It all looks so real now, i can stand in the doorway and see the baby in the crib, it's so weird! It's almost scary, thinking that i will have to take care of a! Sometimes i can't even take care of Frank and I, let alone a baby. I guess it's all an instinct thing, at least that's what they tell me. Thank god for family and friends, or i think we'd be in for it.
Welcome to our life. This is where is i will be able to vent my frustrations, share our joys, and post pictures of our little princesses Madylinn and Emmerson. Be warned, this blog is not for the squeemish or the faint of heart. So please keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times, and enjoy!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A long day, well appreciated...
I spent all day yesterday working on the nursery...putting things away, washing clothes, etc. Here is some of my handy work thus far.
Here is the changing table area
Here is the clothes dresser...and yes, that IS a book collection started on top
Here is the crib with the new crib set inside
Here is where the rocking chair will go..right now it's our storage area for the swing, the bath tub, the two car seats and the stuffies (until we get the toy hammock up).
It all looks so real now, i can stand in the doorway and see the baby in the crib, it's so weird! It's almost scary, thinking that i will have to take care of a! Sometimes i can't even take care of Frank and I, let alone a baby. I guess it's all an instinct thing, at least that's what they tell me. Thank god for family and friends, or i think we'd be in for it.
It all looks so real now, i can stand in the doorway and see the baby in the crib, it's so weird! It's almost scary, thinking that i will have to take care of a! Sometimes i can't even take care of Frank and I, let alone a baby. I guess it's all an instinct thing, at least that's what they tell me. Thank god for family and friends, or i think we'd be in for it.
Monday, July 28, 2008
My first of the day...1 of 2
Well, i've finally made it to 30weeks. That means there are only 70 days left before we have a beautiful baby girl in our arms. Wow, it's so hard to believe! She is getting so big already, and she is so active. She is a little over 3lbs this week, and she is around 16inches long. She is starting to gain more weight, and her skin color is improving to a nice pink color. She is the size of a large cabbage this week.

Here is my 30 week belly pic. She is still pointy in the front. I wonder if she'll round out anymore, or if i'll keep going straight out and look like a bullet by the end.
Another post today..2 of 2
Yesterday was my baby shower. I just wanted to take a minute to tell everyone how it was and to thank everyone involved for everything they did. I had a really good time, and i hope everyone else did as well. There were a lot of games, some harder than others...and yes, some had to be hard so everyone didn't do the same as everyone else! But all in all, i think they were fun games, especially the "Guess what i'm eating" game...really makes you think about what you feed your baby, lol.
I wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful presents that we received. It was definately more than i expected. Everything is so nice, from the bigger items down to the clothes. Our baby will be the best dressed baby in town :) Even Frank loved everything we got, and that's a lot to say for a boy! I can't begin to thank everyone for their generosity, thank you so very much.
We were putting things away last night, and Frank put some stuff together, and it's just very weird to think that in 70days or less, we'll have a baby! It's almost like a dream, it's so hard to believe...then i look at my belly, lol.
Just wanted to add a pic or two, since they were so cute. This is my diaper cake and my diaper teddy bear. They are made of diapers, ribbon and clothes.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Babies "R" Us...Heaven or Hell?
So yesterday, i had to go to David's Bridal to pick up my dress for the wedding. It just so happened that there was a Babies "R" Us right across the parking lot from the David's Bridal, so i thought..."hmmmm, let's go there!" My first mistake. We went over to the store, thinking we would look around, maybe pick up our diaper bag, and then hit the road. My second mistake. I try to avoid baby stores, at least until after the shower, but walking in there was like walking into heaven! There was everything you could ever imagine, and all at such reasonable prices (compared to other places at least). That's what makes it hell, as well as heaven. We proceeded toward the diaper bags, and were soon swimming in an olympic sized pool of different bags. There were so many to choose from, and every color you could think of. Big one, small ones, black ones, blue ones, pink ones, green ones, ones with changing pads, ones with bottle insulators, ones with hooks to strap it to the stroller. My head was totally spinning. Frank of course, went right for the most expensive kind. We had agreed that we would find 2 reasonably priced ones, that way we could each have our own (he doesn't want to carry a "girly" one, and i don't want a backpack one). Needless to say, we were looking for about 25min and had to walk away and come back. It's like staring at the sun, you have to look away so you'll be able to see ANYTHING ever again! We went back to check out prices for diapers and formula. I get coupons in the mail on a regular basis, and i wanted to see if it would be worth it to drive all the way out there to get stuff, or if it would just be cheaper to get the same things at WalMart. With the coupons, it was only about $1-2 cheaper than WalMart, so i think if i'm out