Saturday, February 2, 2008

Uncle Freeman..i'll always remember

Today i found out that my Great Uncle Freeman passed away. He was my mother's father's brother, if that makes any sense. He was a wonderful man, inside and out. He was one of the sweetest people i've ever come across. Evertime i looked into his eyes, i could see my Grandfather...there were so similar. I can remember so many times, coming over to my grandparents house and my uncle freeman coming over. Him and my Grandfather would sit there for a few hours and just talk, sometimes they wouldn't even say a word, you could just tell they were having the best time. They had so many war stories to share, so many life stories. My uncles wife passed away last year, and he seemed to go downhill slowly from there. After a while, he couldn't stay at his apartment anymore, he was too forgetful. He moved into a nursing home (which he didn't like at all). I truly regret not going to visit him more often..i always said "there's always tomorrow". You think i would know better by now, but i guess you never really learn. When i heard the news, i wasn't immediately struck with grief. I started to feel bad that i didn't feel bad. It took a while for it to hit me, and i'm sure it will hit me more when i go to the viewing. As bad as it seems, i feel like this is one life leaving and another life coming that bad?
On the baby front, still no morning sickness or drastic fatigue...just sore breasts and bloating. Sometimes it's hard to believe that i actually am pregnant, it's like i have to pinch myself to believe its true. I am actually looking forward to the morning sickness and fatigue and belly growth and all, it will actually make me "feel" pregnant. I know that sounds weird, trust me, i've thought about it a lot.

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