Ok, i'm going to keep this short, as i'm very very very very sick and i just want to shoot myself right now.
If you remember a while back, we were having problems with the man from the corner and the water pipe issue. Well, we decided to just give in and pay. We were going to give him a good chunk of the money now, and then when our tax return comes in, we would give him the rest. Well, he's being a total @sshat!! He proceeded to tell Frank that nobody was returning his calls (cuz duh, nobody wants to pay you genious), and he plans to just get it fixed and shut off everyones water on the block until they pay. Well, Frank continued to tell him that we were going to pay, but he insisted he will still shut our water off. Wanna know why?! He told Frank that it was HIS responsibilty to get our two neighbors to pay the money, and we wouldn't get water until they paid him. Are you kidding me?! I have a 5 month old baby here @sshat! We're willing to pay, and you're telling us that we have to do your job! You have to be kidding me! So, Frank finally impressed me...he didn't give in like i thought he would...he said to the man "well, then we are going to be getting in touch with a lawyer, and we'll see what happens". I'm pretty sure that they lawyer will make him turn the water on to our house, as long as we are willing to pay of course, and then he will have to sue the other people to get his money. At least i hope that's how it goes, cuz we're screwed if it isn't. The neighbor right next to us doesn't live there anymore and they are trying to sell the house, so they aren't going to put any money into it until they absolutely have to, and the other neighbor is a landlord and has 4 tenants he will have to contend with, but he's a stubborn man and i think he'll fight it as long as he can. If we don't get the water, we'll be looking for a temporary house to be staying in until this all gets resolved. Any takers?!
OMG, your post title CRACKED ME UP!! Great use of the word asshat, too.
if i had the room u could stay with us.
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