Welcome to our life. This is where is i will be able to vent my frustrations, share our joys, and post pictures of our little princesses Madylinn and Emmerson. Be warned, this blog is not for the squeemish or the faint of heart. So please keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times, and enjoy!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Daily ponderable...
It's seems that i worry about the stupidest things on a daily basis. Everyday its something different. You'd think i'd run out of things to worry about, mostly because i've worried about just about everything under the sun...but no, i'm still going. Today i worried about Mady. That's nothing new, i worry about her all the time, but this was more of an uncontrollable thing. I worried today that Mady would never grow. She is a pretty petite girl, she's just longer than the normal baby. But she's still in 0-3 clothes, and she's almost 5 months old now. I soon realized that this was a stupid thing to worry about, because i know she'll grow eventually. I then proceeded to worry that once she hits a growth spurt, it'll be a big one and she will just magically overnight grow to a 12 month size and bypass all the cute clothes i have for her in the between sizes. I know, you're saying to yourself "Don't be so silly, she's going to grow just fine and she'll be able to wear all the cute clothes you have for her in those between sizes", but i can't help it! I know so many babies that are growing at such a bigger rate, and it kinda scares me. I really need a hobby. This is why i need warm weather to get here already, so i can begin obsessing about outside activities to do with Mady...sandboxes, swimming, mini picinics, swings, playing in the park...i can't wait!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A nod to the insanity of my husband...
Mark my words, i'm sure of it this time...Frank has gone over the deep end. Yup, that's right, we can sign him up now, the men with the white coats are on their way, Danvile mental hospital here we come! Tonight, he insisted that Mady loves me more than him, and he wasn't joking. He thinks it's because she stops screaming and crying when i hold her. Could it be that i spend more time with her than he does? Could it be that i'm the first face she sees when she wakes up, and the last face she sees before she goes to bed? Could it be that i'm not totally frustrated and frazzled when i hold her, and babies can pick up on that stuff? I think it's just all in his head. Sometimes babies just need to be with someone new, or moving around. He's seriously just gone batty...mad i tell you, mad!
On a better note, it seems her diarreha has stopped (at least for now). She only had a small poop today, but i'm not concerned. But wouldn't you know it, she stops the watery poops AFTER i get the "leak guard guaranteed" diapers. Don't get me wrong, i don't want that poop back...i'll just use the diapers up happily and hope we don't need them again :)
On a better note, it seems her diarreha has stopped (at least for now). She only had a small poop today, but i'm not concerned. But wouldn't you know it, she stops the watery poops AFTER i get the "leak guard guaranteed" diapers. Don't get me wrong, i don't want that poop back...i'll just use the diapers up happily and hope we don't need them again :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Not Me! Monday...
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! A place to hash and re-hash all of those "oh so wonderful" things that we all swore we would never do or be caught dead in, and yet there we were! It's a place to recount our own little pitfalls, and read what other people did, and not have to worry about judgement. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I most certainly DID NOT lock Mady and myself outside of the house on friday when on our way to a lunch date. It was seriously like 20 degrees out, how could i forget the keys? And thank god for Aunt Marian, who came and saved the day, and let us back in the house to get the keys. This is an embarrasing one.
I definately DID NOT take Mady into the bathroom to change her while we were at a wrestling match that was about an hour and a half away from home, realize that she had had an explosive poop through her diaper and her clothes, and try to wash her pants off and dry them under the dryer so she could wear them again. Also, this was most definately NOT her 4th outfit of the day. Explosive poops are baaaaaaaaaaddddd.
I totally DID NOT stay up way too late, watching a movie i'd already seen numerous times, thus making me tired the whole next day. This would be irresponsible of me, especially since i'm a new mother with a baby that is always on the go and wanting attention.
I most certainly DID NOT get into a fight with a man in a wheelchair. He wouldn't stamp my hand! Not that that's a good reason to fight that poor not-really-crippled-but-seriously-just-too-lazy-to-walk-i-think man, but come on now...it wasn't money out of your pocket, and i was already in!
