Monday, December 20, 2010

I wouldn't make a good elf...

There is no way that Santa would hire me to be an elf, so there goes my childhood dream!
Why, you may ask?
As many of you know, i'm pretty decent at wrapping least the wrapping part.
But when it comes to using gift bags, i'm pretty much useless!
I'm not totally stupid, i know how to put things in bags. But it's the tissue paper i have an issue with.
I can never, never, NEVER get it to look right?!
Do you put some in the bottom of the bag?
Do you crinkle pieces on the top?
Do you fold it and try to spread it open nicely?
I just can't do it!
I always looks so messy.
And if it's not messy, there are big holes in the paper because i accidentally poked my fingers through it while trying to stuff it in the bag nicely and neatly.
So for everyone that is getting a gift that requires a gift bag this year....I'm sorry in advance!

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