Thursday, March 3, 2011


So i'm starting this whole new thing right now. I know, i know, it isn't really "new" new, but to me it's new. I'm going to trying couponing.

I know i've said it before, but i'm really serious this time. I'm going to look through weekly circulars, cut as many coupons as i can, try to get double coupons where i can, and even shop at more than one place to try to get deals.

I'm not going to be one of those psycho people though, i don't have time for that. I watched a show on TLC the other day about obsessed couponers. They are seriously nuts! They have their garages and pantries and god only knows where else, totally stuffed with food! I'm talking 50 jars of pasta sauce...50!! They literally have over 50 of everything. I know that's great if you use something a lot, like laundry detergent or deodorant or something, and i know these people get amazing deals on all that bulk stuff...but they are out of their minds!

Frank would have me living in the backyard in a house made out of all of my crazy bulk food and things! He already yells at me for all the food we have in the pantry, and it's all stuff we use weekly, and stuff we'll use long before it goes bad.

I'm just happy when i can save $1 on something, or when i Buy 1 Get 1 Free and i have 2 coupons so i get a great deal...but only on things that we use, that i know won't go bad before we get to them!

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