Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is it dry in here, or is it just me?!

Yesterday they shut my water off. No, not because i didn't pay my bill. It's because of the man on the corner. But it's not for good. They were fixing the pipe so it wouldn't leak, so they had to shut the water off to the whole block for about 4 hours. This is a hard thing to deal with when you have a 5 month old. I had to block up the kitchen and bathroom sinks so i could do simple things, like wash out her bottles, wash her face, brush my teeth, etc. At least it's fixed now though, and i don't have to hear about it ever again. I can say that with confidence because i'm sure we'll be moved by the time something happens again. Oh, and by the way, it's all still one pipe (for those of you following our drama). We had thought they would change it to 4 seperate pipes so we wouldn't have to go through this drama again, but they didn't. Whatever, i'm just happy it's done and over now.

Mady has become anti-sock lately. It's not that she doesn't like things on her feet, it's that she likes to grab her feet and put them in her mouth. When she does this, she tends to fall to the side and lose grip on her feet. Subsiquently, she doesn't let go of her socks as she loses grips and off comes the socks! Then the socks go right into her mouth, like everything else she can get a hold of, and they get soaked and we have to put dry socks on her feet so she doesn't freeze from her own drool!

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