Sunday, January 31, 2010

A busy weekend...

Saturday was a busy day for us. After a late night, and an early morning, we had a little bit of time to relax and spend time with each other. After that time flew by, it was time to get ready for our day.

We started off our day with a little trip to the Wayside, for some lunch. I was dying for wings, and of course it wasn't hard to convince Frank to go out to eat, lol.
After that, we made our way over to Maria and Joe's house, for Octavia's first birthday party. There were lots of people and lots of kids there, so Mady had a great time. She especially enjoyed herself because her future hubby was there...Keegan!
They are in love, can't you tell?!
He even loves her so much, he hung out with me for a while!
This is me with Mady and my future son-in-law :)
Mady had fun playing with all the other kids, and of course with all the toys that weren't hers, lol.
She found a key chain she wouldn't put down.
Even us grown ups got in on the act, blowing bubbles for the kids and letting them blow bubbles on us.
Go Keegie, Go!!
Tavy had a great time with her first. After about 2 minutes, she was having nothing of it, and she wanted down.
Then, during the present opening, she was out like a light. She made it about half way through.
After we left that party, we headed over to Joe and Shannon's house to finalize our summer vacation plans. Joe and Shannon have 3 kids, and their youngest is 2 months older than Mady. So while we're there, she has someone her age to play with. Plus, the other couples have kids too. And all the older kids are so good around the younger kids. They make sure to include them in everything, and they help them's so cute.
By the time it was time to come home, we were all pretty exhausted. Mady slept the whole way, and it took her about 5 minutes to fall asleep once we were home.
All in all, it was a great day. Very very busy, but still pretty great. Mady is such a popular woman, i hope it doesn't all go to her head...hahaha!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday thirteen...late as usual :)

Scientifically when you speak, or when you read rapidly, repeating letters that should be pronounced differently, your muscles and/or neurons want to repeat the same action...what that really means is, your tongue gets twisted! This happens to me all the time.

So this week's thursday 13 is...

Tongue twisters...13 of 'em in fact:

1- Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.
While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze.
Freezy trees made these trees' cheese freeze.
That's what made these three free fleas sneeze.

2- A twister of twists once twisted a twist;
A twist that he twisted was a three-twisted twist;
If in twisting a twist one twist should untwist,
The untwisted twist would untwist the twist.

3- Tie twine to three tree twigs.

4- Seven slick slimey snakes slowly sliding southward.

5- I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch.

6- He threw three free throws.

7- How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets?

8- Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to seasick sailors.

9- Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

10- Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh.

11- She is a thistle-sifter. She has a sieve of unsifted thistles and a sieve of sifted thistles and the sieve of unsifted thistles she sifts into the sieve of sifted thistles because she is a thistle-sifter.

12- Tim, the thin twin tinsmith.

13- Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore. But if Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore then where are the sea shells Sally sells?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Looking for a cure...

My BFF Sara had her gender determination ultrasound yesterday. Everyone was sure it was going to be a's a boy.

I am so happy for her!! I'm also a bit jealous...eeep!

So now i'm looking for a cure for the disease that i fear isn't far away from me...that darn baby fever

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Well, it's finally happened. Our fish, Bernardo Sarah child of Jesus, has finally died. It's Frank's wish come true...sad, i know. He/she was alive yesterday, he/she was even alive last night. But sometime overnight, he/she took the big dirt...err, i mean water...nap. It was a good year and a half with Bernie S. He/she lived longer than anyone elses fish from Maria and Joe's wedding!

I'm gonna miss that little guy/girl, lol. Who knows, maybe we'll even get another one someday soon. The coffee table looks empty with no vase fish bowl there.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday thirteen...

This week, my Thursday 13 is, in no particular order....

13 things people from the coal region know or say quite often

13. Babushka : cloth worn on the head of elderly ladies, usually garish colors and horrible patterns

12. Bleenies : potato pancakes. Sometimes called "peyatskis". Example: "Yo, get me some bleenies at da block party"

11. Butt : you, friend. Example: "Yo, butt, hand me dat hammer." Often used as "Ho Butt!" when calling out to someone. "Yo" meaning "you". "Ho" short for "Hello".

10. Chendo : The shortened version of Shenendoah

9. Coal candy : hard chunks of black licorice. Many times sold in a black miniature coal bucket, complete with a little hammer.

8. Dippy egg : an egg, such as a soft-boiled or sunnyside-up egg, into which you can dip your toast

7. Halupkies or galumpkies : stuffed cabbage. Also known as "blind pigeons". Halupkies is the Ukrainian term; galumpkies the Polish term. In Ukranian, the word is "holubtsi", which means (guess what?) pigeons!