I definately DID NOT try to fit 4 ginormous boxes into my itsy bitsy little two door car, along with the baby. Only an idiot would think that it would all fit in one trip.
I absolutely DID NOT spend 20minutes in the diaper section, looking at all the different brands of diapers, trying to find one that Mady won't poop through. We only need them for a few days, until she stops having this reaction to her 4 month shots, and the runny diarreha stops. And the pack i ended up getting was the pack that the daycare people refer to as "boy" diapers...but so far they are working. I guess people have another reason to compliment me on my "pretty little boy with earring", since she's now in a boy diaper. LOL.
What a weekend...
As you all know, Mady had her 4 month shots last Wednesday. Well, i'm thinking she had some kind of reaction to them. Nothing super serious, but nothing good either. She has been having diarreha poops pretty steadily since then. I think they're getting better now, but for a few days there they were so bad. Take Saturday for example. Frank, my dad and I went to Williamsport to watch my boys wrestle. We took Mady, of course. I thought i would be slick and take an extra set of clothes, along with the extra onesie that is already in the diaper bag. Well, by about 12-1pm we were on that 3rd outfit. Yup, that's right, she pooped through em all. Thank God i had a ziplock plastic bag in the diaper bag for just such an emergency. I really hope this passes soon.
On a different note, Lent is fast approaching. For all you Catholics out there, you know what that means, and for those of you who aren't familiar with what goes on during lent, let me tell you. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. Catholics are supposed to go to mass and get ashes on their foreheads. Also, we're supposed to "give something up". The whole point of this is that Jesus sacrificed for us for 40 days, so we are supposed to sacrifice for him for 40 days. Usually, to me anyway, this means giving up something you really enjoy for those 40 days. Then, on Easter Sunday, you can have it again. Also during lent, you can not eat meat on Fridays. Well, this year, i'm having a hard time with the whole "what do i give up" question. For the past 2 years, my go to was soda. I really love soda, i'm practically addicted. So giving it up seemed like a no brainer. Well, this year Frank has forbidden me from giving it up. He says that when I give it up, he pretty much has to too because he feels so bad drinking it in front of me, and something about me giving him dirty looks and what not when i see him with a soda (which is so untrue, i'm just trying to put myself in his body and taste the soda right along with him). We do try to give up the same thing usually, but he hates to do the same thing 2 years in a row...it's just that soda is like the perfect thing to give up! One year we tried ice cream (not a good idea, that was hard too). So if i'm not allowed to give up soda (and he also added ice cream to my banned list for this year), i'm a bit stumped as to what to give up. My Aunt Marian suggested to me yesterday after church that i "do" something, instead of giving something up. That's a good idea, but will i stick to that as easily (of difficultly) as i stick to the giving something up kind? I could always say a rosary everyday, or i could get up early once a week and go to an extra mass. I could drink more water (god knows i need that one), or i could volunteer somewhere. These are all great ideas, but how will i feel come easter? When i give something up, when Easter comes and i can have it again, i feel accomplished, like i really did something because i made it 40 whole days without something i really love and use everyday. Will doing something give me that same satisfaction? Frank suggested we give up fried foods. I don't think he realizes what he'll have to give up for that to work. Hopefully i'll think of something really soon, since i only have till tomorrow night at midnight. Suggestions are welcomed :)
On a different note, Lent is fast approaching. For all you Catholics out there, you know what that means, and for those of you who aren't familiar with what goes on during lent, let me tell you. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. Catholics are supposed to go to mass and get ashes on their foreheads. Also, we're supposed to "give something up". The whole point of this is that Jesus sacrificed for us for 40 days, so we are supposed to sacrifice for him for 40 days. Usually, to me anyway, this means giving up something you really enjoy for those 40 days. Then, on Easter Sunday, you can have it again. Also during lent, you can not eat meat on Fridays. Well, this year, i'm having a hard time with the whole "what do i give up" question. For the past 2 years, my go to was soda. I really love soda, i'm practically addicted. So giving it up seemed like a no brainer. Well, this year Frank has forbidden me from giving it up. He says that when I give it up, he pretty