Monday, September 10, 2012


You really start to learn what kind of parent, and even what kind of person you are just by listening to your kids.

Mommy: (after our run) Mady, will you please run up to the porch and tell Ecko to stop barking?
Mady: Sure mom!
Mady runs up driveway to porch and yells to dog to stop barking
Dog continues to bark at her
Mommy: (after getting to top of driveway) Ecko, shut up!!!!
Mady: Mommy, that's not nice. You're supposed to say be quiet!
Mommy: Oh, my bad. Sorry, Ecko be quiet!!
Mady: That's better mommy. Now keep that in mind for the next time.

1 comment:

Aunt Marian said...

Hahahaha. She is something else. LOVE that kid!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...