Sunday, July 25, 2010

Its been a while...

It's been a while...since Frank and I went to a movie. I asked him, "When was the last time we went to a movie". No idea. I'm pretty sure it's been at least 9 months, if not more!
So, thanks to my mom and Gary, Frank and I got to go to a movie this afternoon! After we got out of church, we hung out for a bit, and then we bolted! While my mom distracted Mady, Frank and i ran out the front door. We jumped in the car and headed to Bloom. Our plan was to eat first, at Bennigan's, and then head to the afternoon matinee of Grown Ups.
Let me tell you how amazing the new theater is in Bloom. It's almost just like an Imax theater, with the wider seats that recline, and the larger leg room. And it's lit better in the aisles, and it's so much cleaner. Wow, i don't remember being this picky BEFORE i had Mady, hahaha.
The movie itself was really funny, and it had a great story behind it too. A double winner in our books.

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