6. My-un : belonging to me. Example: "That's not yours, that's my-un."

5. Out da mountain : Refers to an isolated place in the mountains or near the strip mines. Usually used to refer to a party spot. "Where the elite meet to eat and drink" (well, drink mostly). Example: "We was out da mountain Friday night til tree a.m."

4. Prolly : probably. Example: "We'll prolly stop up Tony's later fer a screamer."

3. Soupies : short for "Soppressatta", which in Southern Italian dialect is pronounced SOO-BRA-SAHD. It's a sausage similar to salami, usually made with pork, lemon peel and spices. Soppressatta means "compressed". Soupies are pig intestines stuffed with meat and spices (like sausage), then tossed into a vat of olive oil and cured. Very popular in Kulpmont. They are called "soupresat" in South Philadelphia. Can also be made with venison

2. Warsh, worsh : wash, usually the laundry. Example: "Look at that pile of dirty clothes! I gotta do a load a' warsh."

1. Youze, yuz, yooz, AND yiz : plural of you; equivalent to "y'all" in the Southern U.S. The Pittsburgh form of this term is "you-ins" or "yunz"; y'all or yunz are never used in the Coal Region. Example: "Hey, whad'r youze doin' over dere??" "Do yooz wanna go for some kortz?" "How're yiz doin, yo?" "What're youz guys up to?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Enough already...

If you get easily offended, you needent read any further.

Attention everyone. Please stop petitioning for money for Haiti. I'm so sick and tired of it already! Don't get me wrong, i feel so sad for those people. It really sucks what is happening over them. I will gladly send you 1,000,000 prayers, more if you would like! But i will not....NOT...send you money.
Where were you when we had Katrina here? Nobody wanted to help us out here. We didn't have countries flocking to us offering to help the poor people on their roofs, and the poor animals that couldn't help themselves.
And all you famous people are even worse. You probably walk past hundreds of homeless people on the streets of Hollywood everyday. Do you give them a dollar, or a sandwich, or a shower?! NO!! Not even the simplest things for the people of your OWN country. But you'll jump at the drop of the hat to do a telethon, or donate tens of thousands to people you've never even seen or probably heard of before!
Why can't we help the people in our own country before we go to the aid of everyone else. There are millions of people unemployed in the US, looking for work. There are millions of people in the US who can't afford to eat after they've fed their 3 kids what we barely consider a snack. There are millions of people in the US that can't afford health insurance, and are getting sicker and sicker by the day. Thousands are dying from the flu because they can't afford to go to the doctor.
Why will people send $10 over the phone to the Red Cross for the people of Haiti, but they won't donate a penny to them any other time, when it will help americans. Why won't people drop their spare change in the Salvation Army pots at WalMart to help the less fortune in their own towns...their neighbors! Why won't people help someone who falls down in front of them? Why won't people stop when they see a broken down car, or an accident? But they are willing to donate money to foreign countries for whatever some famous person says is a worth while cause. Angelina Jolie can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. Help someone in the US out before you go all righteous on us about the foreign babies and parents. Please!!!!!
So don't ask me to phone in $10 to help Haiti, or Somalia, or any other country that lets their people have 20 kids each, and expects us to ship them food and supplies so they can just keep on doing it. How about we snip the balls of all of your men for a decade or so. Then, maybe you'll be able to feed yourselves when we send you millions of dollars worth of supplies and seeds to plant.
And president horrible waste of a presidential poor representation of my young, inexperienced senator that was only elected because of your skin color...why don't you focus on America for a while. On the health care, on the unemployment, on that trillion dollar debt we have! I think there are enough problems here in the US to last you until we are finally smart enough to elect someone that belongs in office!

Tea party...

Today, Mady and i had a tea party. It was very cute. She brought 2 cups, a creamer she used as a cup, a few bowls, some saucers and utensils over to the table to "set them up" so to speak. It was kind of a jumbled mess, but it was organized in a way that she knew where everything was and she liked it that way...oh, how she is her mothers daughter. Anyway, she proceeded to invite other "people" to our tea party. To my left was Mr. Frog, and to my right was Mr. Learning Dog. She also invited her doll with the backpack, but she must have been tired because she layed on the floor face down the whole time. We proceeded to have a tea party. We ate our tea with spoons and forks, and we used those same spoons and forks to eat our imaginary sandwichs. It was seriously funny. Quite enjoyable, and seriously funny. It's so much fun having a daughter!

Friday, January 15, 2010

15 months...

