Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.
~*~This weeks theme is "Things our Kids have done"~*~
My moment of the week isn't so much something Mady has done, but more of something WE did to Mady. Frank is frustrated on a daily basis when it comes to Mady. Well, not Mady per say, but her clothes. Her socks in particular. See, here is our problem. Mady has long toes, but her feet are more on the narrow side, so most of the socks we have don't fit her right. It seems that they are all made for babies with really wide feet. Well, i want to put socks on her that match her outfit, that's just how i am. Well, in doing that, that means we will have to constantly be pulling her socks back up onto her feet. That annoys Frank after the first 10 or so times. Well, here is our moment of the week. Yesterday, i put socks on Mady that matched her outfit, but were too big. Well, instead of letting Frank get annoyed, i fixed them. Wanna know how!? I took a piece of tape, ripped it in half, and wrapped it around the sock to hold it up. Don't worry, i'm not abusing my child. I didn't wrap it tight or anything, just lightly, very lightly, up around the top of her the sock would only fall down to a certain point and then stop. If you could have seen her taped sock, you would be laughing as hard as we were. We did manage to fold the top of the sock down over the tape so you couldnt totally see it. Problem solved!
1 comment:
Sounds like a great solution to the sock problem! Kaden's feet are too big so we're constantly having to adjust his socks as well. They keep sliding off.
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