This week marks the start of the Lenten season. So for that reason, this weeks thursday thirteen is...
13 things i have previously given up for lent
13. Soda. I've given this up in the past, and this is what i'm giving up this year. It's very difficult for me, as i'm an adict. Yes, there, i've said it. To me, it's like nicotine is to smokers.
12. Ice cream. This is a rough one also, as ice cream is one of my favorite things at night.
11. Chocolate. This one isn't as bad, especially knowing that i'll be eating lots of sweets on Easter.
10. Television. This one is particularly difficult, as tv is everywhere!
9. Cursing. This one wasn't so bad. I don't really curse all that often (except when i'm driving to work and i get behind slow people...then look out).
8. Soda. Have i mentioned this one, because if not, it's really hard. My total nemesis.
7. Shaving my legs. This one was actually kinda nice, but gross for everyone that had to see me, hahaha.
6. Praying the rosary. So this one isn't something i've "given up" per-say. This is something i DID. This was hard too though, as nighttime isn't very "open" time-wise for me.
5. Chips. When i gave this one up, it was hard because i was eating them everyday.
4. Elevators. This one i did while i was at college, living on the 5th floor of a 6 floor building. This one was particularly difficult after a hard practice, or when i was carrying a lot of books. This one also went hand in hand with #2.
3. Bread. This one i thought would be easy, and it turned out to be quite difficult.
2. Drinking water. Ok, this is another one of those "i didn't give this up" things. But if you know me, you know that drinking water isn't something i do very often. So when i did this, i made sure i had to drink 6-8 glasses a day. This was a toughie for me.
1. Soda. Ok, ok, you get it already, it's hard for me. But it's my good old fall back thing to give up. Especially since it's so hard for me, i tend to give it up the most often.
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