Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Nov 14~ I am thankful for...craft and crafty websites. Where else would i get my wonderful ideas and great motivation for all the crafty things i like to do, both by myself and with my kids. Sometimes being crafty is so much fun!!!

Nov 15~ I am thankful for...Santa. Mady is finally old enough to sorta get who Santa is, and what it is that he does. So now i can tell her she has to and she has to do it because "Santa is watching, and he only brings toys to little girls and little boys that listen to their mommys and daddys. Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Nov 16~I am thankful for...front row parking (or close to it). Now, i don't just mean on any old day, but on days that i have both girls with me and it's pouring down rain. If it were just me, i don't care how far i have to park away, and i can always take my umbrella. But it's hard to carry the carseat, hold an umbrella, hold Mady's hand and make sure that she holds her umbrella right and doesn't poke anyone (ie me, Em, or a passing stranger). They really need "family parking" spots. Not necessarily up in the front with the handicapped spots, but maybe the ones that are right close to the carts. That would be soooooooo handy!

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