Saturday, January 29, 2011

Is it just me?

I don't get it.
I watch all the home improvement shows on tv, you know, to see how i can spruce up my house for cheap and make it look tons better.
But what i don't get is....
My house is filled with stuff.
Not just Mady's toys and things, but other stuff too, like pictures/knick nacks/candles/papers/etc.
What do they do with all their personal belongings?
Or do they just not have them?
And it's even the same way when people are selling their houses and there are pictures online.
Where is all the stuff?
I would need to spend hours moving tons of junk out of the room to get a good picture, then moving it back in again.
I just dont get it.
Maybe i'm a closet hoarder after all.
Maybe i just have too much junk.
Maybe it's Frank...yea, that's it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Movin on up...

Well, we found out officially on Tuesday evening that we got our new house! I know, i haven't mentioned anything about moving or anything of that sort...but we wanted to keep it quite in case something went wrong and we didn't get the house. It's like the whole thing with keeping a pregnancy secret until the first ultrasound "just in case".

I will have pictures of the new house soon. I'm sure you all don't want to see it with someone else's stuff in it, lol. Heck, you may not want to see it with OUR stuff in it...but we're going to try to cut our "junk" in half and not take most of it with us to the new house. Good luck, i know.

So we're collecting boxes, trying to get everything boxed up and ready for closing so we can start moving ASAP. The sooner we can be out of here and into our new house the better. It's going to be so hard though! Oddly enough, it's hard to get rid of certain, i'm not a hoarder...well, i'm not a really bad one at least. I think being pregnant helps though. I look around the house and i see so much stuff and i just want to get rid of most of it so my house is like new when we move in and not like, all the same junk in a different spot. Hopefully.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I've spent the whole day with Mady (not that i mind that at all)
I've cleaned, done laundry and made dinner
Frank spent the day out having fun, shooting the bow
He came home pretty well drunk (though he says he isn't...yea right)
Like usual, he is asleep in the chair since 730pm
Mady and i are in our jammies watching football
I want ice cream
Grumpy gus won't go get it, he just keeps sleeping
I thought pregnant ladies hubbies were supposed to go out and get them what they want at all hours of the night, isn't that what they do on tv?!
Guess i'm not getting ice cream tonight :(

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So i'm sitting here, watching American Idol.
I said i wouldn't watch it anymore.
I said it would be stupid without Simon.
But here i am, watching away.
Why, you may ask, did i change my mind?!
He is my future husband.
He is amazing.
He is hot.
I love love love love love him!!!!
The only thing that could be better is if i were there to meet him in person.
I would totally embarrass myself on national television for the chance to meet him for 2 minutes.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's here!!

No, not the baby...although there are hours during the day that i WISH that statement were true.
It's my new camera!
It finally arrived.
When i first started playing with the camera, i was less than impressed, and i definately wished i had bought the other camera instead.
But the manual that comes with the camera, litterally, doesn't tell you anything about how to work it...other than, here is how to turn it on, here is how to review your pictures, here is how to charge your battery.
So after i played around for a while and figured out all the features, i decided that this camera is by far the coolest camera i've ever owned!
Even Frank thinks it's really cool, and he isn't impressed by anything that isn't the most expensive of it's type.
I will be posting pictures as soon as i upload some of them...but i'm still playing around right now

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The 3rd trimester...

Dear Easter Egg baby~
Now that we are in the 3rd and final trimester, i have a few small requests.

#1: Could you please stop kicking my kidneys?! I already make double the trips to the bathroom...with all your soccer moves, it's become triple!
#2: Could you not try to snuggle up with my stomach?! I know you will definately like stuffed animals, but if you keep squeezing and pushing my stomach up into my ribs, i might explode! I promise to have lots of stuffed animals here for you to cuddle with when you are born.
#3: Could you please do some of your kicking when daddy is hoping to feel you?! I think he is beginning to think i made you up as an excuse to eat more.
#4: Please don't think that my belly is your permenant home. Your older sister made that mistake already and it really made me upset. If you could show up ON or BEFORE you due date, i would be very very happy!!