Mady had her 15 month appt on wednesday. She was 21 lbs 2 oz, and she was 31 1/4 inches tall. She only gained 14oz in 3 months, but she grew 2 1/4 inches!
She is getting to be such a big girl, lol.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

She's on fire...

Oh, where have the days gone when my little one was just that...a little one. I could put her down and not have to worry about her climbing the gates, pulling down the curtains, banging her head off the coffee table while chasing the dog, or playing hide and seek at the front door. Well, we can add another thing to that list...burning her mother. Let me explain.
My day is pretty packed with things to do...from making breakfast and lunch for both of us, making dinner (since daddy "apparently" isn't capable), getting a shower, getting dressed, getting Mady ready for daycare, and of course spending time playing with Mady.
When i go upstairs to get ready for work, i can't very well just leave Mady run around downstairs doing whatever she darn well i have to take her upstairs with me. When i get in the shower, Mady runs around the bathroom and plays with her tubby toys. We play little games, like hide and seek and throw the toys into the shower with mommy and wait for her to throw them back out over the top of the shower curtain...but anyway, back to my story.
So i was in the shower today washing my hair when, all of a sudden, BAM!!! Scalding hot water all over my back. What the h#ll is going on, i thought to myself. Well, i peeked out the side of the shower, just because i had a hunch...and there she was, my little devil girl...standing next to the toilet, hand on the handle that she had just flushed. Ah hah! She was caught red handed. She kinda shocked herself though, so that's a good thing.
I guess, maybe, it's her way of saying "Hurry up mommy, i'm bored".
Maybe this is my cue that i can start with the basics of potty training now...hmmmmmmmmm

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A lonely future...

I saw this, and i immediately knew that it had to be either written FOR my husband, or BY my husband. Enjoy!

Application to date my daughter:
*NOTE: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a certified financial statement, job history, and current medical report from your doctor. Please be prepared to submit additional information, such as psychological profile and polygraph test, as requested.

Name ______________ Date of Birth __________
Social Security #___________ Driver’s license # __________
IQ __________ GPA __________
Home Address __________________________________________
Do you have one male and one female parent? If not, explain: ____________________________________________
Do you own a van? ______ A truck with oversize tires? _____
A waterbed? _____
Do you have an earring, nose ring, or belly button ring? _____
A tattoo? _____

(If you answered YES to any of the last 5 questions, discontinue application and leave at ONCE!)

In 50 words or less, what does "LATE" mean to you?
In 50 words or less, what does "DON’T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER" mean to you?
In 50 words or less, what does "Abstinence" mean to you?
What is your Church affiliation? __________
How often do you attend? __________
Best time to interview your Parents? __________
Your Preacher? __________ Your Employer? __________
Have you ever been fingerprinted? __________
Had a DNA sample taken & recorded? __________

Answer the following questions under oath:

The one thing I hope this application does not ask about me is:
A Woman’s place is in the:
My greatest fear is:
When I meet a girl, the first thing I notice about her is: _______________________

*Note: If your answer begins with a T or A, discontinue and LEAVE AT ONCE, keeping your head low and running in a serpentine fashion, for your own safety.

CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY BY APPLICANT: I swear all information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, under penalty of death, dismemberment, Chinese water torture, and red hot pokers.

(If you have to ask what this means, you are a MORON, so tear up this application and leave immediately!)

Thank you for your interest. Please allow four to six years for processing. You will be contacted in writing if you are approved. Please do not try to call or write.

If your application is rejected, you will be notified by two gentlemen wearing white ties, and carrying violin cases. (You might watch your back!)

Friday, January 8, 2010

And now, you may REALLY call me mom...