much has to too because he feels so bad drinking it in front of me, and something about me giving him dirty looks and what not when i see him with a soda (which is so untrue, i'm just trying to put myself in his body and taste the soda right along with him). We do try to give up the same thing usually, but he hates to do the same thing 2 years in a row...it's just that soda is like the perfect thing to give up! One year we tried ice cream (not a good idea, that was hard too). So if i'm not allowed to give up soda (and he also added ice cream to my banned list for this year), i'm a bit stumped as to what to give up. My Aunt Marian suggested to me yesterday after church that i "do" something, instead of giving something up. That's a good idea, but will i stick to that as easily (of difficultly) as i stick to the giving something up kind? I could always say a rosary everyday, or i could get up early once a week and go to an extra mass. I could drink more water (god knows i need that one), or i could volunteer somewhere. These are all great ideas, but how will i feel come easter? When i give something up, when Easter comes and i can have it again, i feel accomplished, like i really did something because i made it 40 whole days without something i really love and use everyday. Will doing something give me that same satisfaction? Frank suggested we give up fried foods. I don't think he realizes what he'll have to give up for that to work. Hopefully i'll think of something really soon, since i only have till tomorrow night at midnight. Suggestions are welcomed :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Want to play doctor...
Mady had her 4 month appt today. Yes, i know what your thinking...she's been 4 months for over a week now, what's up?! Well, we had to reschedule our appt because of an influx of sick babies. They are so nice there, they don't want all the non-sick babies to get sick. So anyways, she did really well. She is now up to a whopping 12lbs 5.9oz...i know i know, watch out for the chubby monster, lol. She is also 24 3/4" long, which is long for a 4 month old. The doctor said she looks really good though, and not to worry about anything. Then came the bad part, the shots. Of course, like usual, she went from big smiles to huge screams. Then i picked her up and she stopped, like i'm a miracle worker or something. It makes me feel really good that she's so comfortable around me that she knows it'll be all better with mommy. She is so cute. Then, like usual for her, she slept for about an hour and a half. I think the shots make her sleepy.
And we have been getting some super cute laughs out of her. I'm trying to catch one on tape, but you know how she is when the camera comes out. I'll keep trying though, her laugh makes me melt :)
And we have been getting some super cute laughs out of her. I'm trying to catch one on tape, but you know how she is when the camera comes out. I'll keep trying though, her laugh makes me melt :)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It's that time of the year again...
That's right folks, it's American Idol time again! I'm a big fan, what can i say. I love to watch when they put the really awful singers on, especially the ones that swear they are good, and their families tell them they are good too. Seriously people, can you hear yourselves?
So this season, they narrowed it down to the top 36. Now, for the next 3 weeks, they are going to be singing for votes to be included in the infamous top 12. They broke them into 3 groups of 12, and each week the top boy and top girl will automatically make it through and then the next highest vote getter will make it through. I'm not totally sure where the last 3 will come from, but i guess we'll see. So, for your viewing pleasure, i'm going to list my top 3 favorites each week (and see if america agrees with me), and then every tuesday i will proceed to mock and humiliate the person i want to go home. Frank LOVES when i do this at home...can you sense the sarcasm?
Ok, here goes...
My first pick is Alexis Grace. She is really soulful. She sings with a passion, like she has really been hurt and she's singing from her heart. I'm also very partial to her pink tinted hair :)
My second pick is Anoop Desai. Not only is he a great singer, but i'm totally in love with his name. He sounds very boy-band-esque, but not in that horrible way you automatically think of when you hear "boy-band". Anoop-dog in the house!
My third pick is Danny Gokey. He reminded me of Chris Daughtrey in a way, with his scratchy voice and souldfullness. Also, he was the twelfth peformer of the night, and twelve happens to be my favorite number. He has a great story, and he's a great singer.
My sleeper pick is Michael Sarver. By sleeper, i mean the 4th person i like, but since i'm not sure where they're gonna get the extra 3 people from at the end, i'm going to label them my sleeper people. He is such a good guy. He is hard working, honest, and one heck of a singer...not to mention that he's cute.
