That's right people, there is nothing new going on here. Surprise, surprise! I'm anticipating that changing drastically starting next week though. Next week is the start of work for me, and that means Mady has to go back to daycare. I'm very nervous, scared, and just plain unhappy about the whole thing, but there's nothing i can do about i have to suck it up and deal with it. Mady's vocabulary has been expanding in leaps and bounds, so i'm hoping that spending time at daycare will only help that fact. She will be moving up to the "toddler" room when she goes back, so she'll be in with kids 18months to 3 years. I'm also hoping that she doesn't pick up any bad habits, but i guess we'll have to take the good with the bad.
It's been ridiculously hot and humid during the week, so we try to spend a majority of our time inside the house. We do, however, go for a walk and a run everyday...which for Mady is a walk and a cool relaxing ride in the wind. Must be nice to be pushed all over the surrounding area, not having to do a darn thing, lol.
We're still working on potty training. It's actually a lot harder than i thought it was going to be, and i thought it was going to be pretty hard. Mady is good at telling me when she has to poop, but by the time she actually tells me, she's half way through it and we're too late. As for peeing, she hasn't figured out yet when she has to do that. I thought that was supposed to be the first thing they get?! But she loves to sit on the potty! She will happily take off her diaper and sit on the potty with her book, for like 15miutes! Now just DO something on there, hahaha.
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