Today i had my proudest mommy moment to date.
What could that possibly be, you ask?
Nope, it's not potty training,
it's not any word or phrase.
We were at the Bloomsburg Fair today...
i had taken Em into the bathroom for a diaper change...
Mady and Frank were outside sitting on a bench waiting for us.
Mady was telling him how yummy the funnel cakes smelled,
when a lady that was sitting next to them said to her "You can have a piece of mine if you would like".
What did my baby say?!
She said no!!
And why does that make me so proud, you ask?
Because we have gone over (more times that i probably should have at this age) how it's bad to go anywhere with strangers, and how you should never take food or drinks from strangers.
And i know that that is the reason she said no, because i asked her why she didn't take the funnel cake, and she said "Because you should never take food from strangers".
Great, now that you know the reason, right?!
I was so proud i almost cried, hehe.