Saturday, August 22, 2009

My newest creation...

Here is my latest creation...for Mady of course.

I decided i wanted her to have a tutu for her first birthday. Why, because she is a princess of course! So i started browsing online stores and regular stores. To my dismay, i couldn't find anything i liked in local stores, and everything online would end up being $30 until i got it. Well, i took matters into my own hands. Typical me, i know. So i went out and bought all the things i needed, and i came home at got right to work. And when everything was all said and done, the product i ended up with was exactly what i wanted. I tried it on her and she looks cuter than i could ever imagine!! Its super puffy, and frilly, and pastelly (if that's even a word). I can't wait until her birthday to put her in it!!
I think i may start this tutu making thing professionally.

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