Friday, September 28, 2012

A new way to find us...

So we i took my time looking...
and with my hubby being very pushy and impatient patient,
i finally found the one i love!

Isn't it pretty?!
We're going to hang it at the bottom of the driveway on the post with the house numbers on it.
Now you'll be sure not to miss our house.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My proudest mommy moment to date...

Today i had my proudest mommy moment to date.
What could that possibly be, you ask?
Nope, it's not potty training,
it's not any word or phrase.
We were at the Bloomsburg Fair today...
i had taken Em into the bathroom for a diaper change...
Mady and Frank were outside sitting on a bench waiting for us.
Mady was telling him how yummy the funnel cakes smelled,
when a lady that was sitting next to them said to her "You can have a piece of mine if you would like".
What did my baby say?!
She said no!!
And why does that make me so proud, you ask?
Because we have gone over (more times that i probably should have at this age) how it's bad to go anywhere with strangers, and how you should never take food or drinks from strangers.
And i know that that is the reason she said no, because i asked her why she didn't take the funnel cake, and she said "Because you should never take food from strangers".
Great, now that you know the reason, right?!
I was so proud i almost cried, hehe.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Goodbye old, hello new!

We finally said goodbye to our old, yucky loveseat and recliner that we had on the sun porch...
And we said hello to a new, clean fouton and a completely scoured porch that is acceptable for use by my overly picky husband.
This week i'm going to rearrange everything out there and make it more "fall/winter friendly".
Stay tuned for more updates and pictures.
You won't even recognize the place!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome baby...

Our neighbors had their baby on Monday.
They had an adorable baby boy, and they named him Cole
(a name that i love by the way).
Here are some pictures of the gift i made for them.
Keep in mind, they already have an older boy, so i kinda thought clothes weren't a great idea.
Dinosaur on a four wheeler!!
I know, he's a bit small for that four wheeler
He's having fun though!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Always remember...

To quote my friend Jay
"This year September 11th feels a little different, it feels like the healing is almost real. Bin Laden is dead, the Freedom tower is almost done, and the children who are entering High School today can't tell you where they were when the Towers came down. Eleven years ago, today this country was changed forever."
I know i will never forget where i was and what i was doing when it all happened, nor should we ever forget. But as a nation, it's time to grow stronger in their memory, so that we can make what happened to us all that day something that has made us stronger, and not something that has weakened us as a nation.
God Bless America

Monday, September 10, 2012


You really start to learn what kind of parent, and even what kind of person you are just by listening to your kids.

Mommy: (after our run) Mady, will you please run up to the porch and tell Ecko to stop barking?
Mady: Sure mom!
Mady runs up driveway to porch and yells to dog to stop barking
Dog continues to bark at her
Mommy: (after getting to top of driveway) Ecko, shut up!!!!
Mady: Mommy, that's not nice. You're supposed to say be quiet!
Mommy: Oh, my bad. Sorry, Ecko be quiet!!
Mady: That's better mommy. Now keep that in mind for the next time.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...