Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Nov 14~ I am thankful for...craft and crafty websites. Where else would i get my wonderful ideas and great motivation for all the crafty things i like to do, both by myself and with my kids. Sometimes being crafty is so much fun!!!

Nov 15~ I am thankful for...Santa. Mady is finally old enough to sorta get who Santa is, and what it is that he does. So now i can tell her she has to and she has to do it because "Santa is watching, and he only brings toys to little girls and little boys that listen to their mommys and daddys. Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Nov 16~I am thankful for...front row parking (or close to it). Now, i don't just mean on any old day, but on days that i have both girls with me and it's pouring down rain. If it were just me, i don't care how far i have to park away, and i can always take my umbrella. But it's hard to carry the carseat, hold an umbrella, hold Mady's hand and make sure that she holds her umbrella right and doesn't poke anyone (ie me, Em, or a passing stranger). They really need "family parking" spots. Not necessarily up in the front with the handicapped spots, but maybe the ones that are right close to the carts. That would be soooooooo handy!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's a picture overload...

This is how my days usually end, with everyone crashed out on the floor
Sliding into the leaves

Running from leaf pile to leaf pile

Where's waldo?!

Sliding into the leaves

Striking a pose

Pap Pap Gary's Halloween mask

Chillin with her best friend

Building snowmen with Uncle Jack

So excited about her snowman

Lovin bein mobile

Mobile baby

Stiffie family totem pole...minus mommy

My blondie in her Blondie onesie


Sisterly love <3

Penguin teether

Daddy hugs are the best

Pap Pap Gary's Halloween mask

Purse theif...on the move with Mady's purse

Seriously always smiling!!


Nov 13~ I am thankful shows on tv. How else would i get new recipies to torture, i mean test, on my family. Sometimes they're good, sometimes not so much...but it's always fun to try!


Nov 12~ I am thankful for...Christmas decorations. I love the christmas season. It's just so, well, festive! I love all the colorful lights. I love all the inflatable decorations. I love the Christmas trees. I love all the knick knacks. And i can't wait to put it all up!!! But i won't do that until AFTER Thanksgiving, thank you very much.


Nov 11~ I am thankful for...a non mobile baby. Well, technically, she is semi-mobile...but she isn't crawling (yet). I know i say that i want her to crawl all over the place, and i can't wait and all...but secretly, i really don't want her to be able to move when i put her down because it's so convienient right now! How am i going to be able to pee when she starts crawling?! I already have 1 kid following me around the house, soon i'll have 2! And then i have to child proof the whole house...oy!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Nov 10~ I am thankful for...leftovers and/or microwavable foods. Cuz somedays, you just don't have the energy or the time to cook a really great meal.


Nov 9~ I am thankful for...opinions. I may not always like yours, and you may not always like mine, but that's what makes them wonderful...everyone is entitled to think whatever they want! There is no law governing your thoughts, except your own of course. Now, you can't go and act on your thoughts without reprecussions, remember that when you say what you want. But by all means, think whatever you want! I know i do :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Nov 8~ I am thankful drinks on cold days. They taste so good, and they warm you all the way from your mouth down to your belly. Then, they warm the rest of you all up too! And take it from me, sitting out at a freezing cold football practice calls for something, anything, to warm you up.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Can't sleep? Try counting your blessings...

In honor of Thanksgiving (yes, there really IS a holiday between Haloween and Christmas), i am going to make my best effort to blog every day with one thing i am thankful for. I hope i inspire everyone to count their blessings, and cherish what they have.

Nov 7~ I am thankful job. I know i tend to complain sometimes about job, who doesn't?! But i really am thankful for what i have. My job is meaningful, for the most part it's non-stressful, and it's something i really enjoy doing. I like the people i work with, i like the kids i work with, and i like doing what i do because i feel confident that i can help people when other people would falter and not be able to. Also, my job allows me to be able to be home with my girls all morning, and getting that quality time is a very rare thing for a working parent. And most nights, i'm home at a reasonable time to eat with my family and play with my girls some more before bed time. And, i get summers off...yea buddy!

Nov 6~ I am thankful church. There are so many wonderful people that attend my church, and our priest is very accepting of everyone...including the screaming kids. Some people tend to lose patients with kids, especially during mass, but it really seems that the people at my church enjoy having the kids there, screaming and all (except when they get REALLY out of hand, but that falls back to the parents at that point).

Nov 5~ I am thankful jogger strollers. If it weren't for my single before, and now my double, jogger stroller, i would not be able to stay in shape with my kids in my new house. It's so nice to be able to go outside and run, having both my girls with me. Now, i wouldn't say that if you stopped me during that said run, since pushing BOTH girls AND a stroller is hella heavy!

Nov 4~ I am thankful new house. Well, i guess i can't really call it new anymore, since we've been here since February. The new house has given us more room inside for our growing family, it's given us a huge yard for the girls (and the dogs) to play in without fear of getting hit by a car or stolen by a random stranger, and it's given us a better sense of independence. Someday we'll finish all our projects around the house and we'll finally be able to sit back and do nothing but enjoy our surroundings...HA!

Nov 3~ I am thankful family. Both my flesh and blood family, my through marriage family, and my friends. Everyone is always there for us whenever we need them, and who could ask for more?!

Nov 2~ I am thankful amazing kids. My girls are my world, and i can't imagine my life without them...come to think of it, i can't REMEMBER my life without them! They make me happy, even when it seems nothing is going right. Having them in my life makes me know that my time here was worth something and has made a difference.

Nov 1~ I am thankful wonderful husband Frank. I am not always easy to get along with (hey, who is?!), but he is always there for me when i really need him (and even when i don't). We may fight, but i would definately have to say we are a perfect match for each other.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...