So this season, they narrowed it down to the top 36. Now, for the next 3 weeks, they are going to be singing for votes to be included in the infamous top 12. They broke them into 3 groups of 12, and each week the top boy and top girl will automatically make it through and then the next highest vote getter will make it through. I'm not totally sure where the last 3 will come from, but i guess we'll see. So, for your viewing pleasure, i'm going to list my top 3 favorites each week (and see if america agrees with me), and then every tuesday i will proceed to mock and humiliate the person i want to go home. Frank LOVES when i do this at home...can you sense the sarcasm?
Ok, here goes...
My first pick is Alexis Grace. She is really soulful. She sings with a passion, like she has really been hurt and she's singing from her heart. I'm also very partial to her pink tinted hair :)
My second pick is Anoop Desai. Not only is he a great singer, but i'm totally in love with his name. He sounds very boy-band-esque, but not in that horrible way you automatically think of when you hear "boy-band". Anoop-dog in the house!
My third pick is Danny Gokey. He reminded me of Chris Daughtrey in a way, with his scratchy voice and souldfullness. Also, he was the twelfth peformer of the night, and twelve happens to be my favorite number. He has a great story, and he's a great singer.
My sleeper pick is Michael Sarver. By sleeper, i mean the 4th person i like, but since i'm not sure where they're gonna get the extra 3 people from at the end, i'm going to label them my sleeper people. He is such a good guy. He is hard working, honest, and one heck of a singer...not to mention that he's cute.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Not Me Monday...
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This is a place to hash and re-has all the ridiculous things that we all certainly didn't do this week. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Dive in, the water's warm :)
I most certainly DID NOT use the fact that my husband was sick half of last week as an excuse to eat what i wanted, when i wanted, for dinner. It would be cruel and unusual punishment for my poor sick hubby to have to watch me eat all the things he loves to much, while he has to sit there and drool...i'm too nice for that.
I definately DID NOT delight in the fact that my boys basketball team lost their last game and didn't qualify for playoffs, allowing me to finally have some early nights. That would be horrible of me, i love those guys and i would definately want them to go all the way to states if they could!
I absolutely DID NOT splash water in Mady's face (only around her mouth, i'm not THAT cruel) so she would continue laughing. What parent would do that to their child, just to hear a laugh?!
I most certainly DID NOT drag my hubby and my daughter to work with me on Valentine's Day, spending all day long in a gymnasium sitting on hard bleachers.
I also DID NOT trip and almost fall over the empty (thank god) carseat when trying to get out onto the mat for a blood time out. That would be very embarrasing. Frank also DID NOT laugh hysterically at me, totally drawing attention to my already obvious embarrasment.
I definately DID NOT scare my daughter with a toy that makes noise, just so i could get a cute video of her. That would be potentially traumatic to her, and i would not want to do that.
I most certainly DID NOT spend the hour that Mady was napping, on the computer shopping for more clothes for her for next winter. Even though there was a great sale, i would not be spending that much money on clothes she won't be able to wear for almost a year yet.
And lastly, i DID NOT lay awake for almost an hour thinking about what i could buy to dress Mady up like a little leprechan for St. Patrick's Day, and where i could buy it at. Of course i know better. She's a person, not a dog, and it's not Halloween. Why would i dress her up and take pictures of her, just to post them all over the internet for one of her friends to randomly find when she's like, oh, say, 14, and then she'll hate me forever. Why would i want that?!
Friday, February 13, 2009
The letter game...
If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I'll assign you a letter. You post ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on. I got the letter "T" from my friend Mojito Maven!
Ok, here goes...in no particular order...
1. Tacos ~ this is a favorite food at our house. It's easy to make, super good, and messy (so we can laugh at each other while we eat...dinner and a show!)

2. Trivia ~ I love trivia...from crosswords, to cryptoquotes, to suduko...i am totally addicted, what can i say?!

3. Trips ~ Frank and I like to think of ourselves as world travelers, so we're pretty much down for a trip to anywhere, just let us know the time and place and we're in!

