So, today after church, Frank and I went to go to Babies R Us to buy our crib. We were going with his dad and kay, and we were going to go to Red Lobster afterwards to eat. Well, we get to Babies R Us, and there are so so so many cribs there. Wouldn't you know it, they don't carry our crib in stores. That was our first downfall. We decided to look around the rest of the store and "browse"...there are soooo many things there to chose from! How are you supposed to know what you need and what is "extra"?! Well, after about 1 or 2 hours in there, we went to Red Lobster to eat ( and let me tell you how full i was ). Well, when we got back to his dad's house, we got online to see how much it would cost to order the crib, and if we could get it shipped to a store and pick it up there to save money. Well, you CAN'T ship it to a store to save money, you have to ship it to your house, and it costs and extra $30. Well, needless to say we weren't happy about that. So i thought a bit, and being the smart individual that i am, i went on other websites to look around and see. Well, i got on WalMart's website, and low and behold, there is our crib! A miracle! AND...they ship it to the store for free! was only $4 more than at Babies R Us!!! So needless to say, when i got home i immediately got out the credit card and ordered the crib. We should be able to pick it up at the store in about 7 buisness days. We are both very pleased with that, since this is DEFINATELY the crib that we want.
Now all that's left is to start the gift registries...this outta be fun
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