Well, we've made it to week 28. Only 12 weeks to go, that's right, just 12 weeks. Doesn't seem like that much when you look at it that way. Our little one is about 15inches long this week, and she weighs about 2 1/4- 2 1/2lbs now. She is beginning to regulate her own body temperature now. Also, all her features are set and determined, all that's left is to add the baby fat. So when we go for our doctors appt on Wednesday, we will see exactly what she looks like (minus a few pounds). Can't wait!!
Here is my 28 week belly pic. I'm starting to point more, lol. She's really got nowhere else to go i guess.
Let me recap my weekend for you while i'm here. Frank and I went to Washington DC because i had a conference. Well, we left Saturday morning and drove right to my conference. On the way down, we passed what we thought was an accident on the highway. There were cops all over the place, and helicopters in the air and everything. When we got closer, we found out that it was a man hunt! It was so neat to see, there were cops and detectives everywhere in the woods and on the off ramps and all. I don't know who they were looking for, or if they caught them, but it was so neat to see! The conference started at 8am, and while i was learning, Frank was sleeping in the lobby. At lunch break, i decided to leave the conference for the day to spend it with Frank (since he had nothing to do and wouldn't go anywhere by himself)(Thank goodness it was only the lab part that i already knew all about, so it wasn't anything super important that i missed). We left the hospital and went to find our hotel. Check in was at 3pm, but we thought we could pay and just leave the car there and go sightseeing for a while and get in later. Well, they let us in the room right away, so we changed and then went to see DC...Frank had never been there before, so it was all new to him. We stayed at the Hyatt right in front of the capitol, so cross that sight off the list. We decided to find lunch on our way to the White house. We stopped and ate at ESPN, which was nice, but we had a 20min wait in a practically empty restaurant. Oh well. By the time we left lunch, it was around 94 degrees outside, but it was also ridiculously humid, so the temp was definately almost 100, if not 100. Let me give you an idea of how far we had to walk to get to the sights...our hotel was on 3rd St, ESPN lunch was on 12th St, and the White House was on 17th (but obviously over two blocks to PA Ave). So needless to say, it was about a 15-20min walk, which in the heat felt like hours. We finally made it to the White House, and i could tell Frank was excited to see it for the first time. Needless to say, Frank now wants to be president so we can live in the White House (since we couldn't go inside and see everything he wanted to see). The White House is close to the airport, so every plane that went overhead was AirForce One, or at least he swore it was. It was very cute, like taking a 5year old around DC with me. We left the White House and walked over to the Washington Monument (about 3-4blocks), and then proceeded down to the Lincoln Memorial (another 10-12blocks). By the time we got to the Lincoln memorial, i thought i was going to die from the heat (which isn't like me, cuz i love the heat), and Frank was soaked in sweat. We didn't stay there really long when we decided to go back to the hotel. We had to stop for gatorades on the way home, and it was a very slow walk. Baby wasn't having the heat at that point, i was dragging. My tummy was getting hard, like i was having false contractions. Needless to say we stopped a few times, but i made it. We had been out for about 6 hours, but we saw everything but the Jefferson Memorial (which i don't think he was interested in seeing for some reason). We got some nice pics too. We spent about an hour in the hotel room, just laying in the AC, then Frank decided he was hungry again. We didn't want to walk all the way back where we had just come from, so we walked over to Union Station (only about 2blocks away) and got some McDonalds and Johnny Rockets ice cream. We wandered around there and then onto the streets for a while (it was cooler by this time, thank goodness), then we went back to the room and collapsed.
Sunday morning he had to drive me to the conference, but then he went back to the hotel to watch tv and relax. I had to stay at the conference all day to get my certificate and credits. The drive home wasn't too bad, we only hit one patch of traffic because of an accident. It was a pretty fun weekend, but now Frank is planning our trip back already.
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