4. T Shirts ~ I live in them practically all summer, and i have almost 200. And i love to trade shirts too, it gives me a better variety.

5. Talking ~ I know, everybody loves to talk, but i could talk your ear off. Lots of people tell me secrets, and i'm good at keeping them...and lots of people come to me for advise too. And some people say i can talk a bit fast sometimes, but i don't notice it that much.

6. Toys ~ And by toys, i mean small dogs...i love big dogs too, but big starts with b and dog starts with d...and i especially love MY toy yorkie Dakota. He's got super stinky breath, but i still love him.

7. Threads ~ And by threads, i mean blogs and chat sites that i visit quite frequently. As you can tell (because you're reading it), i love to blog. I also have this awesome group of friends i met through the internet that all had babies within the same week (give or take a few days) of me, and we're all first time moms. I am addicted to talking to them too.
8. Taking pictures ~ This is my newfound favorite hobby. I am practically obsessed with taking pictures, just ask my family. Even my 4 month old daughter knows how bad it is, and she trys to hide when i brake out the camera for the millionth time each day.

9. Thunderstorms ~ They are so relaxing to listen to, especially when i'm trying to fall asleep.

10. Training ~ By this, i mean running. I love to run. Its a release for me, a way to relax, a place to be care free. Its pretty much what defines me as me.

There are lots of other things i love, but i can only name 10 as per the rules. Who's next?!
Ok, here goes...in no particular order...
1. Tacos ~ this is a favorite food at our house. It's easy to make, super good, and messy (so we can laugh at each other while we eat...dinner and a show!)
2. Trivia ~ I love trivia...from crosswords, to cryptoquotes, to suduko...i am totally addicted, what can i say?!
3. Trips ~ Frank and I like to think of ourselves as world travelers, so we're pretty much down for a trip to anywhere, just let us know the time and place and we're in!
4. T Shirts ~ I live in them practically all summer, and i have almost 200. And i love to trade shirts too, it gives me a better variety.
5. Talking ~ I know, everybody loves to talk, but i could talk your ear off. Lots of people tell me secrets, and i'm good at keeping them...and lots of people come to me for advise too. And some people say i can talk a bit fast sometimes, but i don't notice it that much.
6. Toys ~ And by toys, i mean small dogs...i love big dogs too, but big starts with b and dog starts with d...and i especially love MY toy yorkie Dakota. He's got super stinky breath, but i still love him.
7. Threads ~ And by threads, i mean blogs and chat sites that i visit quite frequently. As you can tell (because you're reading it), i love to blog. I also have this awesome group of friends i met through the internet that all had babies within the same week (give or take a few days) of me, and we're all first time moms. I am addicted to talking to them too.
8. Taking pictures ~ This is my newfound favorite hobby. I am practically obsessed with taking pictures, just ask my family. Even my 4 month old daughter knows how bad it is, and she trys to hide when i brake out the camera for the millionth time each day.
9. Thunderstorms ~ They are so relaxing to listen to, especially when i'm trying to fall asleep.
10. Training ~ By this, i mean running. I love to run. Its a release for me, a way to relax, a place to be care free. Its pretty much what defines me as me.
There are lots of other things i love, but i can only name 10 as per the rules. Who's next?!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What is WRONG with this woman?!?!
I just thougth I would get this off my chest. I am totally angered and appalled by the octomom, Nadya Suleman. This lady now has a website that she is taking donations to help support her 14 children. What a bunch of crap! What was this woman thinking? I don't understand why any one who has 6 children already, 3 with disabilities would go and get invitro again! And what kind of insane, quack-pot of a doctor would knowingly do this to her! She has been unemployed for some time now because of a back injury...HELLO! If you have a back injury and 6 kids why are you trying for more?! If you can't work why are you impregnating yourself again?! Does she not have any morals? It's not her money she's living off of. I sure most of us here work our butts off to make ends meet and here's this stupid woman bringing more into this world. She worked in a mental hospital...are we sure she wasn't a patient?
