So sunday we went to Sam's Club shopping.
We always love to buy their bulk items, especially the diapers.
This time we had another purchase in mind.
A playset for Mady.
I know what you're thinking...a playset, from Sam's Club, really?!
But i did some research first and it was the best playset for the best price.
We checked online and thought we would have to buy it there, but surprisingly they had it available for purchase at the store.
Of course, we couldn't take it home that's 4 HUGE boxes and a 10' slide!
So we had it delivered.
And it's arriving today!!
I can't wait to see her face when it's up and she can play on it.
It's pretty much her Easter present from us, just a bit early.
Frank and I have a bet...all the reviews say it took 2 experienced "putter-togetherers" 20+ hours to get it together.
Frank thinks he can do it in less than a day by himself.
I'm pretty sure i'm gonna win this one.
Any takers on that bet?!
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