Monday, July 25, 2011

It's time to crack down...

So i think i've hit my wall.
It's been almost 13 weeks since i've had Em, and i've hit the weight loss wall.
I've been running as many days as i can, but the weight has just seemed to plateau.
So it's time to take more drastic measures to get it off.
Well, not necessarily drastic.
I hate diets, so that pretty much rules that out.
I like to eat what i want, in moderation of course.
That's not too bad. TOO bad. I hope.
So this morning i started back up on Insanity.
I did Insanity last summer and it really helped get me in shape fast, and shed some of the stubborn pounds that just wouldn't come off.
I'm hoping it works as good, if not better, this time.
I'm also going to make an attempt at eating better.
Less sweets, less soda (less, not none).
I'm also trying that whole "chew slow and long" stuff.
We'll see how it goes.
Here's hoping!!
Run away fat, run away!!!

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