Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Thirteen...

Yup, it's that time of the week again! I know, i've been slacking on posts lately...but nothing new or special is going on with us. Frank has been working during the day and then, subsequently, tired at night...and i've been working at basketball games every night and busy busy busy during the day. But, don't fret!! I'm back with my weekly list!
This weeks list is, in no particular order...

13 things i will be doing more/better/less in 2010:
13. Exercising. I will be doing this both more and better. Those of you that know me know that i like to run everyday, but i will be adding some lifting and some Wii Fit to that routine.

12. Eating better. This will be the toughest thing for me. I eat horribly! But i'm going to try to be better, and eat things that won't make me feel like a blimp.

11. Eating less. This will be tough for me as well. I love to eat, and i love snacking throughout the day. I'm going to have to choose better snacks for during the day, and i'm going to have to cut back on some of those snacks.

10. Drink more. No, not alcohol, silly. Water. This one has killed me for years now. I hate water. It has no taste. I try and try and try, with no avail, to drink it. I WILL drink more this year...i'm just not going to set a specific amount, that way i don't have this number floating over my head that i have to achieve...which i never do because i always set it too high.

9. Take time to play more. This one applies mostly to time with my daughter. We only play for a little while everyday, and i'm making it my mission in 2010 to play with her as much as i can...even if that means not doing housework (wink wink).

8. Reading to my daughter more. Yea, this one is another one of those toughies. Not because i hate reading to her, but mostly because she just likes to turn the pages and then run away with the book. Right now we usually read a book a day, but i'm going to try for more like 2 a day...we'll see how that goes.

7. Blogging more. This will benefit all of you as well as me. Sometimes i feel like my life isn't interesting some days, so i don't blog. Then, the days when i have something to say, i don't have the time. It just never works out right. But i'm going to fix that, and i'm going to be on here more. Those of you who know me know i'm not usually at a loss for words, lol.

6. Praying more. This is another one of those things i've been lacking on the past year or so. But i'm determined to teach my daughter better. I'm going to pray with her before meals, and at night before she goes to bed.

5. Teaching more. I know Mady isn't behind at all, but i want to make sure she never gets behind. And, if anything, i want her to excel and be ahead of the curve. So, my effort to help with that will be to teach her as much as i possibly can during the day, and to make it fun so she doesn't get bored because she thinks all we do is "learn".

4. Taking more "me" time. This one is purely selfish, but i figure i'm allowed at least one of those. Now, when i say this, i don't mean all the time. But i do have to allow myself at least 1 day here and there for me and only me. I'll call it my "mommy recharge" day. Who knows, maybe i'll even invite daddy along, lol.

3. Be on the computer less. I know, this is directly opposite to my blog more number, but it has to be done. Sometimes i feel like i am staring at the screen for hours, staring at the same things over and over again. It really gets to me. So i'm going to just walk away sometimes. Screw it all.

2. Cook more and cook better. This is a number i don't have to work all that hard on. I already cook a lot, and since Mady was born, i cook tons and tons better. But i have to teach her what eating right really is, and how to eat healthy while eating things that are good. She's pretty good so far, but we still have room to improve. And who couldn't use some more fresh fruits and veggies in their lives.

1. Be a better wife. Sometimes life gets in the way of marriage. Each person, doing their own thing, in their own time. We hardly ever get time to just sit and talk anymore. And there are plenty of times when one or both of us are stressed out enough from the day that all we do is snap at each other over stupid things. I think we both need to work on this one, for ourselves AND for Mady.

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