Thursday, September 15, 2011

The strange places kids sleep...

Mady is one of those kids,
when she's tired she could sleep being held upside down by her ankles.
But for some reason,
once or twice a week,
i wake up to find her sleeping in the hallway.
It's not that she's afraid to come into our room and wake me up,
trust me, she's done that more times than i can count.
For some reason she likes the hallway.
There is a little bump back by the linen closet, and she just brings her blanket out there and cozies up and falls back asleep.
At first it was cute, even a bit funny.
Now i'm getting a bit worried.
It's just so...odd!
Maybe we need to get a brighter night light for her room.
Maybe i'm just worrying for nothing.
After all, she is sleeping, it's just not in her own bed.
I guess things could be worse,
she could be sleepwalking with her garbage can again, lol.

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