It started out as a typical monday morning.
Frank got up and ready for work.
He let the dogs out before he left.
But this morning turned out to be different.
Somehow, somewhere, there was a skunk outside.
And, being the curious dog that he is, Ecko found it...
Well, i'm sure you know what happened next.
That's right people, a face full of skunk butt!
And he made onto the porch and into his usual spot on the couch before Frank even noticed.
So needless to say, our whole porch reeks like skunk!
And to top it off, it was pouring outside, and you can't leave a skunk sprayed dog out in the rain because if they get wet it's even harder to get the stentch off them.
So Frank put the dog in the cage so he couldn't skunk-ify our house anymore, and he came up and told me that i would have to scrub the dog when we all got up.
So he left for work, but thankfully a miracle happened.
When he got to his usual place to meet up with his carpool, his boss had cancelled their concrete pour for this morning because of the rain...
So Frank told his boss he was just gonna go home to help scrub the dog.
Thank you Jesus!!
He came home and went back to sleep for a while (his favorite part) to wait for the rain to stop.
When the rain finally stopped, he went to WalMart to buy supplies to clean the dog.
And i know what you're thinking, but we didn't get tomato juice.
We used baking soda, peroxide and dish detergent.
It only took 2 scrubs to get him clean, miraculously.
Hopefully he'll be smart enough to avoid black animals with white stripes on their backs from now on, but i doubt it.
So after we all ate and got dressed, we decided to go get the dog a new collar, since his old one still smelled like skunk butt.
Frank also thought it would be a good idea to get Mady a present while we were out...not because it's a holiday, or because it's her birthday, let's just call it a "daddy's day off" present.
Meet the newest members of our family...

Goldie, whitey and blackie (not their offical names, Mady has yet to decide what she wants)

In their new home

Note the princess castle, picked out by our little princess

And this is the proud mommy posing with her fish
This is why daddy goes to work and isn't a stay at home costs too much money!!