there i'll get the stuff, if not i won't make a special trip. But, we did manage to find some wipes that were very cheap, so we bought 2 diaper bag cases (one for each of us) and one for the changing table that is refillable. Frank also found disposable changing pads, on sale, 24 for $1.50 (let me explain quick why we got these...the diaper bag he got doesn't have a changing pad included, so we wanted something small to fit inside, so we found those on sale and scooped up a bunch of them so he has them...they are usable for other things as well, like burping, wiping stuff up, etc, so they are multipurpose). We also got a box of the pre-made formula bottle. They had the 2oz size that WalMart doesn't have, so we thought that would be great for the first little while. We also bought a ring and nipple to go with the formula, and some infant q-tips...all of which were on sale. Then, we went back to the diaper bags. Frank decided on the one he wanted, even though they didn't have the exact color he wanted, he was still happy. I decided on a really cute one that was in a, like, value pack. It was a large diaper bag (Frank suggested i get the larger of the bags i was looking at, since i tend to overpack ALL the time), and there was a small diaper bag, and there was an insulated bottle carrier, and there was a changing pad and a dirty clothes sack...all included in one "value pack" for a very cheap price. I almost couldn't turn it down. So i got it. I got it in a nice, more neutral color too, so i can use it again. All in all, i was pleased with what we got there, and that we didn't buy more. We had to leave before i wanted to buy more. We'll be back though, we'll be back.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I wonder...
As i sat on the couch last night, watching tv, i had about a million things running through my head...and out of those million, about half were baby related, surprise surprise. Most of my questions are probably ridiculous, but maybe not for a first time mom. I'm sure this one is no exception, it just made me think a bit more. I wonder if the babies activity time NOW will determine her activity time when she is born, or even WHEN she is born. Let me explain, since my thoughts run together sometimes. Now, baby is not really active in the mornings, like she is sleeping...but at night, she is kicking away like she is taking a Tae Bo class! So i wonder, does this mean there is a better chance that she will sleep in the mornings and be awake at night once she is born? And i wonder if it means that i have a better chance of labor starting at night while she is at her most active, as opposed to when she seems to be sleeping. This is just some of the wacky stuff that runs through my head on a daily basis...come join the fun, lol.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Raise me up...
So yesterday i had a meeting at the school to go over my yearly evaluation, sign my contract, and see what my raise was. I thought i would have to negotiate a little bit more, you know, earn my money. Well, to my surprise, they thought i did a fantastic job...yes, i said fantastic...and they gave me the maximum raise that i could get. I was totally shocked, i didn't even have to argue my case or bargain or anything! It was so easy! Even though i think there are things i can improve on, i guess that's just the perfectionist in me. I was so happy!
And today i went back out to the school for physicals. I was there 8 1/2 hours...holy crap! There were so many kids, and so many parts to the physicals. It was exhausting, but now it's done. Now all i have left is the 2 weeks of camp, which i'm dreading, especially since i'm pregnant.
And today i went back out to the school for physicals. I was there 8 1/2 hours...holy crap! There were so many kids, and so many parts to the physicals. It was exhausting, but now it's done. Now all i have left is the 2 weeks of camp, which i'm dreading, especially since i'm pregnant.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Daily vent...
I just got back from my run, and i feel the need to vent (while i can still remember what i'm mad about, lol). I took the dog for our usual run (when it isn't wet and muddy out). We got about 1/3 of the way through, to where we usually run around a bend, up a small hill, and then we pick up the dirt truck road. Well, we get to the bend and it's all blocked in! It appears that a plow or something has moved a bunch of rocks and dirt to block the pass, every one!!! (and there are a few of them). I was totally pissed! Not only did i have to stop running to figure out what i was going to do, but then i had to crawl over the rocks to continue my run! Well, we made it over that pile, and we went to run up the small hill and THAT was blocked by rocks and dirt as well!!!! Now, i can understand blocking them in, since they don't want 4 wheelers and dirt bikes and the like back there (so nobody wrecks and gets seriously hurt), but gimme a break...leave a small little opening for us runners that traverse back there regularly. C'mon! I finally made it to the dirt truck road, and not only was i hot from the weather, but i was steaming from having to deal with all that rock nonsense.
While i'm thinking about it, another thing that has me a bit annoyed is this whole "swelling" thing. My poor feet/ankles/calves haven't looked the same in about 2 months now. It's getting down right annoying. I know i'm not drinking enough water, and that doesn't help the swelling, but i sometimes wonder if it really WILL help or if it will just make me have to pee every 30seconds. I guess i can chalk it up to another thing that i can't wait for when this baby is born...10 weeks 5 days, 10 weeks 5 days!!!
