Ok, here goes...in no particular order...
1. Tacos ~ this is a favorite food at our house. It's easy to make, super good, and messy (so we can laugh at each other while we eat...dinner and a show!)
2. Trivia ~ I love trivia...from crosswords, to cryptoquotes, to suduko...i am totally addicted, what can i say?!
3. Trips ~ Frank and I like to think of ourselves as world travelers, so we're pretty much down for a trip to anywhere, just let us know the time and place and we're in!
4. T Shirts ~ I live in them practically all summer, and i have almost 200. And i love to trade shirts too, it gives me a better variety.
5. Talking ~ I know, everybody loves to talk, but i could talk your ear off. Lots of people tell me secrets, and i'm good at keeping them...and lots of people come to me for advise too. And some people say i can talk a bit fast sometimes, but i don't notice it that much.
6. Toys ~ And by toys, i mean small dogs...i love big dogs too, but big starts with b and dog starts with d...and i especially love MY toy yorkie Dakota. He's got super stinky breath, but i still love him.
7. Threads ~ And by threads, i mean blogs and chat sites that i visit quite frequently. As you can tell (because you're reading it), i love to blog. I also have this awesome group of friends i met through the internet that all had babies within the same week (give or take a few days) of me, and we're all first time moms. I am addicted to talking to them too.
8. Taking pictures ~ This is my newfound favorite hobby. I am practically obsessed with taking pictures, just ask my family. Even my 4 month old daughter knows how bad it is, and she trys to hide when i brake out the camera for the millionth time each day.
9. Thunderstorms ~ They are so relaxing to listen to, especially when i'm trying to fall asleep.
10. Training ~ By this, i mean running. I love to run. Its a release for me, a way to relax, a place to be care free. Its pretty much what defines me as me.
There are lots of other things i love, but i can only name 10 as per the rules. Who's next?!
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