On a lighter note, she does have her website where you can leave comments. I have included the link if anyone wants to leave a comment for her.
Those children should be taken away from her and given to a family that can't have kids. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against people who want big families...that's fine, i want a big family too...but i have enough sense to stop when i don't think i can afford another one!
On a lighter note, she does have her website where you can leave comments. I have included the link if anyone wants to leave a comment for her.
Those children should be taken away from her and given to a family that can't have kids. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against people who want big families...that's fine, i want a big family too...but i have enough sense to stop when i don't think i can afford another one!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Well, tonights post is, unfortunately, is going to be a short one. I had 2 whiny babies at home today. Frank is officially sick. I'm hoping he feels better soon. I'm hoping I don't get sick too. I'm hoping Mady doesn't get sick either! I spent my whole day taking care of Mady, like usual...but i also waited on Frank all day too. It's hard work taking care of two babies that can't do anything for themselves. I see this as my main reason for waiting a while yet to have another baby.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! A daily rant about the crazy, lazy, foolish things that we all know we definately could NOT have done this past week. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Ok, so here goes...
I most certainly DID NOT go to the mall 2 times this week, shopping for clothes for my daughter
And i definately DID NOT buy her those clothes in mostly 12month size. This would be absurd, as she is only 4 months old. Why would a sane person do that? Because i'm obsessed, that's why. And to let you all know, i'm still looking for that winter coat for her for next year.
I totally DID NOT crawl around Mady's room on all fours this morning, so as to make as little noise as possible and not wake her up. I thought crawling like the dogs would spread my weight out and make the floor creak less.
I most certainly DID NOT sit at a red light that turned green and then red again, just so i could take some pictures of Mady sleeping in her carsear holding her toys. That would be a traffic hazzard and could cause potential accidents, and i'm a good driver, so i wouldn't do a thing like that!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My week in 3 words...
All About Mady
That's my week. Since Frank was back to work this week, it's been back to just Mady and me. We have fun though. We play games, she bounces in her jumperoo, we take baths, we go to the eye doctor's (where she proceedes to take a massive poop during my exam...wonderful). I also managed to go shopping for Mady yet again this week...twice! I got out of work early on Tuesday, so i quick ran to the mall to hit up the sales (yet i only managed to go to Bon Ton). I got some really great stuff on sale though. Then, yesterday, Frank brought Mady out to the school to watch the games with me. I had work all day. So in between games, we went to the mall (shocker there), and we managed to go to Boscovs shopping...why is it we always run into people we haven't seen in quite some time when we are in a hurry? Oh well. But we did get some really nice stuff. I still haven't gotten my Piece de Resistance, the thing i've wanted since i started all this winter sale shopping, the thing that is eluding me so well lately...a winter coat for Mady in size 12 months. I've found some really nice coats that i like alot, but they are size 24months or 2T, and the ones that are 12 months that i DO like are like $50! I know i can find one on sale cheaper than that, and afterall, i DO have until next winter for this. It won't stop me from looking though. I WILL find it, mark my words, lol.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I've found it...
Yes, that's right, i've officially found my new pet peeve. As most of you know, my first and most hated pet peeve is un-necessarily slow/stupid drivers. I seem to get behind them every single day on my way to and from work. All of these people feel the need to drive 20 in a 45mph zone. Are you serious people?! It's not a sunday!! If you can't at least drive the speed limit, get off the road!!
So this leads me to my second, and newly hated, pet peeve...unsupervised children and their ignorant parents. I work at a high school as an Athletic Trainer. Note, i did not say babysitter. I have a child of my own at home, and i have a husband, both of whom i must babysit, i don't need to do it at work. Do NOT take your children to a sporting event/function/restaurant/anywhere and leave them run wild and not even think twice about it! I honestly hate this! These people feel that they can take their child somewhere and other people will watch them as they run wild and do things that could potentially hurt them, and they never even check on them or wonder where they are until the said event is over. Honestly people, we aren't babysitters, and this is not an opportunity for you to have a free night off from your kid. Don't these people wonder where their kid is at for 2 hours? I know i would. And these kids are screaming, and some of them even run out towards the court (this was at a basketball game) where the coach and the team sit, and just walk around. Seriously, are you not embarrassed?! I am FOR you! If you don't want to watch your child, leave them at home. I really want to say that if these kids get hurt doing something i've told them not to do but they do anyway because their parents aren't there to yell at them or even care, that i'm not going to help them. But i know i will, but i will give those parents a piece of my mind, that's for sure. As God as my witness, i will NEVER let my child be like that, and i will always care.
