So yesterday, i think i was officially the closest to hitting someone that i've been this whole pregnancy..and it wasn't even Frank! At work yesterday, there was a boy's soccer game early and then the jv football game later. I spent the first half of the soccer game down there with them, then i made my way back to my room to treat hockey girls and basketball girls, and to tape up the football players. Well, as fate would have it, when i'm not there, one of the soccer boys gets hurt. Now, it's not like there wasn't anyone there that could take care of him, there was an ambulance sitting in the endzone the whole time...but since it wasn't me, that was the only reason they needed to bitch! And it wasn't even the coach or the other players, it was a parent! And not even the students parent, but a different kids parent! It really really irritated me. Now, this is the same parent that complained that the soccer kids should get to play on the football field EVERY game at 7pm (so i don't get home until 10pm..sheesh), and this is the same parent that bitched that i wouldn't be there for the 3 game soccer tourney and ultimately made me miss the first football game. Now she has the balls to yell at me from the stands about something that wasn't even my fault. I had to litterally hold my mouth closed and grind my teeth together, and force myself to walk away, or i would have yelled something i shouldn't have, and probably gone into the stands after her. Honestly, i have a bad temper to start with, and i'm pregnant to top it all she totally nuts?!! Every team out there wants the same thing, they want their athletes taped an hour before the game starts and they want their water our there about an hour before the game starts..that's reasonable..but don't bitch when i have to do it for EVERY team and not just yours! She really got under my skin..really really badly. This lady is very ignorant. Just because i'm carrying another person with me, doesn't mean that i can split into two and be everywhere at once, it just means that things are going to take me a bit longer now. Thank god boys soccer is almost over and i won't have to deal with her for another year.
Today i have a field hockey game and a middle school girls basketball game...and they are very understanding that i have to split my time between the two sports. I can only do my best people! Thank you for understanding and not being total jerks!
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