Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So usually i make dinner before i leave for work, so that way i know Mady is eating something healthy for dinner instead of just burgers/dogs/cheesesteaks/fries everyday. Well, i decided we were going to have Tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner. I didn't want to make it ahead of time, because that particular entree is not really good, i figured it was something Frank could handle and not burn. Well, he made dinner for himself and Mady, but there wasn't any left for me. This is where it gets weird. When i got home, i decided i wanted a tuna salad sandwich...a tuna salad sandwich!! I NEVER eat tuna! Well, not never, but very rarely. But man, was that good! I could have eaten 100 sandwiches and been happy. Weird.

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