While i'm thinking about it, another thing that has me a bit annoyed is this whole "swelling" thing. My poor feet/ankles/calves haven't looked the same in about 2 months now. It's getting down right annoying. I know i'm not drinking enough water, and that doesn't help the swelling, but i sometimes wonder if it really WILL help or if it will just make me have to pee every 30seconds. I guess i can chalk it up to another thing that i can't wait for when this baby is born...10 weeks 5 days, 10 weeks 5 days!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Squish Squash...
Well, it's the 29th week already. Time doesn't seem to be flying as fast as it was before, but i know there isn't much time left now, so that might be helping. Baby is the size of a large butternut squash this week. She is about 15 1/2 inches long, and weighs almost 3 pounds. Baby opens and closes her eyes, and can react to loud noises. She gets the hiccups almost everyday, and kicks very very frequently.
Here is my 29 week belly picture. She is really popping lately, and i'm looking pointier by the week! It was so hot last week, i thought i was going to die! I don't think this pregnancy thing was made for the summer months. Hopefully it will cool off, even just a little bit.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Chubby cheeks...
Well, here she is! We had another ultrasound today, and this is what our baby girl looks like right now. I think she has my nose and my chubby cheeks, but she has Franks big eyes and his chin. She is 2 pounds 9 ounces, and a little over 15 inches long. The doctor said she is still on the smaller side of average, but she is still in the normal range. Her heartbeat was 149 too. It's all getting more and more real as the time gets closer and closer. When we first starting looking with the 4D, she was moving her lips like she was trying to talk to us. Frank said she was trying to say "da da", but i think she was hungry...which sounds more like our child, knowing us. It was so cute watching her move all around. I can't wait to meet her!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Frank for president...
Well, we've made it to week 28. Only 12 weeks to go, that's right, just 12 weeks. Doesn't seem like that much when you look at it that way. Our little one is about 15inches long this week, and she weighs about 2 1/4- 2 1/2lbs now. She is beginning to regulate her own body temperature now. Also, all her features are set and determined, all that's left is to add the baby fat. So when we go for our doctors appt on Wednesday, we will see exactly what she looks like (minus a few pounds). Can't wait!!
Here is my 28 week belly pic. I'm starting to point more, lol. She's really got nowhere else to go i guess.
Let me recap my weekend for you while i'm here. Frank and I went to Washington DC because i had a conference. Well, we left Saturday morning and drove right to my conference. On the way down, we passed what we thought was an accident on the highway. There were cops all over the place, and helicopters in the air and everything. When we got closer, we found out that it was a man hunt! It was so neat to see, there were cops and detectives everywhere in the woods and on the off ramps and all. I don't know who they were looking for, or if they caught them, but it was so neat to see! The conference started at 8am, and while i was learning, Frank was sleeping in the lobby. At lunch break, i decided to leave the conference for the day to spend it with Frank (since he had nothing to do and wouldn't go anywhere by himself)(Thank goodness it was only the lab part that i already knew all about, so it wasn't anything super important that i missed). We left the hospital and went to find our hotel. Check in was at 3pm, but we thought we could pay and just leave the car there and go sightseeing for a while and get in later. Well, they let us in the room right away, so we changed and then went to see DC...Frank had never been there before, so it was all new to him. We stayed at the Hyatt right in front of the capitol, so cross that sight off the list. We decided to find lunch on our way to the White house. We stopped and ate at ESPN, which was nice, but we had a 20min wait in a practically empty restaurant. Oh well. By the time we left lunch, it was around 94 degrees outside, but it was also ridiculously humid, so the temp was definately almost 100, if not 100. Let me give you an idea of how far we had to walk to get to the sights...our hotel was on 3rd St, ESPN lunch was on 12th St, and the White House was on 17th (but obviously over two blocks to PA Ave). So needless to say, it was about a 15-20min walk, which in the heat felt like hours. We finally made it to the White House, and i could tell Frank was excited to see it for the first time. Needless to say, Frank now wants to be president so we can live in the White House (since we couldn't go inside and see everything he wanted to see). The White House is close to the airport, so every plane that went overhead was AirForce One, or at least he swore it was. It was very cute, like taking a 5year old around DC with me. We left the White House and walked over to the Washington Monument (about 3-4blocks), and then proceeded down to the Lincoln Memorial (another 10-12blocks). By the time we got to the Lincoln memorial, i thought i was going to die from the heat (which isn't like me, cuz i love the heat), and Frank was soaked in sweat. We didn't stay there really long when we decided to go back to the hotel. We had to stop for gatorades on the way home, and it was a very slow walk. Baby wasn't having the heat at that point, i was dragging. My tummy was getting hard, like i was having false contractions. Needless to say we stopped a few times, but i made it. We had been out for about 6 hours, but we saw everything but the Jefferson Memorial (which i don't think he was interested in seeing for some reason). We got some nice pics too. We spent about an hour in the hotel room, just laying in the AC, then Frank decided he was hungry again. We didn't want to walk all the way back where we had just come from, so we walked over to Union Station (only about 2blocks away) and got some McDonalds and Johnny Rockets ice cream. We wandered around there and then onto the streets for a while (it was cooler by this time, thank goodness), then we went back to the room and collapsed.
