I've come to a very good conclusion this morning, i have a whole new respect for people with boobs. Let me re-itterate my morning so you all understand. After a long night of waking up to pee ever few hours, i finally got up for good. After sitting around downstairs for about an hour, i decided it was time to go for my daily run. This has never been a problem before. Well, i decided to only go about 4 miles, as to not over do it this early in my pregnancy. Well, i made it about 1 1/2 miles and my boobs were so sore i thought they were going to fall off! I have always been a runner, so i've NEVER had boobs before. I've always looked at people with boobs and thought, "man, when i get pregnant, i'm going to be so happy cuz i'll have boobs!!!" Well, i never thought about the running portion of that wish. It's not like i magically got DDs overnight or anything, but the half cup size they grew over the past week, week and a half has really made a difference! For about a mile, they just felt so sore, like they were going to bounce right off my body! I am going to have to use 2 sports bras from now on..hahah..Frank and i joked about it when i got home (he was on the porch when i got home, watching me holding my boobs). I got right in the shower and stood there in the warm water for a few minutes, which helped.
Also, i'm still a bit worried about this whole "no morning sickness" stuff yet. I mean, like i said, i have the sore boobs and the EXTREME fatigue, but i am just waiting anxiously for the morning sickness (no, i'm not going crazy, i really said that). I think that will be the final piece to this whole pregnancy puzzle. This fatigue is really doing a number on me though. After my running boob debacle this morning, i proceeded to lay down on the couch and sleep. That's all i've wanted to do for the past 3 days. It actually makes me very happy, i take it as a good baby sign. I wonder how long it will last though, as i don't think i can go on forever like this. I have also been kind of cranky..on and off though, not all the time. I'm sure Frank could do without that one, bless him.
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