Well, i had my first actual doctors appointment today. Frank went with me since he had off today. To start with, i had to have blood taken, and apparently my veins were tiny today, cuz it hurt like heck and it took forever! They took 6 whole vials of blood, so i hope that's enough, lol. Then, they were like "We could use a urine sample", to which i was like, crap i peed before i left! So needless to say, i went into the bathroom and sat there for a few minutes until i could squeeze out some pee (sorry, TMI). Then it was time for "the room". We sat there for 30min...30min!! Then the doctor came in and we went through the typical questions (so i'm told)...does anyone in your family have this disease, does anyone in your family have that disease, do you smoke, do you drink, etc etc etc. Then, it was time...for my u/s!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw my baby today! It was, by far, the best thing i've ever seen in my whole life! Even though it only looks like a little bean right now, i saw it big and clear. And i heard the heartbeat...loud and clear. It was fast. It was amazing. I could see it as i heard it. It was the most wonderful sound i've ever heard! I started to cry, then i looked over to tell Frank that "that's our baby" and he was crying too. It really made it real. It was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me....EVER!

This is my baby...baby pa-que (yes, that's what we call our little bean for now...we're weird like that)
I will never forget this day, ever. This has been the most amazing thing to ever happen to me! I am going to be a mom!
1 comment:
Now you can relax and enjoy pregnancy!!!!
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