Sunday morning he had to drive me to the conference, but then he went back to the hotel to watch tv and relax. I had to stay at the conference all day to get my certificate and credits. The drive home wasn't too bad, we only hit one patch of traffic because of an accident. It was a pretty fun weekend, but now Frank is planning our trip back already.
Friday, July 11, 2008
One more room clean...
Another room can finally get checked off the list. I just finished cleaning my computer room. Well, i cleaned the room itself yesterday, and i rearranged the i cleaned the furniture in their, shampooed and vacuumed it all. Now i just have 2 more rooms to go, the hardest 2 rooms of all...the living room and the kitchen. There isn't much furniture moving i can do in my living room (if you've seen it, you'd know), but there sure is a lot of cleaning. And the kitchen, now that's prolly gonna kill me!! It's definately gonna take me 2 days, if not more, to do the kitchen. I was counting on Frank having a week off when this job was done this week so he could help me and maybe it wouldn't take so long, but he got a call from the hall at work on Tuesday that they wanted him to leave the job he was at now (Target) and go to another job that started yesterday (Reading Hospital). So needless to say, i'm not going to get his help for a week. Oh well. At least he's working.
I'm going to a conference in Washington DC this weekend. I don't really want to go, but i know i have to to keep up my credits so i can have a job. It shouldn't be TOO bad, it's on the shoulder, and i tend to get my fair share of shoulder injuries, so it should help me. Guess we'll see. I hope it's not too humid there, i don't fair well in the humidity, being pregnant and all.
I'm going to a conference in Washington DC this weekend. I don't really want to go, but i know i have to to keep up my credits so i can have a job. It shouldn't be TOO bad, it's on the shoulder, and i tend to get my fair share of shoulder injuries, so it should help me. Guess we'll see. I hope it's not too humid there, i don't fair well in the humidity, being pregnant and all.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Oh the dirt...
First of all, thank god it was cooler today than yesterday. I thought i was going to die yesterday! It was so hot and humid, and being pregnant didn't help. Remind me to never be pregnant over the summer again! At least not until we get a new house with a pool, lol.
So, since it was cooler today, i started my downstairs cleaning. I decided to start in the dining room, since it was the easiest. Let me just tell you, i vacuum and dust and stuff downstairs, but i don't regularly shampoo the carpets. Well, when i moved everything out of the room to shampoo the carpets, it was like a dirt-fest! It was not pretty. I went over the carpets a few times to make sure all the dirt was up. You have to keep in mind that the door to my backyard is in the dining room, so the dogs come in with their muddy paws all the time...we're not just that dirty all on our own. At least it's clean now. Now i just have 3 more rooms to go...3 large rooms, with lots of things to do in each room. Somehow, i'm thinking it will take me more like 2 days on each room as opposed to 1 day on each room. What is wrong with me?!! I hate cleaning!! Ugh.
So, since it was cooler today, i started my downstairs cleaning. I decided to start in the dining room, since it was the easiest. Let me just tell you, i vacuum and dust and stuff downstairs, but i don't regularly shampoo the carpets. Well, when i moved everything out of the room to shampoo the carpets, it was like a dirt-fest! It was not pretty. I went over the carpets a few times to make sure all the dirt was up. You have to keep in mind that the door to my backyard is in the dining room, so the dogs come in with their muddy paws all the time...we're not just that dirty all on our own. At least it's clean now. Now i just have 3 more rooms to go...3 large rooms, with lots of things to do in each room. Somehow, i'm thinking it will take me more like 2 days on each room as opposed to 1 day on each room. What is wrong with me?!! I hate cleaning!! Ugh.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The upstairs is done...
