches the wall?!

10 months already...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day, no matter who your Valentine is!
All our love,
The Stiffies

Monday, February 13, 2012

Things my kids say...

Mady: "Mommy, can i have an orange, please?!?!!!!"
Me: "Sure you can!"
I leave to peel and de-seed the orange and piece it up on a plate.
Mady: (After a few bites) "Mommy, did you get all the peanuts out of the orange?"
Me: "The what?! Oh, um, yea, i got all of them out i think. Why, did you get one?!"
Mady: "No, but the last one was hard, i think it was a bad peanut"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just some pics...

Shaving buddies
Running up my phone bill already, lol
So tired
The girls with Pap Pap Joe
Chillin at the doctors

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...