Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Livin for the weekend...

So we spent the weekend camping and boating on the river. It was such a good time!

Friday night we drove down in the rain (what i thought was going to be a bad sign for the weekend to come). We rented a cabin at a cute little campsite, and it came with a dock for the boat. By the time Frank got home from work and we actually got on the road with the boat, when we got there it was time to eat dinner. I love cooking over a camp fire!

Saturday morning the guys all went golfing, so us girls and the kiddos went out on the boat and swam and floated and drove really fast, lol. After the guys got back and we had lunch, we spent the rest of the day on the boat, swinging on the rope swing, tubing, skiing, swimming...you know, just having fun. We went out after dinner too, for some night boating :)

Then Sunday, we packed up our stuff and spent the day on the boat before coming home.

All in all, it was a very fun weekend...despite the minor sunburn and the dozen bug bites, hehehe.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...