Emmerson, you are 9 months old already!
You are almost 18lbs already.
You are in a size 3 diaper and you are wearing 6-9 month clothes (usually)
You are a really good eater, as we all know.
There isn't really much that you don't like!
We are getting ready to start 3rd foods with you, and i think you'll love it!
You are sleeping pretty good too.
Most nights you'll sleep from 9:15pm to about 8am, with the occasional 7:30am wake up and the occasional 9:30am wake up too (mommy loves that one)

You have been able to stand alone without holding on to anything for a few weeks now, and you just recently took your first steps alone!
You still aren't completely ready to walk a ton, but you do it when you really want to.
You still don't have any teeth yet, but i'm not worried.
Every keeps saying "Any day now, she'll get that tooth", but they've been saying that for 2 months now.
You and your sister love each other very much.
You are always happier when she is around.
I hope that lasts, but i'm sure it won't, so having this written down now (that you love each other and always want to be together) will be proof later when you want to kill each other.
You sleep on your belly just like Madylinn did, but you are not a binky baby like she was. You can go without it, and you even spit it out for bedtime.
Here are some of your favorites:
Food~ Applesauce
Outfits~ Naked would be your choice, but you really like your sweats and a hoodie
Movie~ You like to watch what your sister is watching in the car
TV~ (i know, you shouldn't be watching tv, and it's not like you REALLY watch) Elmo and Word World
Toy~ You love the foam puzzle pieces
Naptime~ You love yourself an after lunch nap, you can go for about 2+hours on a good day

Here is a comparison of you and your sister at the same age.
You used to look so much alike, and now you look so different.
But you are both the best things that have ever happened to me.
I love you both so much!
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