Well, i finally finished cleaning my upstairs. This sounds like "oh, that's not that big a deal", but believe me it was. I didn't just clean...i washed the walls, moved all the furniture, vacuumed all the carpets, shampooed all the carpets, cleaned the windows, was nuts!!! But at least the upstairs is finally done. I just finished the bathroom. I am actually proud of myself for that. Both Frank and i both think that the bathroom looks as clean now as it ever did. It's very odd, i totally hate to clean, but i love the feeling i get when everything is actually clean. I think i just need a maid, lol.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Well, it's 27 weeks now. I feel like i've been stuck in the same week for a month now! This week, baby is the size of a hefty head of cauliflower. She is around 14-14 1/2 inches long, and weighs between 2-2 1/2lbs. Baby is growing eyelashes now, and she is starting to put on baby fat finally. All her organs are finishing developing and starting to prepare for birth.
Here is my 27 week belly picture. I am really starting to pop out now, but it's really mostly all in the front! I've been starting to have those "hormonal" moments now, where i'm ready for the baby to come out so i can have a beer, be cool and fit in my old clothes. It's funny how emotional i get sometimes. Poor Frank, lol.
I decided to add a picture of what i look like from behind, so you can all actually see that i don't really look all that pregnant from the back. I have that extra little bit around the love handle area, but other than that i look about the same. It's very weird, but i think i like it...for now at least.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sale Sale Sale...
Today, Frank and i did what we said we weren't going to do...we went baby shopping. We couldn't help was a sale...a 50% off already low prices sale at Kmart. We bought a few summer outfits for her to wear next summer, they are so darn cute! I had to leave when i did so i wouldn't buy more! Since we were out there already, we went to the mall and walked around for a while. It was a nice day out :)
We then went to WalMart on the way home to get the grocery shopping out of the way. Everything was good up to that point. We went about our normal routine, we started in the back at the deli and made our way forward to the frozed stuff. Well, once we left the deli area, we went to get cereal and i thought i was dying. I got the worst cramp, like a menstral cramp. It totally took my breath away. I actually had to croutch down for a minute or two. I got up and walked really slow, and after about 3-5min it went away. It didn't come back (thank i told Frank, you can keep those cramps far far away from me!). Needless to say, we finished shopping and i came home and now i'm going to sit with my feet up for the rest of the night. I don't know why it happened, but i know that i need to sit down now, lol. This whole giving birth thing, i think i need to rethink it.
We then went to WalMart on the way home to get the grocery shopping out of the way. Everything was good up to that point. We went about our normal routine, we started in the back at the deli and made our way forward to the frozed stuff. Well, once we left the deli area, we went to get cereal and i thought i was dying. I got the worst cramp, like a menstral cramp. It totally took my breath away. I actually had to croutch down for a minute or two. I got up and walked really slow, and after about 3-5min it went away. It didn't come back (thank i told Frank, you can keep those cramps far far away from me!). Needless to say, we finished shopping and i came home and now i'm going to sit with my feet up for the rest of the night. I don't know why it happened, but i know that i need to sit down now, lol. This whole giving birth thing, i think i need to rethink it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Not so chalky...
So i had my Glucose test today. I had to go to the hospital to get it done. I was told that it was going to be orange and really chalky, and i've even heard that some people got sick from it, so needless to say, i was afraid going in there. Well, i got there, and the stuff wasn't all that bad! It was lemon lime stuff, and it just tasted like soda, just a bit more syrupy. Baby was kicking a lot at first, and then again when they were taking blood. I didn't get sick, and it wasn't all that bad! Now i just have to wait and see if i passed.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The tribe has spoken...
Well, we have officially narrowed our name list down by 10 more each. It was much easier this time, though we still did have some difficulties. We both think that we have a top 3 now...but then that turns into a top 5, which in turn turns into a top 6, which in turn turns into a top 10...i think we're in trouble. And the worst part is that we only agree on, maybe, 1/3 of that "top 10". Oh well, we still have some time to think about it, and hopefully we'll come to an agreement.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Another one bites the dustbunny...
So i've FINALLY started my "spring" cleaning around the house. I thought it would be smart to start with the upstairs and work my way down, since the downstairs is so much bigger and there is so much more to do. Well, i decided to start with the master bedroom today, since it was a bit cooler than it's been all week. I thought this "project" of mine would not be that hard. I thought it would take me, oh, say, 3-4 hours to clean the master bedroom and the walk-in closet. Boy, was i wrong!! I started cleaning at about 10am, thinking i would be done around 1ish and i could go for my run then. NOOO! I was about halfway done at 1230pm, so i took a 45min lunch break, and then i went back to work. It's now 445pm and i just finished. JUST FINISHED! And i only got the master bedroom done, i didn't even get into the closet! I'm hoping that it only took so long because i decided to rearrange the furniture in there, and for no other reason. This is why i hate to clean so much!
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