I just got back from my run, and i feel the need to vent (while i can still remember what i'm mad about, lol). I took the dog for our usual run (when it isn't wet and muddy out). We got about 1/3 of the way through, to where we usually run around a bend, up a small hill, and then we pick up the dirt truck road. Well, we get to the bend and it's all blocked in! It appears that a plow or something has moved a bunch of rocks and dirt to block the pass, every one!!! (and there are a few of them). I was totally pissed! Not only did i have to stop running to figure out what i was going to do, but then i had to crawl over the rocks to continue my run! Well, we made it over that pile, and we went to run up the small hill and THAT was blocked by rocks and dirt as well!!!! Now, i can understand blocking them in, since they don't want 4 wheelers and dirt bikes and the like back there (so nobody wrecks and gets seriously hurt), but gimme a break...leave a small little opening for us runners that traverse back there regularly. C'mon! I finally made it to the dirt truck road, and not only was i hot from the weather, but i was steaming from having to deal with all that rock nonsense.
While i'm thinking about it, another thing that has me a bit annoyed is this whole "swelling" thing. My poor feet/ankles/calves haven't looked the same in about 2 months now. It's getting down right annoying. I know i'm not drinking enough water, and that doesn't help the swelling, but i sometimes wonder if it really WILL help or if it will just make me have to pee every 30seconds. I guess i can chalk it up to another thing that i can't wait for when this baby is born...10 weeks 5 days, 10 weeks 5 days!!!
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