Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday Thirteen...

My Thursday thirteen for this week is...

13 smells that make my nose happy:
13. Baking bread

12. A home-cooked dinner that i didnt have to cook myself

11. Frying bacon...oh yea, i can feel my arteries closing already

10. Flowers, especially roses

9. My daughter's hair after a bath

8. Gasoline...i know, i'm weird, but it smells good!

7. My hubby's new cologne...mmmmm

6. Coffee, though i don't like drinking it.

5. Popcorn with extra butter, especially from the movie theatre

4. Rain, especially right before it starts.

3. Play's just good!

2. The ocean, especially when you're like 20 miles away and you open the car window and you can smell that you are almost there.

1. Fresh, crisp air on a morning run

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Picture of the week...