So this leads me to my second, and newly hated, pet peeve...unsupervised children and their ignorant parents. I work at a high school as an Athletic Trainer. Note, i did not say babysitter. I have a child of my own at home, and i have a husband, both of whom i must babysit, i don't need to do it at work. Do NOT take your children to a sporting event/function/restaurant/anywhere and leave them run wild and not even think twice about it! I honestly hate this! These people feel that they can take their child somewhere and other people will watch them as they run wild and do things that could potentially hurt them, and they never even check on them or wonder where they are until the said event is over. Honestly people, we aren't babysitters, and this is not an opportunity for you to have a free night off from your kid. Don't these people wonder where their kid is at for 2 hours? I know i would. And these kids are screaming, and some of them even run out towards the court (this was at a basketball game) where the coach and the team sit, and just walk around. Seriously, are you not embarrassed?! I am FOR you! If you don't want to watch your child, leave them at home. I really want to say that if these kids get hurt doing something i've told them not to do but they do anyway because their parents aren't there to yell at them or even care, that i'm not going to help them. But i know i will, but i will give those parents a piece of my mind, that's for sure. As God as my witness, i will NEVER let my child be like that, and i will always care.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A first i'm not so fond of...
So, Mady had her first semi-explosive diaper this evening. She wasn't really in the mood for her last bottle of the night, which is odd for her. Then it happened. It sounded like (caution, TMI alert!) a really wet fart, but i could totally feel her whole diaper expand in my hand. Then came the poop face. Once she was done, i could almost instantly smell it. By the time i got her upstairs to change her diaper, it had leaked through her left side. It was very very nasty. The smell almost knocked me over, literally! It wasn't the "all over the place, up the back" kind of explosion, but it did in fact leak out the side and get on her pants and onesie. I know this is only the first of many, and i am NOT looking forward to it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Screaming with a closed mouth...
Yup, you read that right. Mady has learned a new skill, which is both a blessing and a curse. She has learned to scream with her mouth closed. This new skill goes hand in hand with her new favorite thing...sucking on her bottom lip. I'm not sure where she got this one from, but it seems to be her thing now. As for the mouth closed screaming thing, it's nice because she isn't so much yelling at us at the top of her lungs. On the negative side, she is more vocal than ever (despite her muffled protests). She has decided that if we don't pay enough attention to her (ie we need to pee or blow our nose), or if we don't amuse her majesty the way she wants, she will just yell at us until we do it her way. Thus far, she is getting her way, and we pretty much just give in. I'm not sure how long this will go on, only time will tell.
I have decided that shopping for Mady is the best thing ever. There are so many options for babies, and everything is so darn cute! I'm dying for all the winter stuff to go on sale so i can buy it all up for next winter. Is that nuts of me?! I don't even look for stuff for me anymore, it's all about her. If i didnt' have to look nice for work, i don't even think i would worry about my clothes during the week anymore, i would just focus on what cute thing i could put her into. Now that she is finally starting to outgrow some of her smallest things, we can start adding new clothes to the rotation. I am thrilled! Not that she is growing before my very eyes and soon she won't be my baby baby anymore, but that i can add new things for her to wear!
On a side note, Mady still has no interest in pushing herself up with her arms. She is very very active with her legs still, but the arms are a no go. She doesn't want to roll over yet either. She can get to her side from her back if she really wants to, but that's about all. I wonder if she isn't learning as quickly as other babies. Do i need to do something more with her to help her out?! She has also started scooting in her crib. We swaddle her for bed and lay her near the top of the crib, and by about 4am she has herself unwrapped (only sometimes on this one, or else i'd be worried) and she has moved from the top of the bed down to the bottom corner. It's kinda funny. I walk in and wonder where she'll be at this morning.
