Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A big first...

Yesterday was Mady's first time voting. Well, she didn't actually vote herself, but she did go with me while i voted. I could tell she wanted to vote herself, but she'll have to wait a few years for that. But i let her tell me her opinions, and i took those into consideration.
We also took her paperwork down to the daycare yesterday, so she's officially registered and can start in about 2 1/2 weeks...when she's 6 weeks old.
We gave her another bath last night as well. She's getting better with them, but she still doesn't like them very much. I thought once her bellybutton fell off and she could get into her "big girl tub", that things would get better...but it didn't really, only a little bit. Maybe it's because she's not totally covered in water and she's still getting chilly, i don't know. She cries less, thats for sure, but she's still crying and not having a good time. Maybe when she can hold her head up on her own and we can get into the ACTUAL big tub, things will get better. Wishful thinking.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...