If you get easily offended, you needent read any further.
Attention everyone. Please stop petitioning for money for Haiti. I'm so sick and tired of it already! Don't get me wrong, i feel so sad for those people. It really sucks what is happening over them. I will gladly send you 1,000,000 prayers, more if you would like! But i will not....NOT...send you money.
Where were you when we had Katrina here? Nobody wanted to help us out here. We didn't have countries flocking to us offering to help the poor people on their roofs, and the poor animals that couldn't help themselves.
And all you famous people are even worse. You probably walk past hundreds of homeless people on the streets of Hollywood everyday. Do you give them a dollar, or a sandwich, or a shower?! NO!! Not even the simplest things for the people of your OWN country. But you'll jump at the drop of the hat to do a telethon, or donate tens of thousands to people you've never even seen or probably heard of before!
Why can't we help the people in our own country before we go to the aid of everyone else. There are millions of people unemployed in the US, looking for work. There are millions of people in the US who can't afford to eat after they've fed their 3 kids what we barely consider a snack. There are millions of people in the US that can't afford health insurance, and are getting sicker and sicker by the day. Thousands are dying from the flu because they can't afford to go to the doctor.
Why will people send $10 over the phone to the Red Cross for the people of Haiti, but they won't donate a penny to them any other time, when it will help americans. Why won't people drop their spare change in the Salvation Army pots at WalMart to help the less fortune in their own towns...their neighbors! Why won't people help someone who falls down in front of them? Why won't people stop when they see a broken down car, or an accident? But they are willing to donate money to foreign countries for whatever some famous person says is a worth while cause. Angelina Jolie can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. Help someone in the US out before you go all righteous on us about the foreign babies and parents. Please!!!!!
So don't ask me to phone in $10 to help Haiti, or Somalia, or any other country that lets their people have 20 kids each, and expects us to ship them food and supplies so they can just keep on doing it. How about we snip the balls of all of your men for a decade or so. Then, maybe you'll be able to feed yourselves when we send you millions of dollars worth of supplies and seeds to plant.
And president Obama...you horrible waste of a presidential election...you poor representation of my country...you young, inexperienced senator that was only elected because of your skin color...why don't you focus on America for a while. On the health care, on the unemployment, on that trillion dollar debt we have! I think there are enough problems here in the US to last you until we are finally smart enough to elect someone that belongs in office!
I think it's not a terribly fair comparison, to say that we have unemployed people in the U.S., and wonder why we're helping Haiti first. It's triage-- people in the U.S. have food banks, unemployment, emergency rooms that are REQUIRED to treat people regardless of inability to pay, food stamps, shelters, and no one is lying under three tons of rubble.
As far as Haiti "letting" people have 20 kids and sending money to "let them keep doing it," a person's fertility is one of their God given rights, and I don't think any nation should EVER restrict someone's childbearing. Sending them food and water will help them to NOT DIE when they are in a country that has been destroyed by an earthquake. It's not going to cause a population explosion. As a matter of fact, 200K and counting in their country are DEAD, so their population has gone down significantly. In America, if an unemployed person has to feed his/her children, he can go to a food pantry, a soup kitchen, and the St Vincent DePaul society, not to mention can actually apply for another job (and unemployment, welfare and food stamps in the meantime). It happened to us (unemployment) a few years ago, and we did what we had to do, but because America is a country that exceeds all others in wealth and benefits to its citizens, it never even crossed our minds that our children would STARVE TO DEATH, which is happening right now in Haiti.
But I do agree that Obama is a sucky president.
I think a lot of people agree with you, but are just afraid to speak up because helping Haiti is the "in" thing right now. Yes, Haiti needs help, but I don't think it is our job to save them completely. There seems to be a lot of learned helplessness in that country. I donate at least 10% of my money and time each month, so I think I've earned the right to say that my money is staying in the US right now. Whenever there is a crisis overseas it is the local charities that pay the price with decreased donations to them while people send their cash overseas. I could go on and on, but suffice it to say you are not alone in your feelings...and yes, if you can't provide for your offspring, your fertility rights should be limited, and I'm not talking about the occasional surprise pregnancy.
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