Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Messy messy...

Mady is slowly transitioning herself over to adult food. She eats her own things, but then she wants to try what we have on our plates. I'm totally fine with this, but Frank is having a hard time. He thinks she should eat all of her own food and her bottle first, and then if she is still a bit hungry, she could have a bite or two of ours. He doesn't realize that it doesn't work like that. She wants to eat our food when she wants it, and her food will come later when she feels like it. She knows what she wants, who are we to tell her no to what we have...especially if it isn't bad for her. He is also crabby that when she eats our food, she uses her hands and gets messy. He freaks out!! Kids are going to get messy. They are going to get messier before they get cleaner, but he doesn't get that either. After lunch today, her hands and face were dirty, and he was sooo pissy! It's how she learns! Is this a man thing, or just my OCD hubby thing?

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