Thanks for your cooperation in advance.
All my love,
Your mommy :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm a what?!

So according to all the news, i'm not a Gemini anymore.
Seriously people?!
Have you met me?
I'm practically the definition of a Gemini!
I don't buy it.
I'm staying a Gemini.
But if you're interested in changing your sign after all these years, here is what you are now...

Capricorn: Jan 20-Feb 16
Aquarius: Feb 16-March 11
Pisces: March 11-April 18
Aries: April 18-May 13
Taurus: May 13-June 21
Gemini: June 21- July 20
Cancer: July 20-Aug 10
Leo: Aug 10-Sept 16
Virgo: Sept 16-Oct 30
Libra: Oct 30-Nov 23
Scorpio: Nov 23-Nov 29
Ophiuchus: Nov 29-Dec 17
Sagittarius: Dec 17-Jan 20

And yes, you did read that right. They added a new sign.
I couldn't even begin to tell you how to pronounce it.
And look at poor Scorpio.
They are down to a measly 6 days.
And what happens with the birthstones?
And what will poor Ophiuchus get? Coal?!
Next thing you know, they'll be adding new months.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One decision made...

Well, out of all the decisions i have to make over the next few months, i managed to make one...
I ordered my new camera.
I went with the Cannon Powershot 3500.
I really hope it's nice.
Frank warned me not to buy something i haven't tried/played with, but like usual, i didn't listen.
Everyone told me to go with the Cannon, that they were soooo great.
So i did.
I gave in to peer pressure.
But no, i wouldnt jump off a cliff if they told me to.
I really just want my old camera to work again.
It was the best camera i've ever had.
I loved it so much.
I'm going to give it to my "step dad" Gary and hope he can fix it, but i'm not expecting much.
You never know...there's always a chance!
But since my new camera won't be here for a week yet, i had to borrow my mom's spare camera.
I felt so naked and helpless without a camera.
So now i have something to hold me over.
I just hope i like this new camera, or i'm finding my old camera on Ebay and buying it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

1 hour...

Today i had my 1 hour glucose test.
I had to go to the hospital, drink this super sweet soda-like drink, and sit there for 1 hour. Then, they draw my blood and test it to see if i am in the range to potentially be diabetic during the last bit of this pregnancy.
I guess i won't find out the results until my next appointment.
I took Mady with me, as there is nobody around on a monday morning to watch her while i sit there.
We took her car DVD player and her Monsters Inc movie, and she sat there really nice and quietly (except for when she wanted more juice or her gummies) and she watched most of the movie!
I was pleasantly surprised.

In other news, i am deeply depressed.
I was out being the "professional photographer" that i like to think i am, taking pictures of Mady shoveling snow with her little shovel and playing, when the unthinkable happened.
I dropped the camera in the snow.
I am so depressed now!
All i get when i try to turn it on is "Lens error".
I know what that means. It means the lens got shook up and is bumping into something on the inside and it won't let it focus or anything. And since the lens doesn't go in or out at all, i can't get in at it to fix it.
I took it to Best Buy, and they told me i'd have to send it out to Nikon to get it repaired, and it would most likely cost me, for repair and shipping and all, the same as a new one.
So i guess i have to get a new one :(
And on an even worse note, they don't make my camera anymore. It's only a year and a half old people, it's not ancient!! Well, i guess in camera years it probably is.
So the question becomes, do i get the newer model of the camera i had, or do i switch it up and get a different kind?
Nikon Coolpix S80 or Cannon PowerShot SX3500IS ???

I'm ordering tonight or tomorrow so i can get it in a week and hopefully not miss anything important.
Suggestions anyone?!?!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Well, it turned out good...

So, after all my complaining and moaning about how hard potty training was, it all turned out really good!
Mady is now, almost, potty trained!!
She can pee on the potty all on her own now.
She wears big girl panties and pull-ups.
Sometimes, she even poops on the potty!!
I'm so proud!
But it was really hard work.
It can really test your patience.
But i feel like I accomplished something as much as she did.
Now to stock up on my stickers and lollipops.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...