Welcome to our life. This is where is i will be able to vent my frustrations, share our joys, and post pictures of our little princesses Madylinn and Emmerson. Be warned, this blog is not for the squeemish or the faint of heart. So please keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times, and enjoy!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
It's time to crack down...
So i think i've hit my wall.
It's been almost 13 weeks since i've had Em, and i've hit the weight loss wall.
I've been running as many days as i can, but the weight has just seemed to plateau.
So it's time to take more drastic measures to get it off.
Well, not necessarily drastic.
I hate diets, so that pretty much rules that out.
I like to eat what i want, in moderation of course.
That's not too bad. TOO bad. I hope.
So this morning i started back up on Insanity.
I did Insanity last summer and it really helped get me in shape fast, and shed some of the stubborn pounds that just wouldn't come off.
I'm hoping it works as good, if not better, this time.
I'm also going to make an attempt at eating better.
Less sweets, less soda (less, not none).
I'm also trying that whole "chew slow and long" stuff.
We'll see how it goes.
Here's hoping!!
Run away fat, run away!!!
It's been almost 13 weeks since i've had Em, and i've hit the weight loss wall.
I've been running as many days as i can, but the weight has just seemed to plateau.
So it's time to take more drastic measures to get it off.
Well, not necessarily drastic.
I hate diets, so that pretty much rules that out.
I like to eat what i want, in moderation of course.
That's not too bad. TOO bad. I hope.
So this morning i started back up on Insanity.
I did Insanity last summer and it really helped get me in shape fast, and shed some of the stubborn pounds that just wouldn't come off.
I'm hoping it works as good, if not better, this time.
I'm also going to make an attempt at eating better.
Less sweets, less soda (less, not none).
I'm also trying that whole "chew slow and long" stuff.
We'll see how it goes.
Here's hoping!!
Run away fat, run away!!!
A pretty busy time...
So it's been a while since i've blogged, i know.
We've had a lot going on.
Last week i lost my Grandmother.
She was a great woman that was loved by many.
Also, our really good friends were in from Florida all last week.
So we've been very busy running around a lot.
On another note, this heat has been a killer lately.
Thank god we have a pool, or i think we would have all melted!
But it seems to have turned my kids into power sleepers at night
I think it could be that Mady has been sleeping in our bed at night the past few days.
We had an AC go down, so Mady doesn't have one in her room, so we've let her sleep with us to stay cool.
Thank god we got the bigger bed finally!
And Em always ends up cuddling with me in bed around 6am.
So it could be the cool air, it could be the new bed...
I'm not sure, but i need to figure it out.
If i could get these kids to power sleep in their OWN rooms, i would be the happiest mommy in the world!
I would get kicked, drooled on, layed on and otherwise mauled all morning long.
We've had a lot going on.
Last week i lost my Grandmother.
She was a great woman that was loved by many.
Also, our really good friends were in from Florida all last week.
So we've been very busy running around a lot.
On another note, this heat has been a killer lately.
Thank god we have a pool, or i think we would have all melted!
But it seems to have turned my kids into power sleepers at night
I think it could be that Mady has been sleeping in our bed at night the past few days.
We had an AC go down, so Mady doesn't have one in her room, so we've let her sleep with us to stay cool.
Thank god we got the bigger bed finally!
And Em always ends up cuddling with me in bed around 6am.
So it could be the cool air, it could be the new bed...
I'm not sure, but i need to figure it out.
If i could get these kids to power sleep in their OWN rooms, i would be the happiest mommy in the world!
I would get kicked, drooled on, layed on and otherwise mauled all morning long.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Easy come, easy go...
That's how it always seems to be.
We get money, and we don't have it a full day and Frank already has it spent in his head.
And those of you that know Frank know he hates taking NO for an answer.
This one is partially my fault though.
I put the idea in his head.
We finally sold the boat :(
I know, i'm really sad about it.
But with Em being so little, it would be practically impossible to use the boat this summer.
And finding people to go on the boat every weekend so we can ski and tube isn't as easy as you'd think it would be.
But now we have the pool, so i think it's a pretty fair trade.
And we've vowed to get another boat in a few years when the kids get a bit older.
But anyway, back to the story.
We sold the boat, so now we have the money for that.
Frank wants to buy a hot tub.
Not that i don't want one, but when would we use it?
The way it is, by the time he gets home from work,
he showers and spends a little time with the girls,
we eat dinner,
clean up,
then it's time to start the bed time rituals (ie baths, stories and cuddles).
By the time that's all done, its late.
He can't even stay awake past dinner time the way it is,
and he thinks he can stay awake past the girls bedtime just to get in a hot tub?!
So when he was making his usual plea for what he wants,
i made the suggestion "Why don't we go look at beds".
I should have emphasized LOOK a bit better.
In his typical way, looking means coming home with something right then and there.
So needless to say, we went to Shimocks and Baders, and now we have a new bed.
This didn't come without a fight though.
Of course, he isn't happy with just a new bed,
he wants to entire 6 piece bedroom suit, plus 2 end tables, plus everything else he saw.
And of course he wasn't happy with a queen bed, he wanted the king.
Even though i told him the difference in the price of sheets from queen to king is a lot.
So after arguing, and me making my points well known,
we ended up getting just the queen bed, but we got the best mattress available.
I thought it was a good compromise.
Plus i told him we could get the bedroom suit pieces one by one.
We dont' need them all right now.
