Today i had my 1 hour glucose test.
I had to go to the hospital, drink this super sweet soda-like drink, and sit there for 1 hour. Then, they draw my blood and test it to see if i am in the range to potentially be diabetic during the last bit of this pregnancy.
I guess i won't find out the results until my next appointment.
I took Mady with me, as there is nobody around on a monday morning to watch her while i sit there.
We took her car DVD player and her Monsters Inc movie, and she sat there really nice and quietly (except for when she wanted more juice or her gummies) and she watched most of the movie!
I was pleasantly surprised.
In other news, i am deeply depressed.
I was out being the "professional photographer" that i like to think i am, taking pictures of Mady shoveling snow with her little shovel and playing, when the unthinkable happened.
I dropped the camera in the snow.
I am so depressed now!
All i get when i try to turn it on is "Lens error".
I know what that means. It means the lens got shook up and is bumping into something on the inside and it won't let it focus or anything. And since the lens doesn't go in or out at all, i can't get in at it to fix it.
I took it to Best Buy, and they told me i'd have to send it out to Nikon to get it repaired, and it would most likely cost me, for repair and shipping and all, the same as a new one.
So i guess i have to get a new one :(
And on an even worse note, they don't make my camera anymore. It's only a year and a half old people, it's not ancient!! Well, i guess in camera years it probably is.
So the question becomes, do i get the newer model of the camera i had, or do i switch it up and get a different kind?
Nikon Coolpix S80 or Cannon PowerShot SX3500IS ???
I'm ordering tonight or tomorrow so i can get it in a week and hopefully not miss anything important.
Suggestions anyone?!?!
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