Friday, January 16, 2009

Response to anonymous.....

Let me start by saying that our doctor says our daughter is eating properly and gaining weight PERFECTLY. So, unless you have a medical degree in pediatrics, I don't really care what you think. We have also read many books on child care and according to them babies should be eating 5 to 6 times a day at this age. She often will sleep for more than 15 minutes during the day if you wait until she is good and asleep before you put her down. All in all she gets more than enough sleep. She likes to put her hands in her mouth because she is learning and she is curious. She is also at the age when babies begin to teethe and that also has alot to do with it. I really don't like people like you. You have these opinions however you don't have the back bone to sign your name. I would bet that you are the kind of person that likes to talk about people behind their backs but if confronted you would cower in the corner and deny. You are probably disliked by many. And if I had to guess, you are probably unhappy with yourself and your life which is why you feel the need to assert your negotive opinons but don't have the balls to share your name. All our friends, family and the doctor say we are doing a wonderful job. You are the first and only person to have anything negotive to say so congrats on that achievement. It most likely makes you happy. We love our baby very much and want nothing less than the best for her and that's what she will get. You say you stumbled across our blog so please do us a favor and don't stumble again. We don't want to set our blog to private but we will to keep people like you away.

Mady's loving father(Frank Grindstaff)


Alyssa said...

Very well put.

Anonymous said...

Well put Frank! You and Stacey are most excellent parents. Anyone who doesn't know you and cannot see Mady for themselves should not make assumptions. Plus, there was absolutely no reason for anonymous to be so rude. Obviously, he/she is not a very nice person.

The Majors said...

I hope you guys don't set your blog to private. I found your blog from being on Babycenter and have enjoyed reading your blog since I was pregnant with my little girl ( your daughter is a few weeks older then mine). Very good response to that post. Its obvious even to people who who don't know you guys personally but read your blog that you care very much for your daughter!!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...