At the doctor's office, they weighed and measured her. I was expecting her to be longer, since i can feel that and see it in how her outfits fit her now. I knew she would have to be heavier too, i just couldn't tell by how much since i hold her everyday. Well, she is now 22 1/4 inches long (which is up almost a full inch since the last visit), and she is 8lbs 14oz (which is up 15oz since last visit). My lil oinker! I didn't realize she was up that much, but she is still in the 45 percentile, which is very good.
And the doctor told me she was healthy and beautiful (which i already knew, lol). Then it was the time i was dreading...shot time. I wasn't sure i could handle it at first, and i thought i would cry more than her, but i did really well...lollipop for me! Mady on the other hand, cried like she was being shot at first. But they gave her three shots, 2 in the left leg and 1 in the right, and then i picked her up and she stopped crying. Thank goodness. She was such a trooper, i'll have to remind myself to give her a lollipop in a few years for this one...i'll keep an ongoing tally. I'm sure we'll hit double digits before she starts solid foods. That will be the day (or days) she goes to her grandparents houses.
I bought her some baby tylenol and i gave her some right away, as the doctor told me to in case she would get a fever or other reaction. She did pretty well She slept for about 30min when we got home, which is good for her. She didn't really have a problem with her boo-boos until it was time to take the band-aids off. That always hurts, even me, so i wasn't surprised that she cried a bit, but that was only short lived as well. Daddy did that, but once he was done she was back to smiling at him.
Now we have to learn how we're going to get through ear piercing.
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