On a more personal note, i've decided that i love the new show "Lie to Me", that comes on after American Idol. I heard good things about it's pilot episode on The View, so when it came on i decided to leave it on and watch. It's pretty interesting. I definately recommend watching it, but it won't be on next week due to Idol, so the week after next you should watch it.
I have decided that shopping for Mady is the best thing ever. There are so many options for babies, and everything is so darn cute! I'm dying for all the winter stuff to go on sale so i can buy it all up for next winter. Is that nuts of me?! I don't even look for stuff for me anymore, it's all about her. If i didnt' have to look nice for work, i don't even think i would worry about my clothes during the week anymore, i would just focus on what cute thing i could put her into. Now that she is finally starting to outgrow some of her smallest things, we can start adding new clothes to the rotation. I am thrilled! Not that she is growing before my very eyes and soon she won't be my baby baby anymore, but that i can add new things for her to wear!
On a side note, Mady still has no interest in pushing herself up with her arms. She is very very active with her legs still, but the arms are a no go. She doesn't want to roll over yet either. She can get to her side from her back if she really wants to, but that's about all. I wonder if she isn't learning as quickly as other babies. Do i need to do something more with her to help her out?! She has also started scooting in her crib. We swaddle her for bed and lay her near the top of the crib, and by about 4am she has herself unwrapped (only sometimes on this one, or else i'd be worried) and she has moved from the top of the bed down to the bottom corner. It's kinda funny. I walk in and wonder where she'll be at this morning.
On a more personal note, i've decided that i love the new show "Lie to Me", that comes on after American Idol. I heard good things about it's pilot episode on The View, so when it came on i decided to leave it on and watch. It's pretty interesting. I definately recommend watching it, but it won't be on next week due to Idol, so the week after next you should watch it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Not Me! Monday...
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
So it's about that time of the week again. It's Monday, and i've done a handful of stupid things, so that must mean it's Not Me! Monday time again! I know you're as excited as i am, don't try to hide it.
I most certainly DID NOT pack up my lil bean and her stuff and head out to WalMart on Sunday (while Frank was at the club, so i was alone), get there, unbuckle Mady (which is a task and a half in my little car) and get her inside and into a cart and THEN realize that i had left my purse at home...which means i had to re-pack everything, including Mady, back into the car and drive home and get my purse and then drive all the way back to WalMart again. Who would forget their purse, of all things? Certainly Not Me.
I definately DID NOT have baby spit up/puke on my shoulder the other day and, being too lazy to change before work, just wiped it off and sprayed Febreeze on it and went on my way. That's nasty, and no mother would do such a thing, even if they were running late like usual.
I absolutely DID NOT schedule my hair appointment for a half an hour later than i should have, thus making me a half an hour late for work. That's irresponsible.
I most certainly DID NOT order Mady tons of clothes off Old Navy online. And they were definately NOT for NEXT winter. That would be stupid thing to do, i mean, who knows what size their child will be a year from now?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My week in 3 words...
I've decided to make Saturday's my official "My week in 3 words" day, just like they do on Good Morning America on Saturdays. So from now on, you will get to enjoy my week in 3 words and a photo...and probably 200 or more words to explain my week in 3 words, lol.

Mady rocks jumperoo
That pretty much sums up my week. Mady rocks her jumperoo. Nobody is better at it than her. She has really gotten into it lately too. She doesn't so much jump, as she rocks/sways/occasionally bounces. Its really cute though. And who says a 3 month old is too small for a jumperoo?! Certainly not THIS 3 month old baby.
Mady rocks jumperoo
That pretty much sums up my week. Mady rocks her jumperoo. Nobody is better at it than her. She has really gotten into it lately too. She doesn't so much jump, as she rocks/sways/occasionally bounces. Its really cute though. And who says a 3 month old is too small for a jumperoo?! Certainly not THIS 3 month old baby.
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