Yes, that's right, i've officially earned my title of mommy. You would think i earned that title the day i gave birth to her, right?! Nope. That was just the beginning. It wasn't until this evening that i officially earned my mommy stripes. Let me start at the beginning and that will help you understand.
Yesterday, Mady was fine all morning. We played, ran, had fun, etc. I dropped her off at daycare and went to work. Frank went to pick her up and they said she felt warm. Well, they took her temperature and it was 102. Crazy high, i know!! When i got home, she seemed fine. We gave her some tylenol and she was a slightly whinier version of her normal self.
When she woke up this morning, she was warm but not hot. I gave her some tylenol and we laid around all morning in our jammies. When i dropped her off at daycare, she seemed fine. Well, apparently at daycare she started having some diarehha (if you are squeemish, this would be a good place to stop reading...just a warning). When i got home, Frank had warned me that she had a pretty explosive diaper not long ago. I heard him, of course, but didn't really acknowledge. She came running for me and i picked her up, like usual. Frank then got up to go to the bathroom. He wasn't up the stairs 2 minutes when i heard a grumbling coming from Mady's tummy. I of course thought she was going to have another explosive poop diaper right then, so i kinda just stopped and waited. I was still holding her at this point, mind you. Well, then it happened. She looks right at me, heaves a slight bit, and then pukes all over me!!!! O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost died right there! And it didn't just happen that one time, but 3 times!! 3!! Those of you that know me know that puke makes me puke, so i really had to brace myself. After the third episode, which was more explosive than the first, i proceeded to scream for Frank to come help me. I put Mady down, and continued waiting for him to get downstairs. Good thing neither of us was dying, or the house was on fire or anything...cuz it took him forever! And, of course, i get greeted with "Whhhhaaaaaaaaaattt!!". Seriously?! Can you look at me in that state and still ask me "what"?!
So needless to say, i had to strip down and strip Mady down and put all our clothes in the washing machine right away...then change us all and rinse Mady's mouth out and re-brush her teeth.
Wow....what a night. You can officially call me mommy now. Thank you. Goodnight.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Thirteen...

Yup, it's that time of the week again! I know, i've been slacking on posts lately...but nothing new or special is going on with us. Frank has been working during the day and then, subsequently, tired at night...and i've been working at basketball games every night and busy busy busy during the day. But, don't fret!! I'm back with my weekly list!
This weeks list is, in no particular order...

13 things i will be doing more/better/less in 2010:
13. Exercising. I will be doing this both more and better. Those of you that know me know that i like to run everyday, but i will be adding some lifting and some Wii Fit to that routine.

12. Eating better. This will be the toughest thing for me. I eat horribly! But i'm going to try to be better, and eat things that won't make me feel like a blimp.

11. Eating less. This will be tough for me as well. I love to eat, and i love snacking throughout the day. I'm going to have to choose better snacks for during the day, and i'm going to have to cut back on some of those snacks.

10. Drink more. No, not alcohol, silly. Water. This one has killed me for years now. I hate water. It has no taste. I try and try and try, with no avail, to drink it. I WILL drink more this year...i'm just not going to set a specific amount, that way i don't have this number floating over my head that i have to achieve...which i never do because i always set it too high.

9. Take time to play more. This one applies mostly to time with my daughter. We only play for a little while everyday, and i'm making it my mission in 2010 to play with her as much as i can...even if that means not doing housework (wink wink).

8. Reading to my daughter more. Yea, this one is another one of those toughies. Not because i hate reading to her, but mostly because she just likes to turn the pages and then run away with the book. Right now we usually read a book a day, but i'm going to try for more like 2 a day...we'll see how that goes.

7. Blogging more. This will benefit all of you as well as me. Sometimes i feel like my life isn't interesting some days, so i don't blog. Then, the days when i have something to say, i don't have the time. It just never works out right. But i'm going to fix that, and i'm going to be on here more. Those of you who know me know i'm not usually at a loss for words, lol.

6. Praying more. This is another one of those things i've been lacking on the past year or so. But i'm determined to teach my daughter better. I'm going to pray with her before meals, and at night before she goes to bed.

5. Teaching more. I know Mady isn't behind at all, but i want to make sure she never gets behind. And, if anything, i want her to excel and be ahead of the curve. So, my effort to help with that will be to teach her as much as i possibly can during the day, and to make it fun so she doesn't get bored because she thinks all we do is "learn".

4. Taking more "me" time. This one is purely selfish, but i figure i'm allowed at least one of those. Now, when i say this, i don't mean all the time. But i do have to allow myself at least 1 day here and there for me and only me. I'll call it my "mommy recharge" day. Who knows, maybe i'll even invite daddy along, lol.

3. Be on the computer less. I know, this is directly opposite to my blog more number, but it has to be done. Sometimes i feel like i am staring at the screen for hours, staring at the same things over and over again. It really gets to me. So i'm going to just walk away sometimes. Screw it all.

2. Cook more and cook better. This is a number i don't have to work all that hard on. I already cook a lot, and since Mady was born, i cook tons and tons better. But i have to teach her what eating right really is, and how to eat healthy while eating things that are good. She's pretty good so far, but we still have room to improve. And who couldn't use some more fresh fruits and veggies in their lives.

1. Be a better wife. Sometimes life gets in the way of marriage. Each person, doing their own thing, in their own time. We hardly ever get time to just sit and talk anymore. And there are plenty of times when one or both of us are stressed out enough from the day that all we do is snap at each other over stupid things. I think we both need to work on this one, for ourselves AND for Mady.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...