My most compelling argument is simply, "Just because we have all this money now, doesn't mean we have to run right out and spend it all".
Why doesn't he understand that?!
Is it a guy thing?!
But he at least gets the new bed he wants, so now i don't have to hear him complain about how much his body hurts from an old bed.
We get money, and we don't have it a full day and Frank already has it spent in his head.
And those of you that know Frank know he hates taking NO for an answer.
This one is partially my fault though.
I put the idea in his head.
We finally sold the boat :(
I know, i'm really sad about it.
But with Em being so little, it would be practically impossible to use the boat this summer.
And finding people to go on the boat every weekend so we can ski and tube isn't as easy as you'd think it would be.
But now we have the pool, so i think it's a pretty fair trade.
And we've vowed to get another boat in a few years when the kids get a bit older.
But anyway, back to the story.
We sold the boat, so now we have the money for that.
Frank wants to buy a hot tub.
Not that i don't want one, but when would we use it?
The way it is, by the time he gets home from work,
he showers and spends a little time with the girls,
we eat dinner,
clean up,
then it's time to start the bed time rituals (ie baths, stories and cuddles).
By the time that's all done, its late.
He can't even stay awake past dinner time the way it is,
and he thinks he can stay awake past the girls bedtime just to get in a hot tub?!
So when he was making his usual plea for what he wants,
i made the suggestion "Why don't we go look at beds".
I should have emphasized LOOK a bit better.
In his typical way, looking means coming home with something right then and there.
So needless to say, we went to Shimocks and Baders, and now we have a new bed.
This didn't come without a fight though.
Of course, he isn't happy with just a new bed,
he wants to entire 6 piece bedroom suit, plus 2 end tables, plus everything else he saw.
And of course he wasn't happy with a queen bed, he wanted the king.
Even though i told him the difference in the price of sheets from queen to king is a lot.
So after arguing, and me making my points well known,
we ended up getting just the queen bed, but we got the best mattress available.
I thought it was a good compromise.
Plus i told him we could get the bedroom suit pieces one by one.
We dont' need them all right now.
My most compelling argument is simply, "Just because we have all this money now, doesn't mean we have to run right out and spend it all".
Why doesn't he understand that?!
Is it a guy thing?!
But he at least gets the new bed he wants, so now i don't have to hear him complain about how much his body hurts from an old bed.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
And so it's done...
Friday, July 8, 2011
Things that go bump in the night...
So Frank is very insistant that there is a Mountain Lion in the woods behind our house.
Ever since our neighbor came home from vacation and said her dad thought he saw one.
I think they are ALL our of their minds.
There is no Mountain Lion!
But he is insistant.
He was out walking the dogs the other night...
now mind you, he takes a flashlight and a gun with him (so don't sneak up on him, lol)...
well, he swears he heard something in the woods,
and then he swears he heard something up behind the shed that "was definately bigger than a human",
you know, because nothing can sound big and be nothing.
So he comes running into the house, dragging the dogs behind him, yelling "get it, get it".
He is at the screen door, shining the flashlight out into the woods, looking for something out there.
All we saw was a cat, a kitty cat.
It's too funny how scared he is of this supposed Mountain Lion!
We were in the car the other day and we were going down the road.
I said to him "LOOK! There's the Mountain Lion!!"
and of course he yells "Where?!" like there really is one just hanging out on the side of the road.
Of course, it was just a kitty cat that i pointed to.
I told him he better warn the neighbors.
I was laughing,
he wasn't...lol
Ever since our neighbor came home from vacation and said her dad thought he saw one.
I think they are ALL our of their minds.
There is no Mountain Lion!
But he is insistant.
He was out walking the dogs the other night...
now mind you, he takes a flashlight and a gun with him (so don't sneak up on him, lol)...
well, he swears he heard something in the woods,
and then he swears he heard something up behind the shed that "was definately bigger than a human",
you know, because nothing can sound big and be nothing.
So he comes running into the house, dragging the dogs behind him, yelling "get it, get it".
He is at the screen door, shining the flashlight out into the woods, looking for something out there.
All we saw was a cat, a kitty cat.
It's too funny how scared he is of this supposed Mountain Lion!
We were in the car the other day and we were going down the road.
I said to him "LOOK! There's the Mountain Lion!!"
and of course he yells "Where?!" like there really is one just hanging out on the side of the road.
Of course, it was just a kitty cat that i pointed to.
I told him he better warn the neighbors.
I was laughing,
he wasn't...lol
Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
What have we been up to...
I know it's been a while since i've posted.
It's been a bit crazy around here.
We've been trying to catch up on our reading...

Frank went out last week and got a new car.
Well, not a "new" new car, a used new car.
It's a Traverse, and it's so nice.
And it's just as roomy as the Yukon was, if not more!
It also has a DVD player in the roof for the girls,
And it comes with wireless headphones so mommy and daddy don't have to listen to the movie (for the millioneth time).
It's been a bit crazy around here.
We've been trying to catch up on our reading...
Frank went out last week and got a new car.
Well, not a "new" new car, a used new car.
It's a Traverse, and it's so nice.
And it's just as roomy as the Yukon was, if not more!
It also has a DVD player in the roof for the girls,
And it comes with wireless headphones so mommy and daddy don't have to listen to the movie (for the millioneth time).
We've spend some quality time with family.
(As you can see, i am CLEARLY the one that doesn't fit into this family)
We caught some rays...
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