Monday, May 19, 2008

Going bananas!


No, baby pa-que isn't driving me bananas (yet), and surprisingly Frank isn't driving me bananana (totally). Baby pa-que is the size of a banana! About 10-10 1/2 inches long. And Thursday is the big day when we find out what he/she is. We will get exact measurements then as to how long he/she is and how much he/she weighs. It will be so nice to be able to say either he OR she, and not both.

And here is my 20 week belly shot...20 weeks already! Half way there! I am definately getting bigger, that's for sure. It's noticable in my clothes now too, and i think it FINALLY looks pregnant and not just chubby.

On another note that also makes me happy, my garden is finally ALL growing. The lettuce is very full in the front like a stipe of grass, the peas are now about 2in high, the tomatoes broke the dirt last week and are cute little sprouts, and the peppers and the cucumbers and finally breaking ground this weekend. I also just planted 2 pepper plants that Frank got me from a guy he works with, so those 2 are pretty tall now. Guess my thumb isn't totally black, lol.

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